God's Truth

New member
We don't need it anymore. We have synagogues throughout Israel.

Show me from the Torah where is says the temple is not needed anymore.
After two thousand years without a Temple with all the power we have to remove the Arab abomination of desolation from the Temple mount, it is not God's will that we should rebuild our Temple. Why?

Show me from the Torah where is says, "God says we no longer need a temple."

Because twice it has been destroyed and sacrifices of animals have a hand on this. This is evidence that the Lord never embraced the idea of sacrifices which is for pagans, not Jews. (Jer. 7:22) On the other hand, I don't like to see the Arabic abomination of desolation there every time that I go to the Wailing Wall. I prefer a major Synagogue mother of all synagogues throughout the world.

I will wait for you to give me God's Word that no temple is needed.

God's Truth

New member
Isn't your Bible the NT? The Bible of Jesus was the Tanach. He never even dreamed that the NT would ever rise. Why do you use him as part of your Bible? Isn't Paul enough who by the way founded Christianity? Read Acts 11:26. And you don't put down
the Tanach! Replacement Theology is a crime against the Tanach aka the gospel of Jesus.

Don't tell me what the Bible says. Don't tell me what Jesus never dreamed of. What do your Rabbis say about Jesus? You slander the Holy Bible, so stop speaking about it all together.

Ben Masada

New member
If you want to debate Christians, then do NOT use the Bible.

Use only the book you believe in and debate that way.

Don't merely defend your beliefs by calling our book false.

I promise to do what you suggest if you too stop to speak about the man Jesus in the NT since he was a Jew and not a Christian. If you can do that, you will never hear a word from me again.

God's Truth

New member
I promise to do what you suggest if you too stop to speak about the man Jesus in the NT since he was a Jew and not a Christian. If you can do that, you will never hear a word from me again.
I will not ever stop speaking about Jesus.

Stop slandering my Holy Bible just to defend your false beliefs.

Now tell me where in the Torah does God say, "God says no temple will ever be needed."

God's Truth

New member
Ben Masada, I am waiting for you to show me the scripture from the Torah that says we will no longer ever need a temple.


New member
After two thousand years without a Temple with all the power we have to remove the Arab abomination of desolation from the Temple mount...

Why do you want to bother with the Haram al Sharif? It has nothing to do with the location of the Temple.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
GG Believers are:

1) Christ-centered.
2) Bible believing.
3) Holy Spirit sealed and indwelt.
4) True members of the Body of Christ.
5) Guaranteed eternal life.
6) Unable to lose their position in Christ.
7) Have the Righteousness of Christ.
8) Won't be judged nor receive condemnation or punishment.
9) Realize they're not under the Law.
10)They're a Child of God.



GG Believers are:

1) Christ-centered.
2) Bible believing.
3) Holy Spirit sealed and indwelt.
4) True members of the Body of Christ.
5) Guaranteed eternal life.
6) Unable to lose their position in Christ.
7) Have the Righteousness of Christ.
8) Won't be judged nor receive condemnation or punishment.
9) Realize they're not under the Law.
10)They're a Child of God.

Discuss repentance and sanctification before God (Mk 1:4, Heb. 2:11). :smokie:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Unbelievers are:

1) Unsaved.
2) Not sealed by the Holy Spirit.
3) Not indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
4) Will be judged by their works.
5) Will be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity.
6) Their sins were paid for, However, they didn't reap
the benefits of Christ's death and resurrection because
they didn't place ALL their faith in Christ alone.
7) When they die they will go to Hades (a place of torment)
until the judgment.
8) They trust in their works/deeds, water baptism, church attendance,
etc. Therefore, they are trying to work their way into Heaven.
9) They are placing their faith in their false doctrines and false