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Several times you have been caught dishonestly quote mining Dr.Wise. He rejects your secular beliefs Barbarian...Young Earth creationist Dr. Kurt Wise (PhD in paleontology) has observed that the horse series along with many others are "very good evidence for evolution."
Dr. Kurt Wise: "Creation isn't a theory. The fact that God created the universe is not a theory, it's true. However, some of the details are not specifically nailed down in Scripture. Some issues such as creation, a global flood, and a young age for the earth are determined by Scripture, so they are not theories. My understanding from Scripture is that the universe is in the order of 6,000 years old. Once that has been determined by Scripture, it is a starting point that we build theories upon. It is within those boundaries that we can construct new theories" That quote from atheist site RationalWiki.
Yes, He is speaking to me. (Apparently not to you). As you say "Just accept it as it is."
Kurt Wise says that people who are evolutionists deny the veracity of scripture: "It is my understanding, for example, that the claim of an old earth denies the veracity of the first 11 chapters of Genesis (e.g., the order of creation, the distinctness of created kinds, the absence of pre-Fall carnivory, the lack of higher animal death before the Fall, the creation of Adam and Eve, the “very good” status of the creation at the end of the Creation Week, the great longevities of the patriarchs, the global nature of the Noahic Flood, the dispersion of people away from the Tower of Babel). This in turn challenges the integrity of any concept built upon these chapters. Yet, it is my understanding that every doctrine of Christianity stands upon the foundation laid in the first few chapters of Genesis (e.g., God is truth, God is a God of mercy and love, Scripture is true, all natural and moral evil on the earth can be traced back to man’s Fall, Christ’s return is global, Heaven is a perfect place with no sin or death or corruption of any sort). Thus, an earth that is millions of years old seems to challenge all the doctrines I hold dear."https://creation.com/kurt-p-wise-geology-in-six-days.
Re your claim about horse evolution,Wise does NOT ever claim they are transitional. He does says there is fossil evidence interpreted as transitional forms which can be understood to strongly support macroevolutionary theory." As you said Barbarian...'Come to terms with the fact. And then you won't have to reword what he said. Just accept it as it is.'