I went to a mosque today.

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Okay... nope... you're part of the blame the Christian crowd.

Show me where Jesus or Paul ever said to kill, or wage war against an enemy?

I'm very familiar with were the Israelites who were under the Old Covenant were told to do so (i.e. Jericho)

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Muslims are not going to change/convert to Christianity because Christians bombed their countries into oblivion.

Christians bombed the crap out of Japan, and killed millions of Japanese in WWII.....72 years later, there are less than 1% Christians in Japan.

With respect,


Christians did not bomb Japan.

The American government, at war with Japan, and elected by all Americans, religious or not, bombed Japan.


bombing our enemies during war is just

not sure why people get fixated on the fact that it was an atomic bomb

we killed way more of the enemy with conventional bombs

(Rom 12:20) On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
(Rom 12:20) On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."

they weren't hungry, they weren't thirsty

but we sure heaped burning coals on their heads, all right :thumb:

afterwards they were hungry and they were thirsty and we fed them and gave them drink - rebuilt their whole country :)


I get to choose the post of the day. It hard t determine who she is addressing. Is it ok doser or is it squeaky? Squeaky is full of nonsense. I will not give a POTD to a poster that supports him.

I honestly knew it couldn't be... but the irony was too much to count you out of.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I get to choose the post of the day. It hard t determine who she is addressing. Is it ok doser or is it squeaky? Squeaky is full of nonsense. I will not give a POTD to a poster that supports him.

Hey! :sozo2:

i'm full of nonsense too! :banana:


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I moved the derailment caused by meshak to the spammer's wasteland. Do not derail this thread with posts about wars. Any more derailers with be banned from this thread.

Greg Jennings

New member
There is a difference in true Christianity and organizations that claim the name.

You won't find the admonition in the NT writings for believers to torture and kill for conversions.
Anyone who did that were not following the instructions.

The Koran, on the other-hand, well......

So, are you saying that the OT is meaningless to true Christians? We both know there is violence aplenty in there

Greg Jennings

New member
With respect,


Christians did not bomb Japan.

The American government, at war with Japan, and elected by all Americans, religious or not, bombed Japan.

That may be true. But that's not how they see it. The west as a whole has been predominantly Christian for nearly 2000 years, which is far longer than Islam has been alive. Therefore, attacks by western powers on Islamic lands are seen in a religious context.

It certainly doesn't help that Britain and France bungled up the whole of West/South Asia after WWI. The memories of foreign occupation by the Christian "conquerors" remains, and gets reinforced every time we go back over

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Um... no... if you were going to make a living as a psychic... "leaning in and whispering"... keep your day job.
You should take your pinkie out of your mouth when you speak so people can understand you.
This entire thread is a derailed thread created by a troll. The skies the limit! What's a matter McFly... "Chicken"!!!???
I'm not willing to defy Sherman. Perhaps you are.
derailers with be banned from this thread.
I recommend you not push your pawns too quickly, Mr. Evil.
Funny how even Astro physics traces it all to ONE point of Origin... Isn't it?
How is that funny and what does it have to do with Islam or the excesses of past/present christian hate.
Can the finite precede the IN-Finite?
I don't know and neither do you beyond the christian need to fill gaps in our knowledge with something even more unknowable.
Silent ran for cover when they realized they could intellectually bully an ex Athiest named EE! But I was enjoying that convo too!
How typically fundamentalist christian of you. My life doesn't revolve around TOL and I have more important things to do (astronomy club meeting) than continually correcting your stupidity. Good luck convincing me you're not the loser you've presented so far.
Knowing that the Origin of ALL laid His life down in Love for us bolsters are value and drives us to Love and uplift all of humanity with simple acts of Love, Support and thankless deeds of mercy!
Jesus "suffered" for, like, what, two days, tops? That's nothing compared to the weeks, months, I've seen people with cancer suffer before death FINALLY ended their pain. Jesus, as "god" gave up nothing, gods don't(can't) die, or so I'm told.
Theologically or philosophically try me. You would be shocked and I can bind it all to the B-I-b-l-e.

I don't even need the Bible though...

What did Abraham read? God places eternity in the hearts of all men... all men simply can't accept that Love is personified in our Creator and the currency of the SOUL.
Rant much?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
You paint a picture of Christianity by searching for bad examples. You run the second Christ genuinely shines through someone and sincere love and intellect is detected.
And, while easier to find because of recent events, you seek to paint a picture of Islam by searching for bad examples.
You claim the moral high ground, but you are simply searching for food that fills your condescending stereo type of Christians...
Delete "christians", insert "muslims", then you MIGHT see your hypocrisy.
so you can condescendingly address us as the retards you think we are.
I KNOW christians are retards.
Kick up the real debate silent and let's see how far "Asking Alice" will take you.
By chasing you down rabbit trails? No thanks.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Since this thread was started by a troll I am shutting it down. If you want to debate the topic of wars please open a new thread on that subject. ;) You may want to open a separate thread on the Islam issue.
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