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Get your armor ready!
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Some learn from mistakes.
Time always tells.

I'm fact. I bet, right about now, she is learning how to have a little more patience and to not fold under any pressure.
She's tried that a gazillion times. Never does last long.

Her English isn't the best,

but she understands,
Understands what?

and has a heart for the Lord
Sure. We've had a good look at her heart slinging poo just like everyone else in this thread.
She does it because she likes to do it.

Power to the people.


Well-known member
You crack me up, dude!

He so wants to fit the mold of a good Christian man. And the funny part is that he's exactly what Meshak generally rails against. Those evil ......what does she call them....not church goers.....?????

Help me out here, Tam.


New member
A term I may not even "grasp"...."no offense meant". :chuckle:

Actually, I would tell others not to even try since it is something they can never achieve by any effort they may make. They will only enter into rest when they are created in Christ Jesus as new creatures.

I know man's efforts are not effectual, no matter what you may call it. Salvation is effectual, the word of God is effectual, and the faith of Jesus Christ is effectual. Don't try to achieve on your own that which is a Gift of God.

1 Thessalonians 2:13KJV For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.​

Here is effectual faith....and it's the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Galatians 2:20KJV I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.​
I did say "may" as to not assume if you knew of it or not.

You didn't seem too offended.

I agree with the rest of your post.

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New member
He so wants to fit the mold of a good Christian man. And the funny part is that he's exactly what Meshak generally rails against. Those evil ......what does she call them....not church goers.....?????

Help me out here, Tam.
What is it you are insinuating I am?

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Well-known member
How do you really believe a thing without living it out?

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So you didn't notice how she added "obey" to "believe"? We believe unto righteousness, and she adds believe and obey unto righteousness. Unfortunately, that contradicts what is said just six verses before that one, which states, "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for those who believe."

Now, you do the same by adding "living it out".

We don't add to the word of God for good reason, and you've both shown us why that is. Everyone could just make up what a particular verse, couldn't they?


New member
So you didn't notice how she added "obey" to "believe"? We believe unto righteousness, and she adds believe and obey unto righteousness. Unfortunately, that contradicts what is said just six verses before that one, which states, "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for those who believe."

Now, you do the same by adding "living it out".

We don't add to the word of God for good reason, and you've both shown us why that is. Everyone could just make up what a particular verse, couldn't they?
Woe. Stop for a second please.

I am asking you a simple question. That is all. Please answer it in a simple honest manner.

How can someone actually believe a thing and not live their life as if it is true?

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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Believe me I tend to want to write some pretty harsh things at times.
If you are already thinking about it, chances are GOD knows it is already in your heart.

The idea is profitable conversation right?
With Meshak?
Keep dreaming!

If so then it follows that communication mustn't be blocked out, which happens very easily. If our thoughts are genuine, or rather our motives, then we can use introspection and retrospect before hitting send. I should do it just for the horrible spelling and grammar, but it also helps with catching that spiteful attitude. Is that okay for a start?
A start of what?

The golden rule is always good to attempt to keep I'm mind, as is the fact that your words will be weighed against you.
Not me.
My debt was paid in full.


Well-known member
Love is not a feeling, it's an action.
Love is both, how can anyone say that love isn't a feeling, haven't you ever felt love? I feel love, how can we love God without feeling any love within? And do we love our families without showing it? No if we truly love them then will show it. Just like we will do with God, if we truly love God, then we should love him in action and live it out.

Love is both a feeling and an action, and they both work hand in hand.
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Well-known member
I did say "may" as to not assume if you knew of it or not.

You didn't seem too offended.

I agree with the rest of your post.

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You're right, I'm not offended, but I won't pretend like I didn't notice your sarcasm. It was a dig you hoped you could deny if brought to your attention.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
He so wants to fit the mold of a good Christian man. And the funny part is that he's exactly what Meshak generally rails against. Those evil ......what does she call them....not church goers.....?????

Help me out here, Tam.


New member
You're right, I'm not offended, but I won't pretend like I didn't notice your sarcasm. It was a dig you hoped you could deny if brought to your attention.
I promise; I didn't think that far into it.

If it didn't offend then where is the harm? I am faulted for bordering offence now?

The truth can hurt too you know? Not insinuating anything....foreal


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