
The Tulip is a poisonous false doctrine.

Tulip secures the faithful above your reproach, and maintains the sovereignty of God.

I can see why you all would have a problem with that, being that judging and pontificating is your favorite pastime.
First and foremost, it is a set of doctrine that scourges the papacy. It paved the way to your independence from the Roman church and that's the thanks you give it :rolleyes:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Tulip secures the faithful above your reproach, and maintains the sovereignty of God.

I can see why you all would have a problem with that, being that judging and pontificating is your favorite pastime.
First and foremost, it is a set of doctrine that scourges the papacy. It paved the way to your independence from the Roman church and that's the thanks you give it :rolleyes:

I'm certain that the Holy Spirit could have spoken through the hearts of humanity without the false doctrine that Calvinism presents. You're just trading one false doctrine (Catholicism) for another (Calvinism) to my way of thinking.


New member
Unfortunately, the covenant and grace of God is considered common these days; only of value if sinners "accept" the benefits of His mercies.

Grace to them, is something that can be accepted or rejected, according to human whim and (faulty) understanding.

Too bad . . . Hebrews 10:29

Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. Gal. 5:4

They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away. Luke 8:13

Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. 5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. Rev. 2:4,5

Believers can and often do fall from grace, idiot!!


I'm certain that the Holy Spirit could have spoken through the hearts of humanity without the false doctrine that Calvinism presents. You're just trading one false doctrine (Catholicism) for another (Calvinism) to my way of thinking.

Oh yeah, go and fall back on the Spirit. Never heard that argument before :plain:

The fact of the matter is that the Spirit spoke into the hearts of men, and the result was the Reformation, not your idea of what should've been.


New member
Oh yeah, go and fall back on the Spirit. Never heard that argument before :plain:

The fact of the matter is that the Spirit spoke into the hearts of men, and the result was the Reformation, not your idea of what should've been.

Yea the Reformation of justification by faith alone not justification by winning the cosmic lottery.


Yea the Reformation of justification by faith alone not justification by winning the cosmic lottery.

You all are the one's who believe in a cosmic lottery, not Calvinists. We don't believe God plays dice, which is most certainly the case with your theology.

Calvinism is based on faith alone. 'Perseverance of the Saints' is the original OSAS, which you all stole and made a mess of.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh yeah, go and fall back on the Spirit. Never heard that argument before :plain:

The fact of the matter is that the Spirit spoke into the hearts of men, and the result was the Reformation, not your idea of what should've been.

I never cease to laugh at you. :rotfl:


TOL Subscriber
They reject the gospel. Just like you do.

Romans 5

18 Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life.

A person does not have to accept a gift. Do you really think granite wants to spend eternity with somebody he hates and badmouths on a daily basis?

It amazes me that you could so casually explain unbelief, as being simple human rejection of Christ's atoning work on the cross! By thinking dismissal is a mere choice,
demeans the cross and the suffering of the Lord. The death of Jesus Christ turned the day into blackness and shook the earth, in recognition of Who died, revealing the divine importance of the tremendous event.

Jesus did not submit to this personal humiliation, bodily pain, and torture of soul, just so His corrupted creatures would receive a CHANCE or a mere POSSIBILITY to "accept" His sacrifice, or reject Him in unrepentant unbelief or their own choosing.

No, Jesus Christ did not so die in vain, but actually redeemed His church on that day; redeeming them and rescuing them from the clutches of Satan, forgiving all their sins, and dying the very death of each one of their persons.

He left no CHANCE or POSSIBILITY that they might ever not hear the good news of the ratification of covenant He cut with His blood for them, or that their corruptions would keep them from believing in His great love for them.

That is why, before He died, He promised to send the Holy Spirit to each and every one of them, to give each a new heart with which to believe. This is why the Holy Spirit does not fail to sanctify each and every soul given to Christ by the Father to redeem. The great cross work of Jesus Christ is guaranteed effectual by Triune God. It cannot fail. It cannot be rejected. None of the elect Church will be lost to sin, nor Satan.

This is the doctrine of Irresistable Grace, that Crucible has already pointed out.

The death of death occurred in the death of Jesus Christ, and those for whom Christ died, shall never perish. Those who believe this have been saved from death and Jesus Christ is their SURETY. John 11:25-26


New member
You all are the one's who believe in a cosmic lottery, not Calvinists. We don't believe God plays dice, which is most certainly the case with your theology.

Calvinism is based on faith alone. 'Perseverance of the Saints' is the original OSAS, which you all stole and made a mess of.

Calvinism is a perversion of faith. Faith is believing in the finished work of Christ alone not that I have been predestined before the foundation of the world. Calvinists don't really believe in Jesus as is so apparent when Christ is presented as the savior of the world. You people just hate that for some reason like the Pharisees hated that the Gentiles were included in the gospel.


New member
It amazes me that you could so casually explain unbelief, as being simple human rejection of Christ's atoning work on the cross! By thinking dismissal is a mere choice,
demeans the cross and the suffering of the Lord. The death of Jesus Christ turned the day into blackness and shook the earth, in recognition of Who died, revealing the divine importance of the tremendous event.

Jesus did not submit to this personal humiliation, bodily pain, and torture of soul, just so His corrupted creatures would receive a CHANCE or a mere POSSIBILITY to "accept" His sacrifice, or reject Him in unrepentant unbelief or their own choosing.

No, Jesus Christ did not so die in vain, but actually redeemed His church on that day; redeeming them and rescuing them from the clutches of Satan, forgiving all their sins, and dying the very death of each one of their persons.

He left no CHANCE or POSSIBILITY that they might ever not hear the good news of the ratification of covenant He cut with His blood for them, or that their corruptions would keep them from believing in His great love for them.

That is why, before He died, He promised to send the Holy Spirit to each and every one of them, to give each a new heart with which to believe. This is why the Holy Spirit does not fail to sanctify each and every soul given to Christ by the Father to redeem. The great cross work of Jesus Christ is guaranteed effectual by Triune God. It cannot fail. It cannot be rejected. None of the elect Church will be lost to sin, nor Satan.

This is the doctrine of Irresistable Grace, that Crucible has already pointed out.

The death of death occurred in the death of Jesus Christ, and those for whom Christ died, shall never perish. Those who believe this have been saved from death and Jesus Christ is their SURETY. John 11:25-26

You don't believe that Jesus is the savior of the world, that he died for everyone. That his shed blood is the propitiation for all sin, believers and unbelievers alike.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You all are the one's who believe in a cosmic lottery, not Calvinists. We don't believe God plays dice, which is most certainly the case with your theology.

Calvinism is based on faith alone. 'Perseverance of the Saints' is the original OSAS, which you all stole and made a mess of.



Anyone who won’t take up their cross daily and follow him, :listen: is not worthy of him (Mt 16:24).
You don't believe that Jesus is the savior of the world, that he died for everyone. That his shed blood is the propitiation for all sin, believers and unbelievers alike.

You can't find a much stronger statement than 1 John 2:2 of how salvation is offered to all. Then you have 2 Peter 3:9 and John 3:16. It's impossible to figure how Calvin mistook God's foreknowledge for determinism, in light of these simple and clear scriptures of the Lord's motivation that none should perish. Of course, not all will take up the Lord on His offer, but this doesn't mean His offer doesn't stand, for "whosoever" will believe in Him. This is just one of many examples why following any man's doctrines, such that we wind up with the likes of some denomination, is a mistake.
Calvinism is a perversion of faith. Faith is believing in the finished work of Christ alone not that I have been predestined before the foundation of the world. Calvinists don't really believe in Jesus as is so apparent when Christ is presented as the savior of the world. You people just hate that for some reason like the Pharisees hated that the Gentiles were included in the gospel.

Without mentioning the group, there are those who believe they are the objects of favorable determinism, such that they are the winners in God's lucky lottery, and that they are, unfortunately, surrounded by, as if, some smelly rabble they believe born to rot in hell. The rabble is useful, though, for picking the lettuce they like in their Caesar salads. I've known people of this Calvinistic bent who, in fact, don't really like people, in general. They tend to also be controlling, pretentious, seeing they're God's special gifts to, otherwise, damned humanity.

Calvinism can produce what can be described as the ugly American, on steroids, only rivaled by the darkness of Hindus, who believe karma makes it alright, even proper, that some should starve in the streets. It's so very dark and ugly, and slanderous of God. I can't help but feel there was something psycho about Calvin.

God's Truth

New member
How many posters on TOL consider themselves to be "Grace Gospel Believers?" A GGB is one who believes that one must hear the Grace Gospel (Paul's Gospel) and place their faith in Christ as their Savior. They also believe that they are sealed and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, they believe the Holy Spirit baptizes (not by water) the true believer into the Body of Christ.

They also believe they cannot lose their 'position' in Christ. They believe faith is the only prerequisite to receiving God's Grace. Which is a free gift to those who place no faith in themselves or their actions, but ALL their faith in Christ who shed His blood and resurrected from the grave. They also believe we're living in the "Dispensation of Grace" that the Apostle Paul spoke of.

They also are guaranteed eternal life in the here and now and need not worry about their Spiritual destination after leaving this world. They follow the Gospel that the "Ascended Christ" gave to the Apostle Paul. Last but not least the Grace Gospel is for the Jew as well as the Gentile today and the Gospel is for everybody, not just the so-called Elect.

Grace is that I do not have to do circumcisions, adhere to a dietary law, do various external washings, and sacrifice animals just to go to the temple. I am made clean by faith that Jesus' blood washed me of my sins, and I become the temple. There is no way it means I do not have to obey Jesus' powerful beautiful life giving words.

God's Truth

New member
Without mentioning the group, there are those who believe they are the objects of favorable determinism, such that they are the winners in God's lucky lottery, and that they are, unfortunately, surrounded by, as if, some smelly rabble they believe born to rot in hell. The rabble is useful, though, for picking the lettuce they like in their Caesar salads. I've known people of this Calvinistic bent who, in fact, don't really like people, in general. They tend to also be controlling, pretentious, seeing they're God's special gifts to, otherwise, damned humanity.

Calvinism can produce what can be described as the ugly American, on steroids, only rivaled by the darkness of Hindus, who believe karma makes it alright, even proper, that some should starve in the streets. It's so very dark and ugly, and slanderous of God. I can't help but feel there was something psycho about Calvin.
What you say about Calvinism is correct; however, there is a half sibling to the Calvinists, and she is just as destructive in her own way.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Grace is that I do not have to do circumcisions, adhere to a dietary law, do various external washings, and sacrifice animals just to go to the temple. I am made clean by faith that Jesus' blood washed me of my sins, and I become the temple. There is no way it means I do not have to obey Jesus' powerful beautiful life giving words.

So you don't have to keep posting the same thing, why not just cut/paste the same thing in every one of your posts? It'll make it easier for ya. You're like the "Proverbial broken record." Nothing new comes out of you. You have an inability to learn anything from anybody. Truth bounces off you like bullets off of Superman's chest.