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God's Truth

New member
If God is restraining us, then he is delivering us from it!

What do you think it means to be not of this world?

You are still of this world since you keep speaking of your body as sinful.

The saved are new creatures.

When you say you do not see yourself as holy and you know what your flesh is like, it does not sound right.

Hebrews 10:22
let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.


Well-known member
I understand what you are saying. I see you as having misplaced humility and you are lessening the effect of Christ' suffering and blood. You refuse to believe what is plainly written, and you are arguing about my standing up for the truth.

I hope that was not too rough for you. I just wanted to defend the scriptures.

Well, you will have to see me as your believe me to be, but I know that once I start seeing myself as holy, then that's the day a start to fall. Because I know my flesh and I know that without God that I would be worse than most people, so I can't say that I am holy in anyway whatsoever. But I'm talking about myself and no-one else. I walk along when I'm out and about, and I don't see myself as better than any other person, no-one at all and I believe that no-one is better than me either. And I love that, because that means I can talk to anyone about God whosoever they are when I get the chance.

My mum said a good thing to me when I was younger, she said that we are only dust, but once we have the Spirit of God within our hearts we are then like gold dust.

She means that it's all the workings of God that creates the new creature. And we must obey what he tells us to do.

patrick jane

Well, you will have to see me as your believe me to be, but I know that once I start seeing myself as holy, then that's the day a start to fall. Because I know my flesh and I know that without God that I would be worse than most people, so I can't say that I am holy in anyway whatsoever. But I'm talking about myself and no-one else. I walk along when I'm out and about, and I don't see myself as better than any other person, no-one at all and I believe that no-one is better than me either. And I love that, because that means I can talk to anyone about God whosoever they are when I get the chance.

My mum said a good thing to me when I was younger, she said that we are only dust, but once we have the Spirit of God within our hearts we are then like gold dust.

She means that it's all the workings of God that creates the new creature. And we must obey what he tells us to do.
Philippians 2:3 KJV -


Well-known member
You are still of this world since you keep speaking of your body as sinful.

The saved are new creatures.

When you say you do not see yourself as holy and you know what your flesh is like, it does not sound right.

Hebrews 10:22
let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

The only way I'm being saved is by the Holy Spirit within, without God I'd still be dead in my sins.


New member
The only way I'm being saved is by the Holy Spirit within, without God I'd still be dead in my sins.

You haven't been saved, because you did something that you think initiated your salvation. Satan was the happiest being in creation on that day.

God's Truth

New member
You evidently. Your obedience is all that's necessary.

No one gets saved unless they do what the Way says, the Way tells us how to get saved.

He says to believe and repent and to call upon him.

After we are saved, we have his Spirit living in us, and the love we have in us compels us to obey.

God does not obey for us. God does not make us obey.


Well-known member
You haven't been saved, because you did something that you think initiated your salvation. Satan was the happiest being in creation on that day.
Truster, we all have a choice right from the beginning when we hear the gospel, believe or not.

Jesus said this in mark 1

Mark 1:14

Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

So we have a choice, to repent and believe in the gospel, or not. So straight away we have free will to choose and believe in Jesus or not.
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