I went to a mosque today.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ever hear of the "no true Scotsman" fallacy?

of course

would you agree that someone who's never lived in scotland, isn't derived from scottish stock and doesn't exhibit any characteristics of being scottish probably isn't a "true scotsman"?


Well-known member

Chair... what happens if the IDF shuts down and sends word to hezbollah, Isis and the Taliban?

This comment, and similar ones, are not to the point. I do not think all of Islam is A-OK.

The comment is a bit insulting, frankly, considering that I live in Israel, and know full well what kind of neighborhood we live in. The IDF is not exactly foreign to me either. Nor is terror.


Well-known member
of course

would you agree that someone who's never lived in scotland, isn't derived from scottish stock and doesn't exhibit any characteristics of being scottish probably isn't a "true scotsman"?

On what basis do you call the terrorists of Northern Ireland "non-Christians"?


This comment, and similar ones, are not to the point. I do not think all of Islam is A-OK.

The comment is a bit insulting, frankly, considering that I live in Israel, and know full well what kind of neighborhood we live in. The IDF is not exactly foreign to me either. Nor is terror.

Did you wver read Harry Potter? The "He who must not be named" approach gets ditched in the long run. You can clearly see that the majority of us don't deny that good and evil resides in all mankind... but... an ideology that breads evil within those that gravitate to evil... deserves no defense.

- EE

Insulted? Chair... really? It was a statement of fact not abrasion! Good on you for loving your neighbor as Self... but ditch the liberal tears!
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On what basis do you call the terrorists of Northern Ireland "non-Christians"?

You speak of a minority in the face of global Islamic terror.

This is like comparing the Holocaust to a 7-11 robbery! Islam has been at it for over 1400 years and the Body count is steadily rising.

If there was a shop with "XXX" days without Islamic terror in the world. It would be at zero every day from the day Mohammad declared his demon breathed gospel of death!
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not trying to feel superior, just wondering where you got the idea that "There are many here who would make atheism a crime punishable by death with no hesitation"

maybe you're thinking of some other site :idunno:

Excellent Question OKD.

I rather like debating and discussing with Athiests.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
On what basis do you call the terrorists of Northern Ireland "non-Christians"?

never studied them in any depth, but i believe those who perpetrated terrorist acts were raised catholic and identified as catholic, but no longer participated in the catholic faith


what a tangled mess :dizzy:


at any rate, their aim was political, not religious


I've been here under a variety of aliases, don't even remember the earliest, and at least the same time frame.

Do you want to compare shoe sizes next? Number of extra toes? Ex wives? What do you need in order to make you feel superior?

Dude... I count myself lower than all. Not in a degrading way, but out of respect and sincerity. When it comes down to it... we are commanded to Love and enjoy it most of the time.

True Christians will admit they're nothing more than forgiven sinners wearing a cloak of Love.

No superiority allowed!


Well-known member
Did you wver read Harry Potter? The "He who must not be named" approach gets ditched in the long run. You can clearly see that the majority of us don't deny that good and evil resides in all mankind... but... an ideology that breads evil within those that gravitate to evil... deserves no defense.

- EE

Insulted? Chair... really? It was a statement of fact not abrasion! Good on you for loving your neighbor as Self... but ditch the liberal tears!

Don't label me with "liberal", or wet my face with tears. I have served in the IDF. I have two sons in the reserves. I was nearly killed in a terror attack (Haifa, line 16- look it up).

So yes, I am pissed off when accused of being some kind of liberal pansy.


Well-known member
Jesus commanded Love. Period. No Love... No real Christian.

Want the beheading verse from the Qu'ran?

I woudl guess it is next to the death by stoning in the "Old" Testament? or maybe in the chapter that says eye for an eye?

My point is- it is possible to reinterpret your holy texts in different ways. It has been done. Sometimes for the worse, and sometimes for the better. The fact that there are some moderate Muslims today, and that Christianity has shifted to and away from violence is evidence that I am correct.


Let's see if we can narrow down who you are. Do you have a cat, a dwarf clone, and a son name Scott?

Um... no... if you were going to make a living as a psychic... "leaning in and whispering"... keep your day job.

Dear heart, there are many testimonials. I dismiss evil whatever its form.
...and derail this thread?

This entire thread is a derailed thread created by a troll. The skies the limit! What's a matter McFly... "Chicken"!!!???

I hear it was a big one, you?

Funny how even Astro physics traces it all to ONE point of Origin... Isn't it?

Where did "god" come from?

Can the finite precede the IN-Finite?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Dude... I count myself lower than all. Not in a degrading way, but out of respect and sincerity. When it comes down to it... we are commanded to Love and enjoy it most of the time.

True Christians will admit they're nothing more than forgiven sinners wearing a cloak of Love.

No superiority allowed!
So many Scotsmen, so little time :sigh:


I woudl guess it is next to the death by stoning in the "Old" Testament? or maybe in the chapter that says eye for an eye?

My point is- it is possible to reinterpret your holy texts in different ways. It has been done. Sometimes for the worse, and sometimes for the better. The fact that there are some moderate Muslims today, and that Christianity has shifted to and away from violence is evidence that I am correct.

Moses himself was bathed in mercy.

Ex. 32:32 But now, if you will forgive their sin—but if not, please blot me out of your book that you have written.”​

All men knew they were living on MERCY and overarching forgiveness taught by sacrifice in custom. Only douchers go and condemn while being forgiven. Isn't that the overarching point of the Torah?


So many Scotsmen, so little time :sigh:

You paint a picture of Christianity by searching for bad examples. You run the second Christ genuinely shines through someone and sincere love and intellect is detected.

You claim the moral high ground, but you are simply searching for food that fills your condescending stereo type of Christians... so you can condescendingly address us as the retards you think we are.

Kick up the real debate silent and let's see how far "Asking Alice" will take you.



I woudl guess it is next to the death by stoning in the "Old" Testament? or maybe in the chapter that says eye for an eye?

My point is- it is possible to reinterpret your holy texts in different ways. It has been done. Snometimes for the worse, and sometimes for the better. The fact that there are some moderate Muslims today, and that Christianity has shifted to and away from violence is evidence that I am correct.

Christianity started under the sword. Islam started my outing people under the sword.

Orthodox is true. You can't bent intent. People that abuse Christianity are hateful.

People who abuse Islam are Loving.

Facts aren't time. There is no "fact" relativity!
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