"Give Your Life to Jesus"

God's Truth

New member
You said every word spoken by Jesus is for salvation.

Now you say you don't have to obey His every word to be saved.


Peter says people who are stupid and insane twist what the truth says, see 2 Peter 3:16.

Tell me how you miss it that if you are not a woman prostitute YOU should still stop prostituting? LOL

God's Truth

New member
Tell me how if you are not paralyzed you should stand up and walk.

Tell me how if you are not on earth when Jesus was here, and you are not in front of him, how you should leave your home and go and preach with him?

God's Truth

New member
Tell me how if you are NOT alive when Jesus walked the earth, and not rich, and do NOT choose riches over Jesus, you should sell your house and go on the road with Jesus.

God's Truth

New member
NEWS FLASH: Calling a liar, a liar is not only acceptable to God but is required when it's lies about God that are being told!

Lies like you tell must be exposed!

You are a false accuser.

Look that is all you got.

Who debates and discusses deeply thinks that he merely has to say 'liar', or you just don't get it?

Right Divider

Body part
Jesus forbade it when he walked the earth because he came FIRST for those who were waiting for him. He came first for those who already belonged to God.
You should have let John know before he wrote this:
John 1:11 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:11) He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

Right Divider

Body part
You are a false accuser.

Look that is all you got.

Who debates and discusses deeply thinks that he merely has to say 'liar', or you just don't get it?
The fact that you THINK that you discuss things "deeply" only continues to show your own over-inflated opinion of yourself.

God's Truth

New member
That was exactly my point.

As opposed to this

Why is it so hard for you to understand? Jesus came first for those who already belonged to God. THAT DOES NOT mean all Jews all belonged to God. His own were the Jews who were blood related to him and were raised with God's Word. However, they did not recognize him. There were Jews though that did, for they are the Jews who belonged to God by faith and obedience.

Ben Masada

New member
Why do we keep hearing people say things like that as if it's a formula for salvation? You can give your heart to Jesus, your life to Jesus, turn over a new leaf, give all your money, give all of your time, on and on as all of those ramblings go, but salvation is not us giving anything to God, but what God gave for us 2000 years ago!

All right Heir, I have been left with some questions after I read this thread of yours. First and foremost, what did God give us 2000 years ago? Mind to share with us?

We can see the due time message testified that God will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth as the man Christ Jesus gave Himself a ransom for all!

Jesus was a loyal Jew and he would not contradict his own gospel aka the Tanach which says that no one can give himself ransom for another. (Ezekiel 18:3)

This is great news for all men, no matter who you are or what you've done!

This great news for all men was contradicted by Prophet Ezekiel in 18:3.

Stop trusting in empty religious sayings that have no power to save you and trust the Lord believing WHY Christ died and that God raised Him from the dead the third day and be saved.(1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

Now, you warn us to stop trusting in empty religions and believe that Jesus was raised from the dead. Did you check the emptiness of the religion where you got your warning from? Because, according to the gospel of Jesus which was the Tanach, once dead, no one will ever return from the grave. (II Samuel 12:23; Isaiah 26:14; Job 7:9; etc.


Well-known member
Peter says people who are stupid and insane twist what the truth says, see 2 Peter 3:16.

Tell me how you miss it that if you are not a woman prostitute YOU should still stop prostituting? LOL

I'm neither stupid not insane. YOU said every word spoken by Jesus is for salvation.




Well-known member
Every word of Jesus is for salvation.

Then you're a silly, unstable, double minded busybody woman. You admitted you will not obey every word that He spoke, but you insist all He said must be obeyed to be saved.

No two ways about this:

By your own measure, you do not and will not get salvation UNTIL you've obeyed EVERY word He spoke.

That means right now, by your own measure, you are lost and on your way to the Lake of Fire.

I'm going only by what YOU have said many times.

Ben Masada

New member
Give your life to Jesus!

I can't for two reasons: First, because I have just one life to live and, I have already given it to HaShem. The second reason is too irrelevant because Jesus is already dead. (Ecclesiastes 9:5,6)