How the Gospel Refutes Calvinism, All Religions


“Jesus loves the little children…
All the children of the world…
Red and yellow, black and white…
They are precious in His sight…
Jesus loves the little children of the world”
Herman: Well, that song was quite obviously written by an Arminian
Calvin: Why do you say that?
Herman: Well, the song says that Jesus loves “all” the little children of the “world”. That is what Arminians believe, that Christ died for all and loves the world in such a way that He truly desires all to believe in Christ and be saved.
Calvin: Oh, well you have just misunderstood the context of the song.
Herman: What do you mean?
Calvin: Well, the context plainly demonstrates that “all” doesn’t mean “every child without exception.”
Herman: It doesn’t?
Calvin: Of course not. Look at that one line that says, “Red and yellow, black and white”.
Herman: O.K.
Calvin: Well, it seems obvious to me that when he says “all the children of the world” he only means all the different colors of children in the world. You see, he is really concerned about racism and guarding against the false teaching that Jesus might only love red children and not any black children, etc.
Herman: Is that right? I never realized that?
Calvin: Well, most people don’t, but that is just because they pay no attention to context. That is why God gave us Reformed theologians to explain these things to us. I could give you a good book by a Calvinist where he spends about twenty pages explaining why “all the children of the world” really means “only a relatively few children from among all the various races of the world”.
Herman: Wow, it is amazing to me that I never realized that before. I think I would like to read that book. Thank God he didn’t leave us on our own to interpret songs like this one or we might come to some really bizarre conclusions. I don’t know what we would ever do without those Reformed theologians you mentioned. I think from now on I will just read from them so I don’t misunderstand something else as I am obviously easily confused.
Calvin: Absolutely. Just make sure you don’t put their writings above what the songs actually say while understanding that it is impossible to rightly understand what the songs actually say and mean without reading from them.
Herman: Uh, sure. That makes sense. I think. Are you suggesting that they might be wrong about this song after all?
Calvin: Of course not. They are right because that is what the verse plainly means when considered in context and you can be sure that the song plainly means that because the Reformed theologians say so. Got it?
Herman: Yeah, I got it. Well, I’m off to buy some of those books you recommended. Thanks for all your help. Imagine, if I had never talked to you I would have just gone right on foolishly believing that the song was saying that Jesus actually loved “all” the children of the “world”.
Calvin: No problem. That’s what I’m here for.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You teach that salvation is by works, the will of man.

"Whosoever that shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.

I teach the same thing that Paul taught. You teach what John Calvin taught.

Paul was an apostle of Jesus Christ. John Calvin was a heretic.


New member
“Jesus loves the little children…
All the children of the world…
Red and yellow, black and white…
They are precious in His sight…
Jesus loves the little children of the world”
Herman: Well, that song was quite obviously written by an Arminian
Calvin: Why do you say that?
Herman: Well, the song says that Jesus loves “all” the little children of the “world”. That is what Arminians believe, that Christ died for all and loves the world in such a way that He truly desires all to believe in Christ and be saved.
Calvin: Oh, well you have just misunderstood the context of the song.
Herman: What do you mean?
Calvin: Well, the context plainly demonstrates that “all” doesn’t mean “every child without exception.”
Herman: It doesn’t?
Calvin: Of course not. Look at that one line that says, “Red and yellow, black and white”.
Herman: O.K.
Calvin: Well, it seems obvious to me that when he says “all the children of the world” he only means all the different colors of children in the world. You see, he is really concerned about racism and guarding against the false teaching that Jesus might only love red children and not any black children, etc.
Herman: Is that right? I never realized that?
Calvin: Well, most people don’t, but that is just because they pay no attention to context. That is why God gave us Reformed theologians to explain these things to us. I could give you a good book by a Calvinist where he spends about twenty pages explaining why “all the children of the world” really means “only a relatively few children from among all the various races of the world”.
Herman: Wow, it is amazing to me that I never realized that before. I think I would like to read that book. Thank God he didn’t leave us on our own to interpret songs like this one or we might come to some really bizarre conclusions. I don’t know what we would ever do without those Reformed theologians you mentioned. I think from now on I will just read from them so I don’t misunderstand something else as I am obviously easily confused.
Calvin: Absolutely. Just make sure you don’t put their writings above what the songs actually say while understanding that it is impossible to rightly understand what the songs actually say and mean without reading from them.
Herman: Uh, sure. That makes sense. I think. Are you suggesting that they might be wrong about this song after all?
Calvin: Of course not. They are right because that is what the verse plainly means when considered in context and you can be sure that the song plainly means that because the Reformed theologians say so. Got it?
Herman: Yeah, I got it. Well, I’m off to buy some of those books you recommended. Thanks for all your help. Imagine, if I had never talked to you I would have just gone right on foolishly believing that the song was saying that Jesus actually loved “all” the children of the “world”.
Calvin: No problem. That’s what I’m here for.

It's tragic.


New member
You teach that salvation is by works, the will of man.

The Holy Spirit convicts folks of sin ! Folks either accept the truth that are sinners and REPENT or they reject the truth and stay in their sins NOT FORGIVEN. It is NOT works based based on man but based on the OBEDIENCE to the leadership and conviction of the Holy Spirit.

If folks OBEY and do as God commands how would you consider that works based salvation ?

Jesus did the work and offers salvation BASED on GRACE YOU either accept His work by repentance, FAITH in Him, follow Him where He leads or you reject His finished work by not putting your faith in Him.

God provided salvation YOU either accept or reject His salvation !

If You was starving and Someone brought you food which you rejected and you died from starvation would it be the person that brought you the foods fault that you starved to death OR would it be YOUR fault because you would NOT eat the food brought to you ?

Jesus taught in John 3:16 that whosoever believes in Him would NOT perish but have eternal life. NOW if you consider believing is a work based salvation YOUR argument is with Jesus NOT with those that believe His teachings,


Well-known member
The Holy Spirit convicts folks of sin ! Folks either accept the truth that are sinners and REPENT or they reject the truth and stay in their sins NOT FORGIVEN. It is NOT works based based on man but based on the OBEDIENCE to the leadership and conviction of the Holy Spirit.

If folks OBEY and do as God commands how would you consider that works based salvation ?

Jesus did the work and offers salvation BASED on GRACE YOU either accept His work by repentance, FAITH in Him, follow Him where He leads or you reject His finished work by not putting your faith in Him.

God provided salvation YOU either accept or reject His salvation !

If You was starving and Someone brought you food which you rejected and you died from starvation would it be the person that brought you the foods fault that you starved to death OR would it be YOUR fault because you would NOT eat the food brought to you ?

Jesus taught in John 3:16 that whosoever believes in Him would NOT perish but have eternal life. NOW if you consider believing is a work based salvation YOUR argument is with Jesus NOT with those that believe His teachings,
You teach salvation by works, by what a person does.

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Well-known member
"Whosoever that shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.

I teach the same thing that Paul taught. You teach what John Calvin taught.

Paul was an apostle of Jesus Christ. John Calvin was a heretic.
You teach salvation by works, by what a person does, which denies salvation by what Christ did.

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New member
You teach salvation by works, by what a person does, which denies salvation by what Christ did.

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I once challenged you to exegete Romans 4:1-4 and show how faith could in any way be considered a work of righteousness. You never did so.


Well-known member
I once challenged you to exegete Romans 4:1-4 and show how faith could in any way be considered a work of righteousness. You never did so.
I don't exegete for unbelievers or for people who have not exegeted the very passage they challenge others to exegete.

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New member
I don't exegete for unbelievers.

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As you rip scripture out of context it is obvious that you do not obey scripture either.

1Pe 3:15
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

Your NOT explaining what you believe because scripture does NOT support how you yank scripture out of context.


Well-known member
As you rip scripture out of context it is obvious that you do not obey scripture either.

1Pe 3:15
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

My hope in me is Christ Jesus the Hope of Glory, in the Gospel. I have several threads on it. If you are really interested then read my threads on the Gospel !


Well-known member
1 Peter 3:15

See my threads on the Gospel. A believers hope within is this Col 1:27

27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Robert Pate

Well-known member
See my threads on the Gospel. A believers hope within is this Col 1:27

27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

What a joke.

His hope is in John Calvin and his Gospel is that he has been predestinated.