How the Gospel Refutes Calvinism, All Religions


New member
Hi, I don't know much about Calvinism. I had no idea they had their own literature - not good. I do, however, follow John pipers teachings who leans towards Calvinism. I tend to see a lot of sense in predestination. God is outside of time and can see the beginning and the end of all things - each life on earth. It would make perfect sense that the Lord would know at the onset who would and would not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. He knows us from the womb. As we all have free will, some will not choose to be saved. I do not think for a minute that certain people are not given the opportunity to accept Christ. I believe all are given equal opportunity, however, God know the outcome. Some are predestined to accept Jesus. Some just never will. Am I missing it?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hi, I don't know much about Calvinism. I had no idea they had their own literature - not good. I do, however, follow John pipers teachings who leans towards Calvinism. I tend to see a lot of sense in predestination. God is outside of time and can see the beginning and the end of all things - each life on earth. It would make perfect sense that the Lord would know at the onset who would and would not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. He knows us from the womb. As we all have free will, some will not choose to be saved. I do not think for a minute that certain people are not given the opportunity to accept Christ. I believe all are given equal opportunity, however, God know the outcome. Some are predestined to accept Jesus. Some just never will. Am I missing it?

Calvinists believe that God "chose" before the foundation of the world who He would save and the rest would go into eternal damnation. The one's He chose are called "The Elect." They believe that one must first be regenerated before receiving saving faith. They do not believe in free will to choose Christ as their Savior. It is a false doctrine that you ought to stay away from. Some of them, called "Hyper-Calvinists" believe that God is responsible for ALL sin.


New member
Thank you grosnick. Terrible amount of deception interwoven into so many ministries. I really appreciate Pipers teachings. I will listen with a new ear. :)

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Any further questions about this subject?

You covered it pretty well. The worst part of Calvinism is that it makes God unjust. If God predetermined who would be saved and who would be lost that would make him unjust. The Bible teaches that God is holy, just, merciful and righteous in all that he does. His sovereignty does not override his holy nature. All that God is and all that he does, he does in perfect righteousness. This is why we can trust him.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Whether you even realize it or not, you follow a man named John Darby from the 1800's.

Now put a sock in it and stop foul mouthing the original Reformists :wave2:

Calvinist are NOT the original reformist. Martin Luther led the reformation. Not John Calvin.


Calvinist are NOT the original reformist. Martin Luther led the reformation. Not John Calvin.

You really are daft, aren't you?

John Calvin wasn't called the 'Pope of Geneva' because he simply held to the coattail of his fellow German protester. Calvin's theology is by definition called 'Reformed' doctrine.

There's a reason for these things, and it has everything to do with the fact you deny. Luther didn't 'lead' anything, he 'started' it.

Put a sock in it, please. You all are dumb for protesting Calvin while reporting to be non-Catholic.


Okay - it's the Gospel.

Please would you read Galatians 1:8-9:
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

The Gospel that is preached to them now as believers - is it to be the same as the Gospel that they accepted?
That is talking about you adding additional requirements to salvation and you're under God's condemnation for twisting the gospel using semi pelagianism and you ought to be ashamed for misleading others


Hi, I don't know much about Calvinism. I had no idea they had their own literature - not good. I do, however, follow John pipers teachings who leans towards Calvinism. I tend to see a lot of sense in predestination. God is outside of time and can see the beginning and the end of all things - each life on earth. It would make perfect sense that the Lord would know at the onset who would and would not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. He knows us from the womb. As we all have free will, some will not choose to be saved. I do not think for a minute that certain people are not given the opportunity to accept Christ. I believe all are given equal opportunity, however, God know the outcome. Some are predestined to accept Jesus. Some just never will. Am I missing it?
Arminians have thier own literature and Piper uses calvinism in all his writings. Piper is a Calvinist and you're following the right teachings. Never mind the antiCalvinist, the don't know anything. Keep up with the good reading.


Whether you even realize it or not, you follow a man named John Darby from the 1800's.

Now put a sock in it and stop foul mouthing the original Reformists :wave2:
Whats funny about liars is.... you confront them with their lies and they tell you three more....because they believe their own lies, and they think another few lies will fix everything.


New member
That is talking about you adding additional requirements to salvation and you're under God's condemnation for twisting the gospel using semi pelagianism and you ought to be ashamed for misleading others

A different Gospel might include additional requirements, yes.

Sorry - where does your assertion come from - that I'm under condemnation re semi-Pelagianism?

You didn't answer the question:
The Gospel that is preached to them now as believers - is it to be the same as the Gospel that they accepted?


New member
Arminians have thier own literature and Piper uses calvinism in all his writings. Piper is a Calvinist and you're following the right teachings. Never mind the antiCalvinist, the don't know anything. Keep up with the good reading.

John Piper preaches 'Christ died for your sins' to unbelievers. In so doing, he affirms that Jesus died for all men.


Well-known member

If God predetermined who would be saved and who would be lost that would make him unjust.

pates blasphemy of the True God, because He did predetermine who would be lost and who would be saved.