God and Evil


"IF god were real, why would he spend so much time in white America answering the minutia of prayer he receives while leaving so many millions to starve to death or watch their children starve?"

This is a quote from MrDeets blogpost which seems to me to be the essence of a long unanswered difficulty he struggled with. This is a reasonable question and a real issue for many and can be used effectively by Satan if left unanswered.

I encourage all serious, biblical/theological input.

God answers all sincere prayers, it's either, yes, no or wait. Because the truth is, most selfish prayers are not answered in the way the praying person wishes. Effective prayer is essentially a process of exchanging our will for Gods will. God is not Santa Claus anywhere in the world.

All men and women of the earth are children of God, as such we are expected to work out our many difficulties as one human family.

Satan is Gone, he is not now, nor was he ever, no could he ever be "God of this world". That was his first great lie/delusion.

Have NO faith in the power of Satan!

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Summary to date:

Summary to date:

So, after nearly 150 posts, what do we have of value so far in reply to this question: "IF god were real, why would he spend so much time in white America answering the minutia of prayer he receives while leaving so many millions to starve to death or watch their children starve?" by MrDeets?
Quite a bit really.

1. Discriminatory judgements from ignorance cannot be compared to God's perfect discernment regarding skin colour or prayer importance. It is He alone who looks on the heart. Jer 17:10KJV

2. What is considered suffering in this world is a blink of an eye in comparison to eternity after death. Rom 8:18KJV 1Cor 2:9KJV
patrick jane, glorydaz

3. What logic compels a person to conclude there is no God because some do not worship Him properly? God knows this already. Mat 23:27KJV Ps 51:6KJV
fishrovmen, George Affleck

4. Affliction and hardship is the natural outworking of a broken world and verification that sin is dynamic, real and has permeated every facet of creation. Rom 8:22KJV
6days, George Affleck

5. How much evil/suffering or prayers of "minutia" would need to be eliminated for this question to never be asked? If evil/suffering were completely eliminated and all was good, who would seek God? A faith unable to be tried is no faith at all. 2Ch 33:12KJV Ps 50:15KJV
fishrovmen, George Affleck, fzappa13

6. Although we can learn much, the full answer to why evil/suffering is in the world is wrapped up in the infinite wisdom of God and cannot be fully comprehended or appreciated. It is sufficient to say that God wills righteously what men do wickedly. Is 55:9KJV
MrDeets, PureX, fishrovmen, AMR

7. Although He does not have to, God takes full responsibility for vanquishing evil and comforting suffering in His perfect timing. Matt 25:41KJV Matt 5:4KJV Rev 21:4KJV
George Affleck, AMR

8. Our present "knowledge of good and evil" and the difference between them is what we would expect if the Genesis account is true. Because God is good we are given a standard by which evil can be recognized and condemned. 1 Cor 14:33KJV

9. A knowledge of the languages God chose for revelation reveals that "good" (tov) carries the meaning of functionally created which has a latent potential for interference, if God allows, labelled "evil" (ra'a). These concepts are not individually subjective or personally determined in our modern sense and we are not entitled to criticism by reason of our created existence.

10. Suffering via evil is an invitation to believers to participate in God's work. It is a proving ground for believers and haters of evil. Jas 2:20KJV
Eric h, George Affleck, 6days

11. Automation provides no option. One cannot truly and freely choose to love God without an option. God desires fellowship with His created beings and has repaired the problem that prevented it by grace through faith. Mat 23:37KJV 1 John 4:10KJV
Jamie Gigliotti

And there is much more...

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber

God has done all He is ever going to do to vanquish evil, He did it 2,000 years ago. It was for the church to announce it to every creature.

But the church changed it to God will one day vanquish evil.

There is only one enemy that remains and that is death....and death [for us ] has lost it's sting......this revelation of course will be persecuted......we have been promised that.

The reason why the church changed the message to pie in the sky was because they had lost the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit, The Holy Ghost no longer worked with them as He did in Acts....because they had [by 100 ad] turned to worshipping the eucharist, clericalism, sacramental salvation etc.

Whereas the first disciples turned the world upside down, the "Catholic" church ground to a snail's pace.

patrick jane


God has done all He is ever going to do to vanquish evil, He did it 2,000 years ago. It was for the church to announce it to every creature.

But the church changed it to God will one day vanquish evil.

There is only one enemy that remains and that is death....and death [for us ] has lost it's sting......this revelation of course will be persecuted......we have been promised that.

Yes Tots,

1 Corinthians 15:51-52 KJV - 1 Corinthians 15:53 KJV -

1 Corinthians 15:54 KJV - 1 Corinthians 15:55 KJV -

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber

God has done all He is ever going to do to vanquish evil, He did it 2,000 years ago. It was for the church to announce it to every creature.

But the church changed it to God will one day vanquish evil.

There is only one enemy that remains and that is death....and death [for us ] has lost it's sting......this revelation of course will be persecuted......we have been promised that.


Agree entirely in the judicial and redemptive sense - it is finished and dealt with. John 19:30KJV

However, in a practical sense, for our benefit, and because we still sinners whether saved or unsaved, evil and suffering are still with us in this world until the new heavens and new earth. It is now for us to resist evil Rom 12:21KJV and alleviate suffering Prov 19:17KJV

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber

Agree entirely in the judicial and redemptive sense - it is finished and dealt with. John 19:30KJV

However, in a practical sense, for our benefit, and because we still sinners whether saved or unsaved, evil and suffering are still with us in this world until the new heavens and new earth. It is now for us to resist evil Rom 12:21KJV and alleviate suffering Prov 19:17KJV

It is what people perceive as evil, evil to be accepted as common to all men and evil which has come upon mankind as a direct result of sin and therefore to be resisted with the same vigour that sin itself is to be resisted.

Understanding that some evils came as a curse upon mankind and then understanding that Christ bore the curse along with the sin.

Sickness and poverty are a curse upon mankind. India could have been saved before now.


Ok interesting point i just think if God created the world and Mankind he would of eradicated all evil at conception, or is our perception of what God intended incorrect... maybe he wants to have all the conflict and suffering and then see how we deal with it , either way i cant help thinking its a bit perverse of him and a bit hypocritical.
My feeling is that if God disallowed the fact of evil in ourselves and in the world, humanity would not be alive in any rational sense.


Interesting ,

Can you please explain how you came to that conclusion or where it is clearly documented , as i would say Mankind is made in gods image is a very common misconception if you are correct.
In my opinion, we can't stop from living with God and seeing our own image in everything we come up with.

There are 10 Commandments, 10 Rules of Being a Good Boss, 10 Things to Remember Before You Get Marriage--ALL BECAUSE WE HAVE TEN FINGERS & TOES.

Three is another number that often surfaces in religious writings and other sources that men interpret. The Doctrine of the Trinity is a good example from Christian theology. So are the three measures of flour added to so many biblical recipes.


When we recognize evil or bad behavior in others, it is because we first recognize it in ourselves.

There is no way a human being can be properly socialized without noticing that he or she has a lot of personal experience with bad behavior.

It is only when we point the finger at and judge others that we connect with the clues that reveal our own sins.

And Jesus taught us to do this by his admonition to pay attention to the logs in our own eyes FIRST before we point a finger at others.


Well-known member
In my opinion, we can't stop from living with God and seeing our own image in everything we come up with.

There are 10 Commandments, 10 Rules of Being a Good Boss, 10 Things to Remember Before You Get Marriage--ALL BECAUSE WE HAVE TEN FINGERS & TOES.

Three is another number that often surfaces in religious writings and other sources that men interpret. The Doctrine of the Trinity is a good example from Christian theology. So are the three measures of flour added to so many biblical recipes.

Psssst ...that's 20.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
This numerology thing could catch on.

We have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs.
That makes 10 digits.

1,000,000,000 also has 10 digits, but no fingers.

What does it all mean?


Literal lunatic
Three is another number that often surfaces in religious writings and other sources that men interpret. The Doctrine of the Trinity is a good example from Christian theology. So are the three measures of flour added to so many biblical recipes.

Epistle of Barnabas


The sacrifice of a heifer

1 But what do you think that it typifies, that the commandment has been given to Israel that the men in whom sin is complete offer a heifer and slay it and burn it, and that boys then take the ashes and put them into vessels and bind scarlet wool on sticks (see again the type of the Cross and the scarlet wool) and hyssop, and that the boys all sprinkle the people thus one by one in order that they all be purified from their sins?

2 Observe how plainly he speaks to you. The calf is Jesus; the sinful men offering it are those who brought him to be slain. Then there are no longer men, no longer the glory of sinners.

3 The boys who sprinkle are they who preached to us the forgiveness of sins, and the purification of the heart, to whom he gave the power of the Gospel to preach, and there are twelve as a testimony to the tribes, because there are twelve tribes of Israel.

4 But why are there three boys who sprinkle? As a testimony to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, for these are great before God.

5 And why was the wool put on the wood? Because the kingdom of Jesus is on the wood, and because those who hope on him shall live for ever.

6 But why are the wool and the hyssop together? Because in his kingdom there shall be evil and foul days, in which we shall be saved, for he also who has pain in his flesh is cured by the foulness of the hyssop.

7 And for this reason the things which were thus done are plain to us, but obscure to them, because they did not hear the Lord's voice.

patrick jane

Epistle of Barnabas


The sacrifice of a heifer

1 But what do you think that it typifies, that the commandment has been given to Israel that the men in whom sin is complete offer a heifer and slay it and burn it, and that boys then take the ashes and put them into vessels and bind scarlet wool on sticks (see again the type of the Cross and the scarlet wool) and hyssop, and that the boys all sprinkle the people thus one by one in order that they all be purified from their sins?

2 Observe how plainly he speaks to you. The calf is Jesus; the sinful men offering it are those who brought him to be slain. Then there are no longer men, no longer the glory of sinners.

3 The boys who sprinkle are they who preached to us the forgiveness of sins, and the purification of the heart, to whom he gave the power of the Gospel to preach, and there are twelve as a testimony to the tribes, because there are twelve tribes of Israel.

4 But why are there three boys who sprinkle? As a testimony to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, for these are great before God.

5 And why was the wool put on the wood? Because the kingdom of Jesus is on the wood, and because those who hope on him shall live for ever.

6 But why are the wool and the hyssop together? Because in his kingdom there shall be evil and foul days, in which we shall be saved, for he also who has pain in his flesh is cured by the foulness of the hyssop.

7 And for this reason the things which were thus done are plain to us, but obscure to them, because they did not hear the Lord's voice.

Calvinistic tendencies, hints of JW, shades of anti-trinity, anti-Paul, anti MAD, and now you follow apocrypha ?