How the Gospel Refutes Calvinism, All Religions


The Holy Spirit convicts folks of sin ! Folks either accept the truth that are sinners and REPENT or they reject the truth and stay in their sins NOT FORGIVEN. It is NOT works based based on man but based on the OBEDIENCE to the leadership and conviction of the Holy Spirit.

If folks OBEY and do as God commands how would you consider that works based salvation ?

Jesus did the work and offers salvation BASED on GRACE YOU either accept His work by repentance, FAITH in Him, follow Him where He leads or you reject His finished work by not putting your faith in Him.

God provided salvation YOU either accept or reject His salvation !

If You was starving and Someone brought you food which you rejected and you died from starvation would it be the person that brought you the foods fault that you starved to death OR would it be YOUR fault because you would NOT eat the food brought to you ?

Jesus taught in John 3:16 that whosoever believes in Him would NOT perish but have eternal life. NOW if you consider believing is a work based salvation YOUR argument is with Jesus NOT with those that believe His teachings,
Only the "all" is convicted. Everyone of that kind of "all" will be saved.


What a joke.

His hope is in John Calvin and his Gospel is that he has been predestinated.
You don't have hope. You have new age positive thinking that makes illusions a fake fact. It's a mental disorder. When you lie, you deny the proofs of your own lies via listed posts. You're in denial of your own lies and don't see them when we see them . it's called blindness. That's why you skip over the proofs and repeat the lies. AMR did a fantastic job making LINKS avaiable of the actual lies caught red handed. You have been caught red handed and many dumb folks follow you. Blind leads the blind into the ditch.


New member
You don't have hope. You have new age positive thinking that makes illusions a fake fact. It's a mental disorder. When you lie, you deny the proofs of your own lies via listed posts. You're in denial of your own lies and don't see them when we see them . it's called blindness. That's why you skip over the proofs and repeat the lies. AMR did a fantastic job making LINKS avaiable of the actual lies caught red handed. You have been caught red handed and many dumb folks follow you. Blind leads the blind into the ditch.

Then you will have no problem refuting this:

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You don't have hope. You have new age positive thinking that makes illusions a fake fact. It's a mental disorder. When you lie, you deny the proofs of your own lies via listed posts. You're in denial of your own lies and don't see them when we see them . it's called blindness. That's why you skip over the proofs and repeat the lies. AMR did a fantastic job making LINKS avaiable of the actual lies caught red handed. You have been caught red handed and many dumb folks follow you. Blind leads the blind into the ditch.

All that AMR has proved is that he is as lost as you are.

John Calvin was a heretic, but you think that he was a prophet.

There is not one scripture in the whole Bible about anyone being predestinated, yet in your mind the Bible is full of it.

Because you have rejected the Gospel and justification by faith the devil has given you a lie to believe.


"Who gave himself a ransom for all."

There is no suggestion of all types. None at all. And we know that Paul preached 'Christ died for our sins' to unbelievers:
If I'm talking to all of you, I'm really talking to all of those in TOL. I'm not talking to the atheists or Muslims. Your denial that all has more than one meaning will be endless. Let's return to talk about those that are saved, not the goats.


All that AMR has proved is that he is as lost as you are.

John Calvin was a heretic, but you think that he was a prophet.

There is not one scripture in the whole Bible about anyone being predestinated, yet in your mind the Bible is full of it.

Because you have rejected the Gospel and justification by faith the devil has given you a lie to believe.
There are no lost bible quotes. You are refuted by God's words
You denied agian. I may have to ignore you for a while agian cause you never changed from being a liar

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There are no lost bible quotes. You are refuted by God's words
You denied agian. I may have to ignore you for a while agian cause you never changed from being a liar

Your doctrine is like your spelling. a-g-a-i-n. WRONG!

I am never refuted by God's word. Have you not noticed all of the scripture that I quote?

I probably quote more scripture than all of the Calvinist put together.



Is 1 Cor 15:3-8 the Gospel?
Jesus death being fulfilled as told in the old testament is part of the gospel but your new denominational theologies are known to change the subject and lure others into something were not discussing being stuck in semi pelagianism. It's an old trick you think others forgot about.


New member
Jesus death being fulfilled as told in the old testament is part of the gospel but your new denominational theologies are known to change the subject and lure others into something were not discussing being stuck in semi pelagianism. It's an old trick you think others forgot about.

It's a simple question. Yes or no?

Paul describes vv.3-8 as the Gospel in v.1 and 2. Do you disagree with him?


New member
Yes the gospel is the gospel but never ask me something stupid like do I disagree with the Bible I believe in

Okay - it's the Gospel.

Please would you read Galatians 1:8-9:
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

The Gospel that is preached to them now as believers - is it to be the same as the Gospel that they accepted?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You don't have hope. You have new age positive thinking that makes illusions a fake fact. It's a mental disorder. When you lie, you deny the proofs of your own lies via listed posts. You're in denial of your own lies and don't see them when we see them . it's called blindness. That's why you skip over the proofs and repeat the lies. AMR did a fantastic job making LINKS avaiable of the actual lies caught red handed. You have been caught red handed and many dumb folks follow you. Blind leads the blind into the ditch.
