I went to a mosque today.

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Apologies for missing this.

I do not deny for a moment that Islam is problematic and has problematic roots. Yet is has had better periods than it has today. And even today there are branches of Islam that are moderate- not just individuals.

The usual thing to do is to interpret holy texts in a new way, to suppress the violence. Like "and eye for an eye", which the Rabbis insisted was not meant to be taken literally.

If you had asked someone a few hundred years ago if there was hope for Christianity- he would likely had said no. It will be violent forever.

Thank you for your excellent response. I only ask you this. Is there a difference in Yeshua Ben Yoseph and Mohammed? Literally speaking?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
It's interesting that you are restricted to argumentative tactics which assume an intellectual superiority, when you are attempting to point out how archaic belief is and simultaneously defend a topic that most educated Atheists agree should be addressed.

I've pointed out that, given the chance, that there is a representative sample of "christians" on TOL who condem others for something they would do with wonton enthusiasm.
Even Individuals like Bill Maher and other secular humanists recognize the issue with Islam.
... and the same evil resident within christians/christianity.
Chris Hitch, though dead is followed by many atheists of his kind that address the obserdity of squelching realistic discussion about the global danger of Islam.
You just hate knowing christianity has an evil side too.
You claim to be rooted in higher education, but your arguments and discussion are indicative of a simple displeasure with Christianity in general that you seem to be venting towards.
You just hate knowing christianity has an evil side too.
This is important because you are doing the very thing you are claiming believers in Jesus are doing.

Your reply?
Incidentally... your CS Lewis quote doesn't offend me... it is your right to believe what you choose.
It wasn't meant to. I was simply stating what you choose to disavow.
Interesting enough... the abolition of Slavery was a portion of the Civil war and religious freedom was a portion of the reason the US was founded. This includes the right to not believe in God.

Do Islamic majority countries favor Athieism?
You haven't been on TOL long, have you? There are many here who would make atheism a crime punishable by death with no hesitation.
If you had asked someone a few hundred years ago if there was hope for Christianity- he would likely had said no. It will be violent forever.



I've pointed out that, given the chance, that there is a representative sample of "christians" on TOL who condem others for something they would do with wonton enthusiasm.
... and the same evil resident within christians/christianity.
You just hate knowing christianity has an evil side too.
You just hate knowing christianity has an evil side too.
It wasn't meant to. I was simply stating what you choose to disavow.
You haven't been on TOL long, have you? There are many here who would make atheism a crime punishable by death with no hesitation.

Silent Hunter,

You miss that I am a Christian and bare the name "evil".

You are looking for excuses to dismiss the heart of Christianity. You won't find them with me. If you care to debate any matter... I'm game.

Let's start with the bang...

What preceded it?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
well then, give me a better one
This was yours:

"a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims"

which can be refined as:

"using unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

Missing, of course, from the definition is killing someone. By your own definition, murder isn't a prerequisite for committing a terrorist act.
when i was a kid and mad at the cops for some dopey reason and i spit on their patrol car, was i committing an act of terrorism?
Probably not. Disorderly conduct perhaps.


Jesus never commanded converting by the sword.

Mohamed indeed commanded:

Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun (see V.2:105) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Silent Hunter,

You miss that I am a Christian and bare the name "evil".
Let's see if we can narrow down who you are. Do you have a cat, a dwarf clone, and a son name Scott?
You are looking for excuses to dismiss the heart of Christianity.
Dear heart, there are many testimonials. I dismiss evil whatever its form.
You won't find them with me. If you care to debate any matter... I'm game.
...and derail this thread?
Let's start with the bang...
I hear it was a big one, you?
What preceded it?
Where did "god" come from?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
i believe i started here in 04

lurked for a while before that
I've been here under a variety of aliases, don't even remember the earliest, and at least the same time frame.

Do you want to compare shoe sizes next? Number of extra toes? Ex wives? What do you need in order to make you feel superior?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I've been here under a variety of aliases, don't even remember the earliest, and at least the same time frame.

Do you want to compare shoe sizes next? Number of extra toes? Ex wives? What do you need in order to make you feel superior?

not trying to feel superior, just wondering where you got the idea that "There are many here who would make atheism a crime punishable by death with no hesitation"

maybe you're thinking of some other site :idunno:

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
not trying to feel superior, just wondering where you got the idea that "There are many here who would make atheism a crime punishable by death with no hesitation"
Perhaps you're just numb to the hate I see here every day. Most of you don't even like each other.
maybe you're thinking of some other site
Since I haunt no other site by homicidal christians, this is the one.
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