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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So even if all your prayers are unanswered and you're living a life that feels completely empty, unfulfilled and miserable, you simply accept it?
No. I'd say there's something wrong in that mix. But I wouldn't say that something is the absence of God. And it still sounds like you were waiting for the outside in, which isn't how it works, again. Well, we can have as gentle and long a conversation over time on those points. No need to burn or build the world in a day.

Well, if you can provide me evidence to suggest that the bible is absolute truth (without using the bible itself as a source), it might give me something to think about :)
I think that's possible, but I don't think it is the place to start the conversation. I'd rather begin with talking about the existence of God, the ramifications of it and the application of what can be reasonably understood to particular religious practice.

And you do realize you aren't actually responding to the points I made, don't you? No bother, but to be clear if I say that conversion isn't necessarily accompanied by bells and whistles and you ask about unanswered prayers (which is a peculiar notion and one I can't see a body knowing...unless by unanswered you meant not answered in a way you desired or expected) it's not actually a counter or response, as it would be had I said "Prayers of a Christian are always answered in the manner in which the petitioner expects and desires. Of course I wouldn't say that because I'd be placing my understanding and expectation over God's knowledge, which is essentially how human beings get into a great deal of their metaphysical trouble.

Look forward to an ongoing with you and again, welcome. :e4e:


New member
No. I'd say there's something wrong in that mix. But I wouldn't say that something is the absence of God. And it still sounds like you were waiting for the outside in, which isn't how it works, again. Well, we can have as gentle and long a conversation over time on those points. No need to burn or build the world in a day.:

I like long conversations :)

I think that's possible, but I don't think it is the place to start the conversation. I'd rather begin with talking about the existence of God, the ramifications of it and the application of what can be reasonably understood to particular religious practice.

At the risk of sounding like an athiest (nothing against athiests btw lol), I would need some form of evidence to believe in your God, that comes from a non-biblical source. That, or I would have to have some form of personal experience to convince me. I have had many personal experiences with paganism and witchcraft over the years that I cannot explain with science (and I can promise you, many of the more outspoken atheists would either call me an outright liar or delusional if I bothered to explain what those experiences were), and I am thoroughly convinced of my own faith. However, if you want to give it a try, you're more than welcome to get the ball rolling. :)

And you do realize you aren't actually responding to the points I made, don't you? No bother, but to be clear if I say that conversion isn't necessarily accompanied by bells and whistles and you ask about unanswered prayers (which is a peculiar notion and one I can't see a body knowing...unless by unanswered you meant not answered in a way you desired or expected) it's not actually a counter or response, as it would be had I said "Prayers of a Christian are always answered in the manner in which the petitioner expects and desires. Of course I wouldn't say that because I'd be placing my understanding and expectation over God's knowledge, which is essentially how human beings get into a great deal of their metaphysical trouble.

Sorry, when it comes to debate, I am admittedly a little inexperienced when it comes to religion. My debates mostly centered around things like Gay Marriage and Abortion. (Let's NOT start a conversation about that here, please lol.) I'll try to be more careful about addressing certain points in the future.
And when it comes to prayers... I prayed a LOT, but it only seemed as if my life was getting worse. I had a particularily horrible incident occur when I was seventeen which was, as my father would put it, 'the straw that broke the camel's back'. After that, I lost all faith in God and started looking for other alternatives. Only when I found paganism, did things start turning around for the better. Now, I'm not saying that paganism is for everyone. In fact, I KNOW it isn't. But it IS the right path for me. :)

Look forward to an ongoing with you and again, welcome. :e4e

Same with you :)


New member
Welcome! Hope you find some answers here. I am relatively new, too, and things are still a bit confusing as to how everything works here. :)

Most of the folks seem nice, but there are a few stinkers! :(
Just ignore them and stick with the genuine folks and you will be fine!


New member
Welcome! Hope you find some answers here. I am relatively new, too, and things are still a bit confusing as to how everything works here. :)

Most of the folks seem nice, but there are a few stinkers! :(
Just ignore them and stick with the genuine folks and you will be fine!

Aw, thanks for the words of encouragement! Noobs unite!! :D


TOL Subscriber
Merry meet NightAngel,

I see you are busy explaining yourself and your belief..

At least they are being more civil with you than they where with others of our belief, not sure why, might be that you are female and they are still in the notion that all Witches are females? LOL!

Hopefully they won't lump you into the same category they have others of our belief, pervert, baby killer, etc. etc.

They find it difficult to understand that Paganism is as varied as their denominations within Christianity.

You seem to have a well balanced understanding of Witch Craft and the ability to maintain your civility in conversation, I commend you! Not all within our belief can do so, good luck!

Merry part, so that we may again meet on our path of discovery!


New member
Merry meet NightAngel,

I see you are busy explaining yourself and your belief..

At least they are being more civil with you than they where with others of our belief, not sure why, might be that you are female and they are still in the notion that all Witches are females? LOL!!

Let me guess... they all think that male Witches are called Warlocks or something similar? :p

Hopefully they won't lump you into the same category they have others of our belief, pervert, baby killer, etc. etc.

Well, I'll set everyone straight on that one right now.... I can't be a pervert because I have not yet had intimate relations with anybody, and as for being a baby killer... I can barely stand the thought of ANIMALS, much less human babies, being hurt in any way shape or form.

They find it difficult to understand that Paganism is as varied as their denominations within Christianity.

Very, very true. In fact, I think Paganism may be even MORESO varied. :)

You seem to have a well balanced understanding of Witch Craft and the ability to maintain your civility in conversation, I commend you! Not all within our belief can do so, good luck!

Aw, thanks for the kind words. :) I always try to be civil because I find it gets you further than running your mouth.

Merry part, so that we may again meet on our path of discovery

Merry Part and Blessed Be! ^_^


TOL Subscriber
Let me guess... they all think that male Witches are called Warlocks or something similar? :p

I see you've heard that one before.:rotfl:

Hollywood, gotta love that place! I wonder if they ever research the meanings of words before using them or do they just like the sound of it?

Well, I'll set everyone straight on that one right now.... I can't be a pervert because I have not yet had intimate relations with anybody,

Ah yes my lady, but you have been perverted in your mind, how else could you have fallen to the evils of Witch Craft?

They all know that virginal sacrifices to the great evil one is of the highest of all magick! Saving yourself for the great master?:devil::rotfl:

and as for being a baby killer... I can barely stand the thought of ANIMALS, much less human babies, being hurt in any way shape or form.

Nay you say? What happened to the animal sacrifices and the occasional child for special evil curses?:darwinsm:

Aw, thanks for the kind words. :) I always try to be civil because I find it gets you further than running your mouth.

Kind words are met with kind words, your civility will be appreciated and return by those that are civil.

Blessed be unto thee and all of your kind!

Merry Part.

Oh yes, don't forget to park your broom stick in the special parking spaces reserved for heretics, pagans, Witches and others...parking is validated!


New member
I see you've heard that one before.:rotfl:

Hollywood, gotta love that place! I wonder if they ever research the meanings of words before using them or do they just like the sound of it?

Ah, yes, gotta love Hollywood's portrayal of Witches lol. I told a friend of mine that I was a Witch once and he was all like "You can't be a witch! You don't wear a pointy hat and where's your broomstick?!" I was just like, "you've GOT to be kidding me!!" :noway:

Ah yes my lady, but you have been perverted in your mind, how else could you have fallen to the evils of Witch Craft?

If I didn't have a perverted mind at least once in a while, I don't think I'd qualify as being human lol.

They all know that virginal sacrifices to the great evil one is of the highest of all magick! Saving yourself for the great master?:devil::rotfl:


Nay you say? What happened to the animal sacrifices and the occasional child for special evil curses?:darwinsm:

Mwahahaha!!! :crackup:

Kind words are met with kind words, your civility will be appreciated and return by those that are civil.

Blessed be unto thee and all of your kind!

Merry Part.

Oh yes, don't forget to park your broom stick in the special parking spaces reserved for heretics, pagans, Witches and others...parking is validated!

:rotfl: Thanks lightbringer. Your post made me laugh, and a good laugh is good first thing in the morning! :D


"I thought that the various branches of Christianity were formed from the Roman Catholic religion?"
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that they are the one true church. It is a very bad sign when a cult or "'ism" claims to be the one and only way to Christ. This of course, is not biblical. A true Christian will point to Christ--not himself or an organization. Christ is the head of his church not Rome (Eph 1:22; 5:23). Christ sanctifies and cleanses not a priest (1Co 6:11; Eph 5:26,27), believers are continually added to the body of Christ by God not Rome (Ac 2:27; 5:14; 11:24),
The wicked persecute the true church (Ac 8:1-3; 1Th 2:14,15). Note that believers in the Lord Jesus were murdered by Roman Catholics (See: Reformation Time Line http://vananne.com/applesofgoldbiblestudy/Reformation Time Line.PDF).

The church is an organic body of believers worldwide purchased by the blood of Christ (Ac 20:28; Eph 5:25; Heb 9:12) not indulgences.
God gets the glory not men. Men have always been saved the same way which is by faith (Ga 3:6). God asks us to "do" one thing and that is believe (Ac 16:31).

"I'm not going to get into a debate as to which form of Christianity is the true form..."
There is no reason to. The word of God is the final word (Ps 138:2). You will not find that Roman Catholics agree with that statement because they are false teachers bound by the traditions of men (Matt. 15:9). Trust in Christ alone saves.

"I say, each to their own."
That theology (universalism) may sound right (Prov 16:25) but it leads to death. Christianity is not a religion so much as it is trust in a person (Jn 14:6). All ways cannot be true because Jesus says that he is the one and only way (Jn 14:6). He is either right or he is wrong.

"If it brings happiness into your life, then all the power to you."
Sin brings happiness (or so men think) for a time (Heb 11:23-26); but it leads to death (Ro 6:23). Christians are called to warn others to forsake their sin (Eze 33:9; Da 4:27). Only God can deliver (Mt 6:13) and cleanse us (Ps 51:2) from sin. We are slaves to sin or we are slaves to Christ (Ro 6:18).
"Magic is a tool, and admittedly, any tool can be used for good or ill intentions."
Sorcery and witchcraft are forbidden (Lev. 19:26–28, 31; 20:6; Deut. 18:9–14 [laws against: Ex. 22:18; Lev. 19:31; 20:6, 27]).

"Just as the Christians have their golden rule, so do witches."
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets [Matt. 7:12].

"All right, when you meet somebody new, how are you going to treat him? You don’t know—you are not to judge—but if he is a dog or a swine, you had better know. You have to beware of phonies today. So what do you do? Make it a matter of prayer. “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” This is the principle on which you should operate. “Therefore” is the most important word in the Golden Rule. It relates the Golden Rule to that which precedes it. That is, it postulates it on prayer. It all comes together in one package. Don’t lift out the Golden Rule and say that you live by it. Understand what the Lord is talking about. Only as we “ask, seek, and knock” are we able to live in the light of the Golden Rule."
McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (4:41). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.



TOL Subscriber
Ah, yes, gotta love Hollywood's portrayal of Witches lol. I told a friend of mine that I was a Witch once and he was all like "You can't be a witch! You don't wear a pointy hat and where's your broomstick?!" I was just like, "you've GOT to be kidding me!!" :noway:

If I didn't have a perverted mind at least once in a while, I don't think I'd qualify as being human lol.


Mwahahaha!!! :crackup:

:rotfl: Thanks lightbringer. Your post made me laugh, and a good laugh is good first thing in the morning! :D

You are welcome my lady!

Beware of snake birds :)geek:), they bear false witness and gather all their knowledge of Witch Craft right from Hollywood!:chuckle: and they don't have a sense of humor!


New member
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that they are the one true church. It is a very bad sign when a cult or "'ism" claims to be the one and only way to Christ. This of course, is not biblical. A true Christian will point to Christ--not himself or an organization. Christ is the head of his church not Rome (Eph 1:22; 5:23). Christ sanctifies and cleanses not a priest (1Co 6:11; Eph 5:26,27), believers are continually added to the body of Christ by God not Rome (Ac 2:27; 5:14; 11:24),
The wicked persecute the true church (Ac 8:1-3; 1Th 2:14,15). Note that believers in the Lord Jesus were murdered by Roman Catholics (See: Reformation Time Line http://vananne.com/applesofgoldbiblestudy/Reformation Time Line.PDF).

The church is an organic body of believers worldwide purchased by the blood of Christ (Ac 20:28; Eph 5:25; Heb 9:12) not indulgences.
God gets the glory not men. Men have always been saved the same way which is by faith (Ga 3:6). God asks us to "do" one thing and that is believe (Ac 16:31).

There is no reason to. The word of God is the final word (Ps 138:2). You will not find that Roman Catholics agree with that statement because they are false teachers bound by the traditions of men (Matt. 15:9). Trust in Christ alone saves.

That theology (universalism) may sound right (Prov 16:25) but it leads to death. Christianity is not a religion so much as it is trust in a person (Jn 14:6). All ways cannot be true because Jesus says that he is the one and only way (Jn 14:6). He is either right or he is wrong.

Sin brings happiness (or so men think) for a time (Heb 11:23-26); but it leads to death (Ro 6:23). Christians are called to warn others to forsake their sin (Eze 33:9; Da 4:27). Only God can deliver (Mt 6:13) and cleanse us (Ps 51:2) from sin. We are slaves to sin or we are slaves to Christ (Ro 6:18).
Sorcery and witchcraft are forbidden (Lev. 19:26–28, 31; 20:6; Deut. 18:9–14 [laws against: Ex. 22:18; Lev. 19:31; 20:6, 27]).

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets [Matt. 7:12].

"All right, when you meet somebody new, how are you going to treat him? You don’t know—you are not to judge—but if he is a dog or a swine, you had better know. You have to beware of phonies today. So what do you do? Make it a matter of prayer. “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” This is the principle on which you should operate. “Therefore” is the most important word in the Golden Rule. It relates the Golden Rule to that which precedes it. That is, it postulates it on prayer. It all comes together in one package. Don’t lift out the Golden Rule and say that you live by it. Understand what the Lord is talking about. Only as we “ask, seek, and knock” are we able to live in the light of the Golden Rule."
McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (4:41). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

Okay, let me illustrate another reason why I no longer follow (and never WILL follow again) the word of the bible. According to Christianity is it not true that if a person who has no belief in God leads a full, happy life, never causing harm to others, giving to charity, etc, etc will go to Hell simply because he or she doesn't believe? And yet a serial killer who repents on his deathbed will be given immediate access to heaven? Forgive me if this sounds to be cold hearted and I truly don't wish to offend anyone on these boards, but here is my own personal truth... IF (and that's a strong if) there is a God, Heaven and Hell, and the above example of a perfectly decent and kind human being with no belief in God is sent to hell while a serial killer is granted access to heaven simply because he repented on his deathbed is true by the word of the bible, then I would much rather burn in hell. I find the philosophy "believe or burn' to be nothing short of unfair and horrific, to be perfectly honest, and it's not my idea of freedom.

Of course, this is merely my take on things.

And I suppose if there is a Hell, I'll be going there when I die anyway, because I'm a witch, and that's not about to change. :)


TOL Subscriber
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that they are the one true church. It is a very bad sign when a cult or "'ism" claims to be the one and only way to Christ. This of course, is not biblical.

The RCC and Christianity claim to be the one and only way, as well as a number of other beliefs, each having their own written word leading their members to salvation! ?

Christ sanctifies and cleanses not a priest

But any day of the week you can turn to the TV and see Christian Evangelicals leading their congregations the same way the RCC priests do? Some even trying to perform miracles.

God asks us to "do" one thing and that is believe

And many denominations will say "believe in our way, the only way to Christ and heaven, all others are false!" ?

Sorcery and witchcraft are forbidden

Sorcery is forbidden, Witch Craft was added much later in the history of the written Christian Bible, by men.

"All right, when you meet somebody new, how are you going to treat him? You don’t know—you are not to judge—but if he is a dog or a swine, you had better know.

And how do you know? I would treat him as I would have him treat me, until he acts in an unacceptable manner. I do not need to pray on it since each person will re-veil themselves rather quickly, all you have to do is listen.

You have to beware of phonies today. So what do you do? Make it a matter of prayer. “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.”

Problem with that is most people actually believe "do unto others before they do unto you"!

An example of that is how some are treated when they first arrive here at TOL, a lot of our TOL'ers will automatically put them into a nice little compartment dictated by the individuals profile choice of religion or the lack of....some (more than one) where actually coming to Christ when they came to TOL...can you decide which ones are here to debate their personal beliefs and those that are in search of salvation?

Did Christ turn away any one due to their outward appearance, their initial understandings or did he lead them to salvation?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
1. Well, I was kinda thinking that I would feel all the love and goodness of God and he would give me the additional strength I needed to deal with the problems I was experiencing in my life, but as I said, nothing happened. My life turned for the better after I found Paganism.
So it's all about how you feel?

2. Actually, I do know what I'm talking about. When I say an unbiased source, I mean a source OTHER than the bible itself.
So you're willing to look at all evidence except the most comprehensive source? Do you throw out all Egyptian manuscripts when trying to look at Egyptian history?

3. I keep getting asked why I became a Pagan and a Witch. I explained it already in a few posts.
Oh. So why are you a pagan? :)

4.No, I said I would apologize for offending you, but not for expressing my opinion. How do you think expressing my opinion on something is working against you? If you don't agree with my opinion, you don't agree with it. I'm not going to hold anything against you for expressing your beliefs to me. :)
I'm just wondering how you're going to offend me by doing something other than expressing an opinion. Are you planning on lying about me all over the place or something?

Here's how it works:
1. You have an opinion.
2. I don't like your opinion.
3. You will not change your opinion.

Now, I'm not likely to become offended by that process, but if I were to do so would you automatically say sorry and then continue to hold the opinion?

Or is there something else offensive about you other than your opinion?



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
And, dude, learn how to use quote tags already. They're really easy and there are two ways to do 'em. :thumb:


"[A] person who has no belief in God leads a full, happy life, never causing harm to others, giving to charity, etc, etc will go to Hell simply because he or she doesn't believe?"
You may believe such a person does no harm (Ps 19:13), but they do when they fail to believe in God (Ro 14:23). It is sin and rebellion (De 9:7; Jos 1:18). He is good and worthy of all worship.

Work-based faiths seem right to man but lead to death (Prov 16:25, Jude 1:11). It is God's universe. He makes the rules. The wicked blame God (Ge 3:12; Jer 7:10). He is on the throne and will not bow to man's way.

"And yet a serial killer who repents on his deathbed will be given immediate access to heaven?"
Some say we may be surprised when we get to heaven at who is there and who is not there:
"...Mother Teresa said at the end of her life: “Where is my faith? Even deep down … there is nothing but emptiness and darkness … If there be God—please forgive me. When I try to raise my thoughts to Heaven, there is such convicting emptiness that those very thoughts return like sharp knives and hurt my very soul … How painful is this unknown pain—I have no Faith. Repulsed, empty, no faith, no love, no zeal, … What do I labor for? If there be no God, there can be no soul. If there be no soul then, Jesus, You also are not true." (Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light. New York: Doubleday. ISBN 0385520379).

"If there be God."? Mother Teresa came from a work-based faith that did not point her to the Savior. Her faith teaches: a different Jesus, a different gospel and a different way of salvation than historical , biblical Christianity. "When I try to raise my thoughts to heaven..." is an expression of work. Work nullifies faith (Gal 3:18). "I have no faith...What do I labor for?"

We cannot say what may have happened at the last moments of each of these people's lives, but what was their plan? We know that only faith in Christ (not prayer to saints, not trust in church works) will save. "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die (Jn 11:25-26, NKJV)." "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me (Jn 14:1, ISV)."

No matter what we think we see on the outside, God knows the heart. "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart (1 Sam 16;7, ISV)."

At the end of Dahmer's life he said "I have accepted Him [Jesus] as my Lord and Savior...The Lord Jesus Christ is truly God." (Dahmer Professes Trust in Jesus).

At the end of Mother Theresa's life she wrote, "Jesus, You...are not true." Scripture teaches: "If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Ro 10:9)." full text: I just don't believe that Jeffrey Dahmer could go to heaven and Mother Theresa could go to hell. http://vananne.com/armorofthelord/

"I find the philosophy "believe or burn' to be nothing short of unfair and horrific."
God is good and worthy of all worshipRo 14:23. . Failing to worship God is sinful and rebellious (Jas 4:17). Worship is to be rendered to God alone ( Ex. 20:3; Deut. 5:7; 6:13; Matt. 4:10; Luke 4:8; Acts 10:26; 14:15; Col. 2:18; Rev. 19:10; 22:8). When you fail to worship God, you do not worship nothing, you worship something else (e.g. dirt worship [Enyart]).

Do you hear your worship? "I...I...I". Understand what God thinks by reading his word. What is his philosophy? You will see he is good (Ps 34:8).

"...[T]o be perfectly honest, and it's not my idea of freedom."
God's ways can be higher than our own but not lower (Isa 55:8). Men enslaved in sin are not free (Jn 8:34). Christ is the giver of all freedom (Jn 8:32).

"...[T]his is merely my take on things."
Human secularism.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I like long conversations :)
You're in the right place then. :D
At the risk of sounding like an athiest (nothing against athiests btw lol),
As long as you keep a lock on the liquor cabinet.
I would need some form of evidence to believe in your God,
You're still rushing ahead. We're some distance from that particular turn.
that comes from a non-biblical source.
Well, that's just silly. A little like saying, "Other than the testimony of witnesses what have you got?" :D

Of course, the simpler response (again, too early but...) would be what objective evidence would be presentable?
That, or I would have to have some form of personal experience to convince me. I have had many personal experiences with paganism and witchcraft over the years that I cannot explain with science (and I can promise you, many of the more outspoken atheists would either call me an outright liar or delusional if I bothered to explain what those experiences were),
The thing about personal experience is that it's only possible with an actual surrender of will. When you come to it you won't be looking for a miracle or signs. You won't need them. A profession of faith in God is an act of love, not the presentation of a bill or an invitation to substantiation...now I'll admit that saying this is a bit easy for me given my own introduction to the faith came with the sort of experience that you appear to have been looking for and which I actively wasn't (figures, doesn't it?) but I think it's still true.
and I am thoroughly convinced of my own faith.
Then you have come to an understanding of belief even even if I believe you to have misapprehended its foundation.
However, if you want to give it a try, you're more than welcome to get the ball rolling. :) Sorry, when it comes to debate, I am admittedly a little inexperienced when it comes to religion.
I don't tend to debate religion, either within or without the faithful, which causes suspicions in some corners...don't ask. But I will, do and have defended it from unreasoning attack and I'm always up for discussion. Conversion is God's business and it would be an act of vanity on my part to presume a hand in it.
My debates mostly centered around things like Gay Marriage and Abortion. (Let's NOT start a conversation about that here, please lol.)
Popular topics, to be sure.
I'll try to be more careful about addressing certain points in the future.
Not certain how you mean it, but care is always a fine enough idea.
And when it comes to prayers... I prayed a LOT, but it only seemed as if my life was getting worse. I had a particularily horrible incident occur when I was seventeen which was, as my father would put it, 'the straw that broke the camel's back'. After that, I lost all faith in God and started looking for other alternatives.
I was an Atheist for decades, had my own brush with the tragic, watched someone I greatly esteemed pray and suffer and thought for all it mattered she might have spent the time scrubbing her floor instead...she seemed like a modern Job to me. And like Job, she remained faithful. A few years later she was, very much like Job, returned to her estate in greater abundance...of course I counted it as a turn of fate then and now I recognize that her real abundance was evidenced in the steadfastness of her faith throughout. Again, we're a good walk from that destination, but a foreshadowing then seems appropriate.
Only when I found paganism, did things start turning around for the better.
The how and why of that will be an interesting portion of our talk, I suspect...once the dust settles and you have less demand on your attention.
Now, I'm not saying that paganism is for everyone. In fact, I KNOW it isn't. But it IS the right path for me. :)
Then you haven't a worry in the world and our conversation will be a pleasant enough chance to sustain and enrich your faith and to add clarity of understanding where mine is concerned.
Same with you :)
Was that a to each his own sentiment or are you prosthelytizing, you sly devil...:chuckle:


New member
I woke up with a bad head cold this morning and my head feels like it's the size of a pumpkin, so bear with me today, please. >.<

So it's all about how you feel?
If you haven't lived my life, you can never understand. Of course, if you want me to, I'll write out my life story here, but I must warn you that its contents may be considered by some to be disturbing. No joke.

So you're willing to look at all evidence except the most comprehensive source? Do you throw out all Egyptian manuscripts when trying to look at Egyptian history?

Sorry, argument doesn't hold up. The Bible was rewritten who-knows how many times over the centuries. The Egyptian History is written down on papyrus, of which there was a limited supply, or CARVED into stone. They weren't rewriting their own history.

Oh. So why are you a pagan? :)

Because it's what I am. Why are you Christian?

I'm just wondering how you're going to offend me by doing something other than expressing an opinion. Are you planning on lying about me all over the place or something?

Here's how it works:
1. You have an opinion.
2. I don't like your opinion.
3. You will not change your opinion.

Now, I'm not likely to become offended by that process, but if I were to do so would you automatically say sorry and then continue to hold the opinion?

Or is there something else offensive about you other than your opinion?


So If I walked up to you and said "In my opinion, you are a BLEEPITY BLEEP BLEEP" you would not be offended?
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