I went to a mosque today.

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George Affleck

TOL Subscriber

You can influence people with intelligence and love, but you can't change change the heart of a religion. Islam was born out of war and it will end in war. Us 21st century folk have forgotten the empire that expanded through blood and false religion.

Good people... sometimes... bad religion. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but there sure are a lot of terrorists that are Muslims!

Absolutely true.

The problem with moderate Muslims is that they are the thick cloud in which terrorists hide while they plan the next strike.

Their strategy is to create a big enough cloud in every nation from which to stage attacks. Europe is like this now and they are trying to make North America the same. The cloud is where the hijackers of 911 hid until they were ready to act. Canada is now playing right into their hands by allowing the cloud here to increase.

Had this cloud been just a little larger in the U.S., Clinton would be president and false tolerance would gain traction.

They know our weakness is not understanding what "religious tolerance" actually looks like. Mohammedanism is not a religion, it is a political and military force with world dominance as its goal. The religion part is just the frosting intended to make it palatable. We, and moderate Muslims have bought into the idea that there is actually a reasonable religion there somewhere, but there is not as long as the terrorist element is allowed to thrive in it.

Only when moderate Muslims begin to police their own and purge the cloud by renouncing Sharia law should we take them seriously and regard them as adhering to a religion. Until then, they are aiding and abetting the enemy of freedom and are not patriots.

Greg Jennings

New member
Considering Jesus taught us to love our enemies, do you think it is reasonable to assume that those responsible for those acts were actually followers of Christ?

Most Christians would agree with you that such violence was not Christ-like.

However, calling those who commit violence in the name of Christ un-Christian seems no different to me than the many Muslims who claim that committing violence in the name of Allah against innocent people makes terrorists "not Muslim".

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The problem with moderate Muslims is that they are the thick cloud in which terrorists hide while they plan the next strike.

Only when moderate Muslims begin to police their own and purge the cloud by renouncing Sharia law should we take them seriously and regard them as adhering to a religion. Until then, they are aiding and abetting the enemy of freedom and are not patriots.



The threat of Nazism was a public threat to the whole free West. By fighting against it as a citizen of the West, a person was saving their neighbor, taking care of their neighbor. Unfortunately, the Soviets also wanted to protect themselves from it, and we collaborated with them to stop it; later, we had a cold war with them, for the same reason of protecting the free West.

Islam has its own agenda and strategy. When it is morally austere, it is not like Christian restraint, although some things may look similar. It is for the purpose of the expansion of Islam, and will be found to eventually degrade women. The fact of Moslem on Moslem violence shows there are militants or non-moderates, and it is those who are dangerous to all society, to the free West, and must be stopped.

Your comments are so political.

Why do you disregard Jesus' word of "His followers are not of the world?.


Most Christians would agree with you that such violence was not Christ-like.

However, calling those who commit violence in the name of Christ un-Christian seems no different to me than the many Muslims who claim that committing violence in the name of Allah against innocent people makes terrorists "not Muslim".

You are so right.
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