Gun Control - a Liberal/Socialist Fantasy Solution


Ah, the mythical never-happens solution that gun nuts are convinced would work out. Because clearly someone would have brought their weapons to the holiday party. Like you do.

A lot of incidences simply do not happen due to the fact that people know others are armed. Guns serve as a preventative.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ah, the mythical never-happens solution that gun nuts are convinced would work out. Because clearly someone would have brought their weapons to the holiday party. Like you do.

rex, there's plenty of people on this site who carry concealed all the time

well, maybe not in the shower

but I don't imagine many of them host holiday parties in their shower


The 2nd Amendment refers specifically to militias that are regulated by the states and/or federal government.

The 2nd Amendment dictates that the government can't make laws infringing upon gun ownership.

This is why you anti-gun folk fail.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
A lot of incidences simply do not happen due to the fact that people know others are armed. Guns serve as a preventative.

Is that why the US has much higher homicide rates than similar countries with high levels of gun control?


Is that why the US has much higher homicide rates than similar countries with high levels of gun control?

It's why John Q is getting murdered in an alleyway in Britain and John Q with a gun over here isn't.

We don't make martyrs of disarmed people to uphold a false sense of virtue.

It's typical for pompous Europe to prematurely celebrate their gun control and throw it on other people. Lets see how it plays out over the next 50 years first before dictating that, unlike virtually every other time in history, it doesn't result in tyranny or trouble.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Is that why the US has much higher homicide rates than similar countries with high levels of gun control?

manc - the vast majority of homicides committed with guns, especially handguns, is drug and gang related and primarily black-on-black

and nobody cares about black people killing other black people


Half of all deaths by guns are suicides. Another factor to throw in there- and America has no significant amount of more suicides than the gun-less UK.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Of course the first thing following the California attack
has been a Liberal/Socialist whine about gun control,
all the way up to the idiot-president.

However, here are the facts:

(1) California has the toughest gun control laws in the USA.

(2) The weapons used (AR-15s) were acquired and possessed illegally.

(3) The response of 300 armed men ended it in 4 minutes,
with wounded evacuated in less than 20 minutes.

(4) The two 9mm pistols legally owned by the shooters were apparently not used.

(5) Along with illegal AR-15s, the shooters had a garage full of explosives.

(6) Gun control would not have disarmed the shooters or prevented the attack.

Just a bit of FYI for you Naz, California's gun laws while oppressive to the law abiding are not the toughest but, one of the toughest. Next thing would be the ownership of AR-15's which are legal as long as they do not have a clip larger than 10 rounds and a bullet button, a device that requires a tool to drop the magazine rather than the normal push button magazine release. This feature is really stupid because the only ones that adhere to the bullet button are the law abiding, and it is easily converted to a push button for the criminal or terrorist. I am quite sure that the terrorists did not have their AR's equipped with bullet buttons, why would they? if your going to commit a mass murder why would you worry about the button law? You are correct that gun control would not have disarmed the terrorists but, a citizen with a concealed weapon (the crime data which liberals willfully ignore) may have been able to save a few, we will never know.


Just a bit of FYI for you Naz, California's gun laws while oppressive to the law abiding are not the toughest but, one of the toughest. Next thing would be the ownership of AR-15's which are legal as long as they do not have a clip larger than 10 rounds and a bullet button, a device that requires a tool to drop the magazine rather than the normal push button magazine release. This feature is really stupid because the only ones that adhere to the bullet button are the law abiding, and it is easily converted to a push button for the criminal or terrorist. I am quite sure that the terrorists did not have their AR's equipped with bullet buttons, why would they? if your going to commit a mass murder why would you worry about the button law? You are correct that gun control would not have disarmed the terrorists but, a citizen with a concealed weapon (the crime data which liberals willfully ignore) may have been able to save a few, we will never know.

California is the wild west for gangs. Not just street gangs, but MC gangs, race specific gangs, traffickers.. they have the largest prison system in the country for a reason.

And there's a lot of land and road, with a lacking force to deal with it. That is why California has stricter laws for guns.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Half of all deaths by guns are suicides. Another factor to throw in there- and America has no significant amount of more suicides than the gun-less UK.

OK a few points,

1) I'm talking gun homicides not gun deaths.

2) UK approx 50 gun homicides per year USA closer to 8000 per year

3) Total gun deaths is closer to 100 vrs 25,000

4) Sucide rates are vastly different with american 12.1 per 100.000, the UK 6.2 per 100,000.

So your wrong on relevance, premise and facts. care to try again?