How the Gospel Refutes Calvinism, All Religions


God ordained the wicked so that we see the abstract of good and evil.

Just to clear up something

I am zealous of Calvinist doctrine, and sometimes I can get carried away a bit with it

Reformed doctrine does in fact include free will- it exists, it's simply depraved. You can do no good without God's providence having reached you.

Fundamentally, if you believe in Christ, it is because God has found something very special in you- this is the part of Calvinism that people don't want to see_


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New member
That is talking about you adding additional requirements to salvation and you're under God's condemnation for twisting the gospel using semi pelagianism and you ought to be ashamed for misleading others

Romans 4:1-4.
Faith is not a work of righteousness.


Faith is not a work- being a Calvinist requires that one believe it is about the only thing that is, by definition, not a work.

Faith is something, through no doing of your own, imputed to you as part of the elect- as I've stated, it is not because you believe in Christ that you are saved, but rather you are saved and with that you believe in Christ.

Faith is an attribute to your election.

Just as Abraham, so are you- his soul was sought after by God, and not the other way around. Abraham would have believed in Egypt's sun god, Ra, if Yahweh had not approached him.

But believe what you want to believe, I've pretty much given up on you Arminian based believers :rolleyes:


New member
Faith is not a work- being a Calvinist requires that one believe it is about the only thing that is, by definition, not a work.

Faith is something, through no doing of your own, imputed to you as part of the elect- as I've stated, it is not because you believe in Christ because you are saved, but rather you are saved because you believe in Christ.

Just as Abraham, so are you- his soul was sought after by God, and not the other way around.

So, instead of 'Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness', we have, 'God enabled Abraham to believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness'?

Wherefore did God create Abraham?


New member
Faith is not a work- being a Calvinist requires that one believe it is about the only thing that is, by definition, not a work.

Faith is something, through no doing of your own, imputed to you as part of the elect- as I've stated, it is not because you believe in Christ that you are saved, but rather you are saved and with that you believe in Christ.

Faith is an attribute to your election.

Just as Abraham, so are you- his soul was sought after by God, and not the other way around. Abraham would have believed in Egypt's sun god, Ra, if Yahweh had not approached him.

But believe what you want to believe, I've pretty much given up on you Arminian based believers :rolleyes:

Faith is morally neutral - so it is not a work - Hebrews 11.


A different Gospel might include additional requirements, yes.

Sorry - where does your assertion come from - that I'm under condemnation re semi-Pelagianism?

You didn't answer the question:
The Gospel that is preached to them now as believers - is it to be the same as the Gospel that they accepted?
You love fake free will and God willed them to believe. It was answered. If left God out and you weren't willed to believe that based on your semi pelagianism flavors. You leave a bad taste in your theology.


John Piper preaches 'Christ died for your sins' to unbelievers. In so doing, he affirms that Jesus died for all men.
So do Calvinists. See, you don't know Calvinism. Piper says he is a 7 point Calvinist. Five points are not enough for Piper so he adds two more:

"The "sixth" point, double predestination, is simply the flip side of unconditional election. Just as God chooses whom He will save without regard to any distinctives in the person (Ephesians 1:5-6;*Acts 13:48;*Revelation 17:8), so also*he decides whom He will not save*without regard to any distinctives in the individual (John 10:26;*12:37-40;*Romans 9:11-18;1 Peter 2:7-8)."*

"The "seventh" point, the best-of-all-possible worlds, means that God governs the course of history so that, in the long run, His glory will be more fully displayed and His people more fully satisfied than would have been the case in any other world. If we look only at the way things are now in the present era of this fallen world, this is not the best-of-all-possible worlds. But if we look at the whole course of history, from creation to redemption to eternity and beyond, and see the entirety of God's plan, it is the best-of-all-possible plans and leads to the best-of-all-possible eternities. And therefore this universe (and the events that happen in it from creation into eternity, taken as a whole) is the best-of-all-possible-worlds."




Romans 4:1-4.
Faith is not a work of righteousness.
It was by faith, not law keeping. You work to earn salvation through legalism. You don't let God do the choosing so you can boast about your free will superpowers. Abraham had nothing to boast about. You're not supergirl


Faith is morally neutral - so it is not a work - Hebrews 11.

So you agree :rolleyes:

I'm not going to go the cheap route and try patronizing you- I'll say instead, that we were all predestined and one should be eternally happy because of it- did God NOT choose you?

It's a powerful thing, you see.


New member
It was by faith, not law keeping. You work to earn salvation through legalism. You don't let God do the choosing so you can boast about your free will superpowers. Abraham had nothing to boast about. You're not supergirl

Faith is not a work ergo we don't earn our Salvation. Calvinists have to make faith into a work in order for their turd theology to fly. It's just a flying turd.

What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found? 2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God. 3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. 4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. 5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Rom. 4:1-5


New member
You love fake free will and God willed them to believe. It was answered. If left God out and you weren't willed to believe that based on your semi pelagianism flavors. You leave a bad taste in your theology.

I'm not following you.


New member
So do Calvinists. See, you don't know Calvinism. Piper says he is a 7 point Calvinist. Five points are not enough for Piper so he adds two more:

Preaching 'Christ died for our sins' to unbelievers affirms that Christ died for all men.

"The "sixth" point, double predestination, is simply the flip side of unconditional election. Just as God chooses whom He will save without regard to any distinctives in the person (Ephesians 1:5-6;*Acts 13:48;*Revelation 17:8), so also*he decides whom He will not save*without regard to any distinctives in the individual (John 10:26;*12:37-40;*Romans 9:11-18;1 Peter 2:7-8)."*

Nothing there that proves that.

"The "seventh" point, the best-of-all-possible worlds, means that God governs the course of history so that, in the long run, His glory will be more fully displayed and His people more fully satisfied than would have been the case in any other world. If we look only at the way things are now in the present era of this fallen world, this is not the best-of-all-possible worlds. But if we look at the whole course of history, from creation to redemption to eternity and beyond, and see the entirety of God's plan, it is the best-of-all-possible plans and leads to the best-of-all-possible eternities. And therefore this universe (and the events that happen in it from creation into eternity, taken as a whole) is the best-of-all-possible-worlds."

There's no glory if men are unable synergistically to turn to God.


New member
It was by faith, not law keeping. You work to earn salvation through legalism. You don't let God do the choosing so you can boast about your free will superpowers. Abraham had nothing to boast about. You're not supergirl

there is no boasting in faith as Romans 4 plainly says.

No, not supergirl - I'm a guy though.


New member
So you agree :rolleyes:

I'm not going to go the cheap route and try patronizing you- I'll say instead, that we were all predestined and one should be eternally happy because of it- did God NOT choose you?

It's a powerful thing, you see.

Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.

What about that statement is difficult to understand?


Preaching 'Christ died for our sins' to unbelievers affirms that Christ died for all men.

Nothing there that proves that.

There's no glory if men are unable synergistically to turn to God.
The unbelievers believed due to God making them willing. The plan was for his children to believe cause He said so even before they were born. You're really pushing God around like scrambles eggs so you can have your vown theology to suit your freedom