Gun Control - a Liberal/Socialist Fantasy Solution


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Wayne LaPierre speaks truth to power

It is an inconvenient truth that there is existing gun laws on the books that the Obama administration refuses to enforce because it takes away from the goal of disarming America. He would rather see the bloodshed, and beat down law abiding citizens & the NRA than to enforce the law sadly. Great ad![/QUOTE]


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
California is the wild west for gangs. Not just street gangs, but MC gangs, race specific gangs, traffickers.. they have the largest prison system in the country for a reason.

And there's a lot of land and road, with a lacking force to deal with it. That is why California has stricter laws for guns.

Another reason for Conceal Carry & training for law abiding citizens

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
It's why John Q is getting murdered in an alleyway in Britain and John Q with a gun over here isn't.

You do know your about 4 times more likely to be murdered in the UK as the US?

UK murder rate 1.0 in 100,000 us 3.8 in 100,000

We don't make martyrs of disarmed people to uphold a false sense of virtue.

We don't either were much safer

It's typical for pompous Europe to prematurely celebrate their gun control and throw it on other people. Lets see how it plays out over the next 50 years first before dictating that, unlike virtually every other time in history, it doesn't result in tyranny or trouble.

Are you aware that gun control in Europe has had a long history, its never been highly armed culture like that states?

We've been going for a long time and were pretty much as free as you guys, were actually less scared of out government that Americans are in general.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
At least you an honest horrible little racist scrote



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You do know your about 4 times more likely to be murdered in the UK as the US?

Uk murder rate 1.0 in 100,000 us 3.8 in 100,000

I think you got that backwards and where you live has more to do with being a victim. If you live in Chicago your chances are higher than rural America.

We don't either were much safer

Cmon Manc, your just likely to die from a terrorist attack as we are.

Are you aware that gun control in Europe has had a long history, its never been highly armed culture like that states?

So, you prefer your murders to be committed with blunt objects, knives, & poison as to a gun?

We've been going for a long time and were pretty much as free as you guys, were actually less scared of out government that Americans are in general.

Why do you care what goes on across the pond from you anyway? We don't feel the need to inquire for your advise so, why are you so dead set on giving it? We don't want to be like the UK, or Europe, nor do we want your socialism...keep it to yourself.


New member
You do know your about 4 times more likely to be murdered in the UK as the US?

UK murder rate 1.0 in 100,000 us 3.8 in 100,000

We don't either were much safer

Are you aware that gun control in Europe has had a long history, its never been highly armed culture like that states?

We've been going for a long time and were pretty much as free as you guys, were actually less scared of out government that Americans are in general.

We don't really care.

You are nonreproducing and immigrating yourself out of existence, which is sad, but if you don't care, why should we?


Well-known member
So now the gun violence as CDC disease approach comes back. Actually, I didn't know as much progress had been made to defund research on it. They'll take any explanation except Biblical reality.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Another reason for Conceal Carry & training for law abiding citizens

The way I see it we are headed in one of two directions: Either national gun control legislation will be passed or pretty much anybody will be walking around with guns holstered, Old West-style.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
National gun control legislation is immoral and illegal.

National gun control legislation may be illegal under the Constitution as it is currently interpreted, but the Constitution can be amended. Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens proposes adding five words to the Second Amendment, so that it would read as follows:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms when serving in the Militia shall not be infringed.”​

The blue words in italics are the words he would add.

Link to source:


New member
Apparently there was a knife-attack in London, thought to be a terrorist attack. Anyone care to speculate why the attacker didn't use a gun given that "criminals don't care about the law" and "they'll just get guns illegally anyway"?

Three people were hurt, one seriously. The attacker was subdued with a taser.

Sure, I'll speculate.

Illegal Gun possession is based on supply and defeating policing of regulations, and race.

But in Canada its (opposite-)race based.

For instance, in Scarborough (Toronto-East GTA) any black man can get a handgun.
They get supplied by friends in the USA.

But local white folk (working class Irish mostly) haven't the talent or connections
to get hold of handguns. The best they can do is buy a pellet-gun at Canadian Tire (Like Home Depot for poor Canadians).

Ammo? forget it.

In Canada our glorious overlords feel too afraid to let Canadians have guns generally.
In fact, its a crime (=felony US) to possess pepper spray (=concealed weapon) or
use it (administer a noxious substance) against a human being.

You 'can' have pepper spray (below a certain concentration) for defence against bears
in rural areas (outside cities like Toronto) or for defence against dogs only.

If you are caught in urban areas you will be charged with concealed restricted weapon,
and if you use pepper spray in self-defence you will be charged with assault and etc.

For 30 years our 'self-defence' rules in the Criminal Code were confusing and self-contradictory,
and impossible to interpret by judges (on purpose to maximize convictions).
They fixed that recently but its not anything like the USA.

So basically if you are black you have easy access to handguns (most blacks in Canada
are immigrants from the USA from the 'underground railroad' days and recent decades).

If you are 'white' you have no access to handguns at all, unless you can get to
the US border and get one across. through Canadian Customs.

I believe there is only one rifle manufacturer in Canada, in Alberta,
and they only make sniper rifles for the military and export.

IN U.K. I suspect that like Canada, guns are as hard to get and rare for whites
as would be a Jamaican passport.


New member
IN U.K. I suspect that like Canada, guns are as hard to get and rare for whites
as would be a Jamaican passport.

It's worth noting that the suspect in the attack in the UK didn't appear to be white.

But, then, would you agree that the UK seems to have effectively controlled firearms in a way that actually may have saved some lives?


New member
It's worth noting that the suspect in the attack in the UK didn't appear to be white.

But, then, would you agree that the UK seems to have effectively controlled firearms in a way that actually may have saved some lives?

It could be, but, criminals have weapons! Terrorists have weapons! Only sheep don't have weapons....