God and Evil



Dear All,

It is quite simple. God says that 'everyone in the future will have to travel to see Him every year. And upon that city/country that does not believe and acknowledge, and love God and Jesus, upon them shall be no rain.' The actual verse I can't remember, nor do I know where it is in the Bible, but it's there. I cannot think of a distinguishing word to find it with my Concordance. Does most of Africa believe in God and Jesus, and serve them with the love of them in their hearts??! Basically, if you don't worship or serve God, upon you shall be no rain for your crops. That means no veggies for that family but also no crops to feed their livestock, so that means no meat or eggs, or honey, etc. for them either. That's why some countries are starving and some are doing excellent. The U.S. is still okay, but it is getting a lot worse about upholding God and His ways, and we're going to end up paying for it if we don't change. There should also be No Gay Weddings. A civil union is more than enough. If they want certain rights, they can have them by putting them in writing and having them approved by a Notary. There is no reason for gays getting married. That is reserved to a man and a woman. The U.S. will pay if they don't change their decision about this. Also, no abortions. You are killing a human being. Which one of you wishes his/her Mom would have aborted them? Unless your life is pretty bad, you would all answer No! Life is pretty nice for 'most' people. Do you wish your Mom would have murdered you while you were still in her womb? C'mon!

While we're at it, ever since women wanted equal rights as men, they have taken jobs and both couples work a job. This caused vendors to increase their prices because there was a larger household income. This forced most women to leave the kids and have to work a job also, to manage to pay for things. Both parents had to work and leave their kids in Day Care or with a babysitter. The kids suffer because they don't have a parent home to watch them and raise them. This, in turn, hurts the child's development IMMENSELY!! They are not taught right and wrong correctly and they are not taught as well in school because both parents don't have time to help them with their homework or help them grow up. They need the love of one parent staying home to raise them. Now either the man can work or the woman can work, and the man stay home and raise the kids, but one of them has to do it, and prices have to go back down to a one-family income. Do you see how this has wreaked havoc upon our nation?? Don't you?? You have no idea unless you really thought about it deeply and studied it!! Prices are too dang high and they should go back down to what they used to be. Things are ridiculous now!! And children would be raised right, so there would be way less crime and less need for guns!! None of you realize why our nation has changed so drastically. I'm not saying that there should be no women's rights. If they want to be employed, they should be paid the exact amount as a man doing the same job, and leaving their man at home to take care of the home and children. That really wraps up a lot of it, in a nutshell.


P.S. I copied this post to my Creation vs Evolution thread where I can expound on it as necessary. Hope you like it!! Mike.

:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer: :rapture:
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Eric h

Well-known member
He is, in every way conceivable, our solution.

A good example is prayer. The main reason for prayer, is not to have an effect or bend his arm, but to be part of His plan in which He invites us to participate.

If we pray, according to His will, when he brings it to pass, we have, by His grace, participated alongside Him in bringing glory to God.


If we do not pray, we have not participated in anything.

I kind or agree, but people can still work towards doing good without prayer. It just seems that when we pray to do God's will, and work towards those ends, our efforts are multiplied.

The same is true of alleviating suffering and fighting evil. He invites us to participate in the same way. When we do, we are rewarded in that we have worked with God. This is how He solves us, by allowing us to be His hands and feet. What a blessing!

Amen, Amen, thank you George for explaining the need of prayer.

I have been a Street Pastor for around eight years, we do not go out to preach, but we go out on the the streets until 3 - 4 am, to help those in need. We pray first, and we have people praying for us, amazing things happen that are beyond my understanding, we do the little things, and God brings about the big solutions.

I am 66, and with a couple of seventy year old ladies, we walk in the middle of a dozen drunks, who are punching the living daylights out of each other. Gradually, tensions calm, we stop with them twenty minutes, and it all ends with people hugging us and thanking us. I can't think of any conflict that we have been in, that has not ended in this way.

We have played a significant role in helping four homeless people of the streets, we try and encourage people to be kind to each other, we listen to suicidal and depressed people. After being with a lady for a couple of hours until 4 am, it ended with her handing us the knife she had just brought to end her life with.

We were just walking along, and one of our ladies had a very strong feeling we should walk through an alley. We found an unconscious lady in a doorway, it was 2 am, on a freezing cold January morning, and she was dressed for summer.

Most of what we do seems fairly trivial, but amazing things happen. I have not experienced this kind of response in any other part of my life. The times I should feel fear and worry, I sense a profound peace, that is so far beyond my understanding, and I put it down to God and prayer.

patrick jane


I kind or agree, but people can still work towards doing good without prayer. It just seems that when we pray to do God's will, and work towards those ends, our efforts are multiplied.

Amen, Amen, thank you George for explaining the need of prayer.

I have been a Street Pastor for around eight years, we do not go out to preach, but we go out on the the streets until 3 - 4 am, to help those in need. We pray first, and we have people praying for us, amazing things happen that are beyond my understanding, we do the little things, and God brings about the big solutions.

I am 66, and with a couple of seventy year old ladies, we walk in the middle of a dozen drunks, who are punching the living daylights out of each other. Gradually, tensions calm, we stop with them twenty minutes, and it all ends with people hugging us and thanking us. I can't think of any conflict that we have been in, that has not ended in this way.

We have played a significant role in helping four homeless people of the streets, we try and encourage people to be kind to each other, we listen to suicidal and depressed people. After being with a lady for a couple of hours until 4 am, it ended with her handing us the knife she had just brought to end her life with.

We were just walking along, and one of our ladies had a very strong feeling we should walk through an alley. We found an unconscious lady in a doorway, it was 2 am, on a freezing cold January morning, and she was dressed for summer.

Most of what we do seems fairly trivial, but amazing things happen. I have not experienced this kind of response in any other part of my life. The times I should feel fear and worry, I sense a profound peace, that is so far beyond my understanding, and I put it down to God and prayer.

Amen. Good story !!


Dear Eric h,

I'm very pleased with you and proud of you at the same time!! Sounds like you do an excellent service to God in your life. You be careful not to get hurt. Act sensibly and God will be with you as long as you let Him lead you. You sound like a lot of people's answer to their prayers!!

Praise God And Jesus, And The Holy Ghost!!!



Well-known member
Sure they became nations.


So if Paul is speaking of these two Nations who are these multiple vessels?

Romans 9:22 KJV

22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known , endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:

23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

Uh Oh there's those riches again.

So all Gentiles are Edomites?

Talk about makin' stuff up.

24 Even us, whom he hath called , not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?

Edom has and will play a unique part in the passion play that involves the lands whose fates are so often mentioned in the Word of God. The folks who inhabit these lands are spoken of in the Bible in both a symbolic and literal manner.

The tale of Moses, et al, finally making their way into the promised land finds them being ordered by God to leave some they encountered unmolested and others completely routed (hint, Edom is on one of these lists). Herein lay one of several mysteries concerning this affair that has caused no small amount of consternation with those whose study (and, therefor, understanding) of this ordeal in a state of understanding that might be generously called cursory. I would suggest that a study of the "ites" (Jebusites, Ammonites, etc.) would not be without profit ... or prophet. ;)
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Eric h

Well-known member
Dear Eric h,

You be careful not to get hurt.

Hello Michael, we have this real dilemma, health, safety and risk assessments on the one hand, the bottom line leads to avoiding the risk entirely. The alternative is pray as you go, apparently, 'do not be afraid' is mentioned 365 times in the Bible.

Act sensibly and God will be with you as long as you let Him lead you.

Act sensibly, and we would all stay at home in bed, so I am not sure that we do act sensibly. However, we pray that God will put in our path the people he needs us to see, we pray for the words and actions to spread God's love on the streets, we pray to do his will. We don't often pray for safety.

We go out in confidence, that when two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus, then he is there with us. We also know how Jesus prayed, and how his life ended here on Earth, so praying does not make us bullet proof, but we trust in the resurrection.

I have been sworn at, threatened, pushed and hit, but these all seem very minor, compared to the good that has come about. We approach a group of drunks swearing, they will tell the people off in the group who are swearing, and they will tell them to show some respect. We don't ask them to do this.
People are sometimes angry and shout at us, someone invariably comes by and says, be nice to these guys, they helped me.

Recently, a group of twenty plus drunks were coming towards us shouting and swearing, one guys voice was above the rest, I am going to f.....g hit someone. The angry guy came up to us, shook all our hands several times, the tension in the crowd reduced as we stopped with them. Two weeks later, the angry guy saw us again, he came over to us and apologised for his behaviour, we did not ask him to.

This is how conflict ends with us, God is in there doing the big stuff, sometimes I just think we are a coat hanger for the Street Pastor jacket, because we don't seem to do a lot, other than trusting in prayer and being there.

It is tough to look for the good in all people, especially, when all you can see is a bunch of drunk hooligans. Take the risk to be in the middle of them, and things change, then we can start to see the good in them.

Praise God And Jesus, And The Holy Ghost!!!


Amen, Eric

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
Actually, it is quite the opposite.

He is, in every way conceivable, our solution.

A good example is prayer. The main reason for prayer, is not to have an effect or bend his arm, but to be part of His plan in which He invites us to participate.

If we pray, according to His will, when he brings it to pass, we have, by His grace, participated alongside Him in bringing glory to God.

If we do not pray, we have not participated in anything.

The same is true of alleviating suffering and fighting evil. He invites us to participate in the same way. When we do, we are rewarded in that we have worked with God. This is how He solves us, by allowing us to be His hands and feet. What a blessing!

My point was Him working through us, His love working through us,

Jamie Gigliotti

New member

I kind or agree, but people can still work towards doing good without prayer. It just seems that when we pray to do God's will, and work towards those ends, our efforts are multiplied.

Amen, Amen, thank you George for explaining the need of prayer.

I have been a Street Pastor for around eight years, we do not go out to preach, but we go out on the the streets until 3 - 4 am, to help those in need. We pray first, and we have people praying for us, amazing things happen that are beyond my understanding, we do the little things, and God brings about the big solutions.

I am 66, and with a couple of seventy year old ladies, we walk in the middle of a dozen drunks, who are punching the living daylights out of each other. Gradually, tensions calm, we stop with them twenty minutes, and it all ends with people hugging us and thanking us. I can't think of any conflict that we have been in, that has not ended in this way.

We have played a significant role in helping four homeless people of the streets, we try and encourage people to be kind to each other, we listen to suicidal and depressed people. After being with a lady for a couple of hours until 4 am, it ended with her handing us the knife she had just brought to end her life with.

We were just walking along, and one of our ladies had a very strong feeling we should walk through an alley. We found an unconscious lady in a doorway, it was 2 am, on a freezing cold January morning, and she was dressed for summer.

Most of what we do seems fairly trivial, but amazing things happen. I have not experienced this kind of response in any other part of my life. The times I should feel fear and worry, I sense a profound peace, that is so far beyond my understanding, and I put it down to God and prayer.

Awesome testimony of what we can do through Christ who gives strenghth. Prayers for you and your ministry!


Well-known member
Hello Michael, we have this real dilemma, health, safety and risk assessments on the one hand, the bottom line leads to avoiding the risk entirely. The alternative is pray as you go, apparently, 'do not be afraid' is mentioned 365 times in the Bible.
Amen, Eric

Conquering fear is job one. The rest is easy ... er.


Well-known member
"IF god were real, why would he spend so much time in white America answering the minutia of prayer he receives while leaving so many millions to starve to death or watch their children starve?"

This is a quote from MrDeets blogpost which seems to me to be the essence of a long unanswered difficulty he struggled with. This is a reasonable question and a real issue for many and can be used effectively by Satan if left unanswered.

I encourage all serious, biblical/theological input.

Funny, in rereading the title of the O.P. it occurred to me that you left out an "O".

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber

Dear All,

It is quite simple. God says that 'everyone in the future will have to travel to see Him every year. And upon that city/country that does not believe and acknowledge, and love God and Jesus, upon them shall be no rain.' The actual verse I can't remember, nor do I know where it is in the Bible, but it's there. I cannot think of a distinguishing word to find it with my Concordance.

Michael, you are probably thinking of Zech 14:17

Except for the fact that all scripture comes from God and therefore agrees with itself, this passage has little to do with illuminating our understanding as to why evil/suffering is in the world.

Eric h

Well-known member
Awesome testimony of what we can do through Christ who gives strenghth. Prayers for you and your ministry!

Thanks for the prayers, we have some awesome people out with Street Pastors, we have a seventy eight year old lady in our team. The oldest Pastor is only ninety one, although not in our area !!


Literal lunatic
Edom has and will play a unique part in the passion play that involves the lands whose fates are so often mentioned in the Word of God. The folks who inhabit these lands are spoken of in the Bible in both a symbolic and literal manner.

The tale of Moses, et al, finally making their way into the promised land finds them being ordered by God to leave some they encountered unmolested and others completely routed (hint, Edom is on one of these lists). Herein lay one of several mysteries concerning this affair that has caused no small amount of consternation with those whose study (and, therefor, understanding) of this ordeal in a state of understanding that might be generously called cursory. I would suggest that a study of the "ites" (Jebusites, Ammonites, etc.) would not be without profit ... or prophet. ;)

Right on, bro.

I've done a little prayin' and seeking there, also.

I'm not adverse to a brother sharing some of the things they've been led to look into.

Trading and gaining. :cool:


Well-known member
Right on, bro.

I've done a little prayin' and seeking there, also.

I'm not adverse to a brother sharing some of the things they've been led to look into.

Trading and gaining. :cool:

Well, ideally that's the way it should work. The hands and the feet and the eyes all coming together to make a body. Problem is the hands want to get together and say if you're not a hand you're not of the body and the eyes are doing the same thing and then, well ... :sigh: ... come Lord Jesus.


Dear George,

Thank you tons for finding that verse!! It is the one I meant. Whatever one gleans from it is another issue.

Much Love, In Christ,
