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New member

this is my plea to you.

Please don't be so offended when you think you are being attacked especially who are trying to support your effort to spread obedience to Jesus. They are super minority. It is not good to chase away those super minority just because your feelings got hurt.

We are all trying to be true to God and Jesus. We should over look non-essential things.

We need to try to be humble with what we say and deeds.

God looks into our hearts whether we are sincerely serving Him or just for our own emotions or egos..

It seems that pops decided to leave the forum.

I would like you to try to make amend with him.

love in Christ.


Those that Messiah loves are always in the minority.


New member
I look at it this way, God loves us so much that he sent Christ Jesus to preach the gospel and save sinners. So he loves everyone and wants us all back.

But yes, it's those who reject God that God is most angry with, those who know the truth and don't live by his will.

And yes, those rejecting God in any way are in danger because they are throwing away such a blessing, I just hope that one day they will know the truth, and all the we can do is try and be there for them live it and speak it, and keep hoping and praying that one day they will know God. Everything is in his hands though, so we just speak the word and live by it, and then leave everything else to him.

I have to go, speak to you soon :)

How condescending is that remark. "and then leave everything else to him". You really haven't got a clue who He is.


New member
I can believe all I want, but it's the doing of God's word that stops me from falling and by the power of his Spirit! Listening to him and obeying him and he strengthens me to overcome.

And I don't think about who is saved or not. I don't look at others like that. I just look at everyone in that God loves them all and that he wants them all back.

I was walking in town one day and it was packed, really busy. I hadn't known God long and my heart and mind was thinking about him and as I was looking at all the people, a sudden overwhelming feeling came over me, like a strong feeling of love and compassion, and I looked around at all the people and thought "God wants you all back" I saw for the first time that God loves everybody. And I thought he just wants us to love him back. And honestly when I realised how much love God has for us all, and how much he cares, tears started streaming down my face, and I had this overwhelming emotion filling me, and since then I don't look at anyone differently, and I care about everyone whoever they are. Because I know that God loves us all.

He shines the sun and sends the rain on all of us, and we should love and care for one another as he loves us.

And yes, I'm blessed having my mum :) I'm sorry you lost your mum so young x

How can your blood pump think?


Well-known member
How condescending is that remark. "and then leave everything else to him". You really haven't got a clue who He is.
You really do need to look at yourself before you call others condescending truster! And you just pick at anything whilst you don't see the faults in yourself.

Take the beam out of your own eye before you look at others!


Well-known member
Those that Messiah loves are always in the minority.

No, that's not true, Jesus loves everyone, but it's only the minority who truly love him!

Jesus loved even those who crucified him, saying father forgive them.

And he said this

Matthew 23

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

He wants to gather as many as will listen, but it's the hardness at our hearts, the love of ourselves before God, and our foolish pride that gets in the way! But if we believe and truly repent when we hear the word of God and have true faith in him, he will in no way cast us away!

As he said, all the angels in heaven rejoice when one sinner repents!

He clearly gives them a choice in the verse above, believe in him or not, and they chose not to believe, just as many do today!

God's Truth

New member

this is my plea to you.

Please don't be so offended when you think you are being attacked especially who are trying to support your effort to spread obedience to Jesus. They are super minority. It is not good to chase away those super minority just because your feelings got hurt.

We are all trying to be true to God and Jesus. We should over look non-essential things.

We need to try to be humble with what we say and deeds.

God looks into our hearts whether we are sincerely serving Him or just for our own emotions or egos..

It seems that pops decided to leave the forum.

I would like you to try to make amend with him.

love in Christ.


Meshak, you are a false judge, and until you come with a truthful plea, keep your passive aggressive nature away from me.


New member
No, that's not true, Jesus loves everyone, but it's only the minority who truly love him!

Jesus loved even those who crucified him, saying father forgive them.

And he said this

Matthew 23

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

He wants to gather as many as will listen, but it's the hardness at our hearts, the love of ourselves before God, and our foolish pride that gets in the way! But if we believe and truly repent when we hear the word of God and have true faith in him, he will in no way cast us away!

As he said, all the angels in heaven rejoice when one sinner repents!

He clearly gives them a choice in the verse above, believe in him or not, and they chose not to believe, just as many do today!



New member
You really do need to look at yourself before you call others condescending truster! And you just pick at anything whilst you don't see the faults in yourself.

Take the beam out of your own eye before you look at others!

The teaching of beams and Co does not refer to me. It never has and never will.

God's Truth

New member
No, that's not true, Jesus loves everyone, but it's only the minority who truly love him!

Jesus loved even those who crucified him, saying father forgive them.

And he said this

Matthew 23

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

He wants to gather as many as will listen, but it's the hardness at our hearts, the love of ourselves before God, and our foolish pride that gets in the way! But if we believe and truly repent when we hear the word of God and have true faith in him, he will in no way cast us away!

As he said, all the angels in heaven rejoice when one sinner repents!

He clearly gives them a choice in the verse above, believe in him or not, and they chose not to believe, just as many do today!

God loves his creation, the whole world, but He does not love and know us individually unless we love him by obeying him.

God's Truth

New member
You both have differing opinions, but you are both of the same spirit. You should form a group. The Mankind Appreciation Society.

You are a negative, a messenger from Satan. Can you prove to us that you have control over yourself? We all know what you think of us, do we have to hear it constantly?


New member
Such nonsense...
How can it be nonsense when it's the truth.

When we have planted a seed into the ground what happens? God has to send the sun and the rain on that ground for the seed to grow from the darkness into the light.

Can we control the natural sun and the rain no just as we can't do it spiritually unless God's word is coming every day and using the Son to show it's beauty? once it comes into the light.

John 3:8

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.


Well-known member
God loves his creation, the whole world, but He does not love and know us individually unless we love him by obeying him.
He loves and knows us, it's us not loving and knowing him, God loves the whole world!

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
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