Free will is simply....


New member
"But those who wait upon Yah Veh will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint".

Or as the blind would insist:

But those who exercise free will shall renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.

If it wasn't so sadly irreverent I would laugh loudly.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
If you that insist you have free will, then why do you continually choose evil over good? (Rhetorical?)
There are a wide variety of good reasons for why all our choices are not entirely voluntary, none of which apply to whether or not one chooses to murder or rape, or to whether one chooses to believe in Christ's Resurrection.


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Why would I want to know what the enemies of The Eternal Almighty say.


New member
David asked of Yah Veh how long would the trial of his own counsel be upon him. David was sickened and grieved by the exercise of his emotions (free will/wishful thinking).

"How long shalt Thou forget me,Yah Veh? in perpetuity? how long shalt Thou hide Thy face from me?
How long shall I set counsel in my soul, having grief in my heart daily?"

In judgement, David had been left to his emotional devices. This action, now called free will, causes daily grief in those thus judged. Anxiety, depression and dread are your daily bread.

David realised this judgement would lead to his death if he were not saved out of it.

Psalm 13


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
David asked of Yah Veh how long would the trial of his own counsel be upon him. David was sickened and grieved by the exercise of his emotions (free will/wishful thinking).

"How long shalt Thou forget me,Yah Veh? in perpetuity? how long shalt Thou hide Thy face from me?
How long shall I set counsel in my soul, having grief in my heart daily?"

In judgement, David had been left to his emotional devices. This action, now called free will, causes daily grief in those thus judged. Anxiety, depression and dread are your daily bread.

David realised this judgement would lead to his death if he were not saved out of it.

Psalm 13
Hey Sam Harris, the thing is, you don't really believe in determinism, that free will is a fiction. When it suits you, you 'follow your bliss,' or whatever it is that you do when you consent to the leading of your thoughts, emotion, or 'spirit.' And then, when it doesn't suit you, you turn against that same leading, thus at once proving both that you do believe in free will, because you practice it, and that you're a hypocrite, because you preach against it, but you employ it when it suits you.

I, by way of contrast, actually do believe in complete determinism, which is why I know that determinism is determined toward us acting in freedom, reifying free will, making it something from nothing, making it real, through employing it. The opportunity presents itself, and we can choose to avail ourselves of it, or not. Or, we can be like the animals and follow our animal whims and carnal desires. Because we have choice, there is morality. Otherwise, morality is made up.


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This message is hidden because Idolater is on your ignore list.

I refuse, point blank, to speak peace to the unregenerate, hypocrites, religious dogma lovers...


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This message is hidden that Truster might ignore it and therefore not have to waste his time on it, so that Truster might then do just that by not only posting that this message is hidden, but waste even more of his by time posting about not wasting his time...repeatedly.



New member
A day will arrive when all those that trust in themselves and the power of free will shall be severely disappointed:

"...all they that go down into the dust shall bow before Him: and none shall keep alive his own soul".


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
A day will arrive when all those that trust in themselves and the power of free will shall be severely disappointed:

"...all they that go down into the dust shall bow before Him: and none shall keep alive his own soul".
I trust in Christ's Resurrection. I trust Christ's Resurrection. Do you? I know you do.


New member
A day will arrive when all those that trust in themselves and the power of free will shall be severely disappointed:

"...all they that go down into the dust shall bow before Him: and none shall keep alive his own soul".

"Bow before Him" in submission to His sovereignty and in so doing will deny free will, to late.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"Bow before Him" in submission to His sovereignty and in so doing will deny free will, to late.
You're not paying attention. I already denied free will, and completely. Perfect denial of free will, means free will. You can't consistently deny free will, without employing free will, because even by accident, you'll believe in free will, from time to time, every now and again. Unless you voluntarily, by free will, choose, to never believe in free will. You're such an idiotic robot, Truster!