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God's Truth

New member
I showed scripture showing what I was trying to say.

To trust in GOD is to have faith in GOD is to believe in GOD.

But in actuality there seems to be a difference in the minds of many about what scripture means when it says believe. To beleive is to be devout, to me. I stand by my words friend; the two are interchangable.

I cannot speak for the motives or spirit of "truster". I will not continually assume to know their faith. When they post it will be known.

peace friend

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I stand by the word not being changed. I am doing some reading on Herb Yahn and the Bible he wrote. I think it is damaging.


New member
Post #253
I would humbly suggest that you address towards the one you are actively debating in hopes that we can all move everything forward with profitable discussion rather than idle degradation of fellow believers.

As I attempted to say already; your ability to use introspection and retrospect coupled with your lack of pride are telling. It takes a humble person to go back upon noticing their own error, and attempt to make it right. There is a spirit that can teach and learn, and there is a hard cold spiteful spirit that can only contend and devour.

I would be willing to bet you are the former and not the latter; and I don't really bet, soooo.....


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New member
I stand by the word not being changed. I am doing some reading on Herb Yahn and the Bible he wrote. I think it is damaging.
Interesting. Perhaps you could pm me a link to what reference you have located if it is as you say.

Thank you.


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I would humbly suggest that you address towards the one you are actively debating in hopes that we can all move everything forward with profitable discussion rather than idle degradation of fellow believers.

I am talking about how that verse is vague. do you think that verse is clear?


New member
I am talking about how that verse is vague. do you think that verse is clear?
It is speaking to the fact that the deciever is the instiller of doubt.
That is to say the message of you cannot sin not due to your inhearant nature is a lie.

The message of the Christ is that of utter faithfulness in the Word of GOD. It fills the vessel with light making it a receptical or beacon for all. If your doubt....All of it was removed, that you wholly believed and trusted in the promise of GOD; that you are of GOD and as such, have every bit of potential exemplified by the anointed of GOD, would you not be joyous? How could one falter being on such a foundation as decreed before Time by GOD almighty?

It shows that doubt is wrong and not of true faith. It says the Christ's work was for the sake of all and effectual towards the salvation of all. It testifies to the fact that shame worketh repentance, as faithfulness in the Word of GOD worketh joy regardless of trials.

Sorry; went a little past what I meant to.


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God's Truth

New member
Interesting. Perhaps you could pm me a link to what reference you have located if it is as you say.

Thank you.


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All I know is that understanding comes from Jesus and he gives understanding to those who obey Him.

Truster has no understanding of the scriptures and he speaks horribly to most all. If this Bible he uses teaches him things differently, I am not sure.

I am reading some scriptures from the Herb Yahn Bible and I was disappointed with one of the scriptures so far. I haven't had a chance yet to read more. In addition, Truster has Calvinistic beliefs and I am not sure if Herb Yahn was too. It might have led Truster to believe as Herb Yahn does? I don't know.


New member
All I know is that understanding comes from Jesus and he gives understanding to those who obey Him.

Truster has no understanding of the scriptures and he speaks horribly to most all. If this Bible he uses teaches him things differently, I am not sure.

I am reading some scriptures from the Herb Yahn Bible and I was disappointed with one of the scriptures.
I am very curious to read this particular verse. Could you post it here within context please?

Please excuse the confusion. What did you mean by scriptures. You were speaking of only the bible right?


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God's Truth

New member
I am very curious to read this particular verse. Could you post it here within context please?
Herb Yahn:
Proverbs 3:5 Confide in Yah Veh with all your heart and lean not to your own discernment: in all your ways know him and he straightens your paths.

King James 2000 Bible
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.


It is speaking to the fact that the deciever is the instiller of doubt.
That is to say the message of you cannot sin not due to your inhearant nature is a lie.

The message of the Christ is that of utter faithfulness in the Word of GOD. It fills the vessel with light making it a receptical or beacon for all. If your doubt....All of it was removed, that you wholly believed and trusted in the promise of GOD; that you are of GOD and as such, have every bit of potential exemplified by the anointed of GOD, would you not be joyous? How could one falter being on such a foundation as decreed before Time by GOD almighty?

It shows that doubt is wrong and not of true faith. It says the Christ's work was for the sake of all and effectual towards the salvation of all. It testifies to the fact that shame worketh repentance, as faithfulness in the Word of GOD worketh joy regardless of trials.

Sorry; went a little past what I meant to.


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You get all that from one verse?


New member
You get all that from one verse?
Not at all. They are all entwined sorta. Reading one brings connections to things perhaps read elsewhere but edifying the same points.

Never read a singular verse alone when attempting to discern without bias.


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Not at all. They are all entwined sorta. Reading one brings connections to things perhaps read elsewhere but edifying the same points.

Never read a singular verse alone when attempting to discern without bias.


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Yes, but truster used singular verse to justify his claim.

God's Truth

New member
Here are the two translations.

Herb Yahn:
Proverbs 3:5 Confide in Yah Veh with all your heart and lean not to your own discernment: in all your ways know him and he straightens your paths.

King James 2000 Bible
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

What do you all think?


New member
Herb Yahn:
Proverbs 3:5 Confide in Yah Veh with all your heart and lean not to your own discernment: in all your ways know him and he straightens your paths.

King James 2000 Bible
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

If we understand both versions to be referencing the One Creator GOD then there should be little problem with the proper noun.

Saying know him as opposed to acknowledge seems a little off. Ultimately the general message is the same though.

Trust in GOD and not your own scheming. Follow what you know is right and know that you will be sustained in doing so without want for self.

One second, sorry....


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New member
Here are the two translations.

Herb Yahn:
Proverbs 3:5 Confide in Yah Veh with all your heart and lean not to your own discernment: in all your ways know him and he straightens your paths.

King James 2000 Bible
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

What do you all think?
Read from left to right. The grey box is the word acknowledge expounded upon.


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God's Truth

New member
If we understand both versions to be referencing the One Creator GOD then there should be little problem with the proper noun.

Saying know him as opposed to acknowledge seems a little off. Ultimately the general message is the same though.

Trust in GOD and not your own scheming. Follow what you know is right and know that you will be sustained in doing so without want for self.

One second, sorry....


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The reason I think the KJV is better with this scripture is because we do not know God until we obey Him. So then when the Herb Yahn translation tells us to know God and he will straighten your path, it seems like it is lessening the power of obedience.

We should trust God in the beginning before we know Him, even though we DON'T understand exactly why He tells us to do certain things, but if we do what He says anyway, then He will give us understanding. See, that is what helped me before I was saved. I was too focused on not getting why God said to do this and do that, but when I read that scripture, it was a motivation for me to obey Him anyway. And then He did give me understanding.
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