Of course you do and you've shown it consistently as you do with your next ironically. You consider that people who end up in hell have "chosen" to end up there so what's that if not a judgement exactly? You've judged people's behaviour/beliefs or else what? Nobody said you had the right or power to consign people to your notion of hell in order to point out the above.
Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made,
so that they are without excuse.
I do not believe anyone will end up in hell who doesnt know why they ended up there and that think they dont belong there. I truly believe God works enough into each life, that at some point they know the truth and either receive it or reject it, so there is no excuse.
You say you're not capable of passing judgement and yet you reduce all non believing people to this caricature?
Almost unreal.
Reduce all non believing people to rejecting God when they die, yes, He said it, not me and i believe Him, its not my judgment. He knows when He has worked in the lives of non believers and when the light goes on and they either walk in it or shut it off and say they dont want Him.
Hes done enough in my life and has proven His way to me to such an extent that i can believe what He says.
I pray you receive Him, you dont know what day your life will end and you don't have another chance. The day my son died, that morning he announced to the world on his facebook, that it was going to be a wonderful day.