Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


like marbles on glass
You saw the video of the black guy shooting the unarmed white woman and the police coverup of the crime? The cop who arrested George Floyd may be wondering whether he should have just shot Floyd instead if that is what it takes to get off without being charged with murder.
I saw her breaking and entering, with a mob behind her, and I saw him standing his ground.


like marbles on glass
If you constantly push for the dismantling of the 2 most important amendments in the Bill of Rights (the 1st and 2nd amendments), then you don't love this country.

Where have you seen me push for either? Hint: you haven’t.

And you don’t get to decide if I love my country.

There‘s nothing unconstitutional about amending laws at the state or federal level. Maybe you’re all for amending some laws but only ones you approve of.


Well-known member
Liz put her entire public life on the line by standing for the Constitution and the rule of law. History will remember her for this.
Like democrat warriors before her, Liz will be fondly remembered for her bravery with other democrat heroes like James Hodgkinson and Nicholas John Roske, not to mention famous Marxist democrat soldiers like Bill Ayers, awarded with lifetime democrat funding for his stands against American exceptionalism and righteousness, like John Hinkley, forgiven and freed by democrat Judge Paul Friedman, like David Gilbert, a fellow murderous bomber associate of Bill Ayers, freed by democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo, and more.

Liz may be rewarded on earth for what she is doing for the godless democrat party but she will not be glad for what she did when she faces God in the coming judgment.


Well-known member
I hope he has the good sense to step aside in 2024 and let DeSantis sweep the field
I pray God will deliver His people from evil now and in the future. It is apparent the devil controls most, if not all, those governing the nations of the world and Christians are here to pray for the poor people and the poor leaders who do not know the Lord and are suffering mightily from the evil.


like marbles on glass
Like democrat warriors before her, Liz will be fondly remembered for her bravery with other democrat heroes like James Hodgkinson and Nicholas John Roske, not to mention famous Marxist democrat soldiers like Bill Ayers, awarded with lifetime democrat funding for his stands against American exceptionalism and righteousness, like John Hinkley, forgiven and freed by democrat Judge Paul Friedman, like David Gilbert, a fellow murderous bomber associate of Bill Ayers, freed by democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo, and more.

Liz may be rewarded on earth for what she is doing for the godless democrat party but she will not be glad for what she did when she faces God in the coming judgment.

I‘m pretty sure you can’t speak with any certainty about what God thinks about Liz. In the meantime, she has more brass than all the men in the feckless GOP put together. Well, maybe all but one or two men.


Well-known member
I don't hate anyone, marke. And I love my country.

I do believe you and many others have been deceived by the firehose of relentless right-wing misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies. I know you think the same about me and we are at an impasse. I also believe you love your country too, no doubt. We just have differences that aren't going to be reconciled at this rate.
I don't remember you expressing your love for Christians who oppose abortion, Marxism, homosexuality, unjustified false allegations, and hatred against those they consider their enemies.


Well-known member
There are Republicans on the committee. There could've been more, but Kevin McCarthy pulled all the Republicans after Nancy Pelosi rejected two of his picks, which I'm glad she did because one of them was Gym Jordan.
McCarthy was right to refuse to collude with democrats in stacking the committee with nothing but leftist democrats and republicans who hated Trump with the passion of a devil, sort of like Mueller's investigation team was stacked with Hillary supporters or Stone's kangaroo court show trial was stuffed with wicked enemies of the truth.


Well-known member
Were Democrats breaking through Capitol windows, assaulting Capitol police, trashing the interior of the Capitol, obstructing justice and possibly even engaging in planned sedition?

No, they weren't.
As clearly revealed in some videos democrats incited the riots and even participated (probably against orders from the democrat planners) at times, but much of the actual damage was done by people with unknown affiliations and motivations. Windows were broken by black-clad violent activists of unknown affiliation, but democrats do not show those videos, giving support to the idea that those individuals were leftists and put the lie to the democrat narrative that leftists were not involved.

This sham of a hearing is clearly a democrat attempt to fool Americans into thinking patriotic Americans are America's enemies and democrats are America's friends (in spite of high gas prices, high inflation, high food costs, high electricity costs, high taxes, and more.)
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Well-known member
I'm reminded of GOP congressman Andrew Clyde, who was obviously terrified (can't blame him) but later claimed it was a "normal tourist visit."

People did get scared. Most people there in Congress were likely unaware of what was going on. Pelosi and leading democrat security officials, on the other hand, had been clearly warned days in advance of the possibility of violence occurring on Jan 6 and the need to beef up security. For some unknown reason, Pelosi and her democrat conspirators refused Trump's offer to flood the area with National Guard troops to keep the violence down. There seems to be no reason Pelosi refused to add security after knowing violence would likely break out. She was either wickedly planning on the violence for some reason or she was stupidly incompetent for not planning to keep the violence from occurring.


Well-known member
Where have you seen me push for either? Hint: you haven’t.

And you don’t get to decide if I love my country.

There‘s nothing unconstitutional about amending laws at the state or federal level. Maybe you’re all for amending some laws but only ones you approve of.
I am for amending bad laws like the insanely bad Roe vs Wade decision which was not really a law so much as it was a decision by 5 opinionated Americans with no heart for the heartbeats of unborn babies.


Well-known member
How so? Not to say that every outlet center-left publishes truth verbatim but the far right have a practical monopoly on pushing the dubious to flat out bat crazy.
Lefties use leftist sources to fact-check leftist news and views, just like lefties hire lefties to find lefties innocent of crimes.


Well-known member
I‘m pretty sure you can’t speak with any certainty about what God thinks about Liz. In the meantime, she has more brass than all the men in the feckless GOP put together. Well, maybe all but one or two men.
She does have brass, like Lois Lerner, Peter Strzok, Merrick Garland, Bill Ayers, Andrew Cuomo, and more.


Well-known member
I saw her breaking and entering, with a mob behind her, and I saw him standing his ground.
If the black cop was doing right then why did democrats refuse to release his name and the videos of his shooting like democrats always demand of other cop shootings?


Well-known member
How so? Not to say that every outlet center-left publishes truth verbatim but the far right have a practical monopoly on pushing the dubious to flat out bat crazy.
Leftist enemies of God believe those who believe God's account of creation and the Flood are bat-crazy. Never give a lefty the right to refuse to allow guns in the hands of crazy people because lefties think all Christians are crazy and terror threats to the Democrat Socialist Oligarchy of America.