ahh its all the black fault ..... that makes sense now.
By the way what is the murder rate in Canada compared the the US?
oh yeah just in case you forget to check its 1.4 per 100,000 rather than 3.8 in the US
Maybe this gun control thing works?
Yeah thanks for the transparent racist accusation.
The reason we have lower murder rates in Canada isn't gun control.
We have no "gun control". We just don't have a gun industry.
All guns have to be imported legally or illegally from the USA. Since we are a small and unprofitable market
(it costs massive tarriffs, fees, and customs charges for Canadians to import anything,
and items made of steel weigh a lot and aren't feasable to ship without dire need).
There are plenty of violent offenders here.
The facts are incredibly ugly and you will think they are "racist" because they are just facts.
The majority of offenders incarcerated in Toronto jails (e.g. The Toronto East Detention Centre,
or Etobicoke Detention Center West) in 1990s were Jamaicans .
That was a 60-80% majority which varied.
Canadian authorities responded by shipping Jamaicans back to Jamaica
on an 'amnesty' plan to prevent the overloading of Canadian prisons, and cut court costs.
Jamaicans willingly signed deportation consents to escape incarceration.
Then they would come back to Canada under another name and commit the same
violent crimes (rape, robbery, pimping, drug dealing) again the next summer,
and sign a Deportation order again a year later.
However, now, for some mysterious reason,
the majority of inmates in Canada is shifting from 'domestics' (due to Feminazi pressure),
to Muslims. Even Indigenous Native prison populations are dwindling (previously 40-50%),
in comparison to Muslims arrested for violent crimes.
We have the same police we had before, with the same 'racist' bias.
They didn't suddenly switch from profiling Jamaicans to profiling wife-beaters
to profiling Muslims.
In fact, Muslims are not profiled at all here, but instead cops still profile blacks.
So it must be that Muslims are committing a hugely disproportionate number of crimes,
in comparison to blacks.
Your charge of 'racism' is based on complete ignorance of what is going on here on the ground.
The answer to the mystery of drifting populations in Canadian prisons is simple:
Homosexual lawyers have taken over the government, and have opened the floodgates
to Muslim immigration. While doing this, they are covering up the crime wave
hitting major urban centers in Canada by Muslims.
Is that racism? No. Thats Liberal policies being implemented regardless of
what is really going on here.