I went to a mosque today.

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That explains most of the problem. Atheists don't have that much self-loathing.


Neither do we. It is humility and a desire to connect in sincerity. Knowing that the Origin of ALL laid His life down in Love for us bolsters are value and drives us to Love and uplift all of humanity with simple acts of Love, Support and thankless deeds of mercy!

Theologically or philosophically try me. You would be shocked and I can bind it all to the B-I-b-l-e.

I don't even need the Bible though...

What did Abraham read? God places eternity in the hearts of all men... all men simply can't accept that Love is personified in our Creator and the currency of the SOUL.


That's strange comment. so you believe most Christians know what Jesus' love is?

Meshak... leave it to you to side with Athiests and Islamists. You are so busy peddling the Watch Tower, you miss 1,000,000 opportunities to find peace, unity and deeper understanding of Jesus Christ, our Lord, God, Savior and humble Servant KING of kings!

Long Sighhhhhhhhhjjjjjj


Meshak... leave it to you to side with Athiests and Islamists. You are so busy peddling the Watch Tower, you miss 1,000,000 opportunities to find peace, unity and deeper understanding of Jesus Christ, our Lord, God, Savior and humble Servant KING of kings!

Long Sighhhhhhhhhjjjjjj

EE, you are one of pretending Christians.

You misrepresent Jesus to the world. You are helping satan with your pretentious faith.

You dont know Jesus' love.


Don't label me with "liberal", or wet my face with tears. I have served in the IDF. I have two sons in the reserves. I was nearly killed in a terror attack (Haifa, line 16- look it up).

So yes, I am pissed off when accused of being some kind of liberal pansy.

Then stop talking like one "Son of Jacob"! Thank you for your service to Israel and your Son's service.

You know I'm a bull in a China shop. You also are looking for prejudice in this thread and concerned about redneck... right wing, conservative Christian Babble...

That is not the point of this! I support you and yours because of YOUR God... whether you believe in Him or not.

He BELIEVES in you, Chair...

And... I don't do this often... but sorry I pissed you off. I have that effect on people.

I ask your forgiveness.


You see, you cannot discern who are in Christ or not.

that's the majority of "Christians".

If only I was as Great and discerning as you...

Oh Meshak... shining example of moral perfection and wielder of the Judgment of the Almighty.

Me thanks you for blessing stupid me with your God Reflecting radiance.

# curtsy


If only I was as Great and discerning as you...

Oh Meshak... shining example of moral perfection and wielder of the Judgment of the Almighty.

Me thanks you for blessing stupid me with your God Reflecting radiance.

# curtsy

I am only exposing your pretentious and elitism chasing faith.

Jesus does not approve of elitism faith.


I am only exposing your pretentious and elitism chasing faith.

Jesus does not approve of elitism faith.

I welcome the whore, the sinner, the fallen and broaken... just like my LORD and God did. I would fist fight for a Christ claiming homosexual and die with a forgiven muderer. You really don't get it do you?!?

He healed the sick, hung out with the despised and Loved the unlovable!

He looked at the heart, while knowing the sin and not once overlooking it... HE Loved and died for all sinners. Since all humanity specializes is screwing up along the way...

That means GOD died for EVERYONE!

Oh... and God drank real wine with real sinners! He may have even laughed heartily and felt good as he made the hurting feel safe and eternally Loved by the Origin of EVERYTHING!?!

Do you KNOW HIM?


Well-known member
EE, you are one of pretending Christians.

You misrepresent Jesus to the world. You are helping satan with your pretentious faith.

You dont know Jesus' love.
I am only exposing your pretentious and elitism chasing faith.

Jesus does not approve of elitism faith.
You are trolling the thread with something that has nothing to do with this thread.

On top of that, there are times you should be united with Christians, such as speaking about Muslim concerns. You lack discernment in addition to your trolling behavior which is against TOL rules, Meshak.


I dont get political "Christians".

Jesus says His followers are not of the world, yet you majority followers are so political. That's why you endorse Christians joining the military.

Did you read the sacrifice Chair has experienced? Did you know men and women of war protect your smug butt... even as you self righteously chide in against them.

David was the bloody king after God's heart.

Do you even read the BIBLE or just read WatchTower swill?
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Of course.

But you claim to know who are saved or not.

You are not Jesus.

No... Hypocrite... that's you... welcome back to iggy!

I was enjoying a conversation with the ever awesome [MENTION=5868]chair[/MENTION] and OKD before your pointing finger butted in, along with your busy body nose!

Silent ran for cover when they realized they could intellectually bully an ex Athiest named EE! But I was enjoying that convo too!


David was the bloody king after God's heart.

David lived under the Old Covenant.

We live under the New Covenant.

(Matt 5:43-44) You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,


David lived under the Old Covenant.

We live under the New Covenant.

(Matt 5:43-44) You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Dude... ask OKD, Lon, Myself and Chair what happens if you go straight consciencious objecter across the board and disband a countries military.

Wake up!?!

Your cult lives in Lala land!
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