Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Meltdown in MAGA land is underway 😂
Your hatred for Trump (and I get it - he's a detestable person) fueled by those in the mainstream media who tell you to hate him and to hate anybody who loves America, and to hate anybody who hates what Joe Biden has done to America, is typical of those on the left like you, who aren't able to think for themselves

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Great misdirection attempt by Trump, Liz Cheney didn't say he said to hang Mike Pence.

If you'd watched the hearing you'd know that.

Meltdown in MAGA land is underway 😂
Meanwhile, for those of us who live in the real world:



like marbles on glass


Well-known member
You brought it up, not me.

Liz Cheney is a boss, she'll go down in the history books for her loyalty to her country and Constitution over party.

The rest of the feckless GOP who abetted Trump will be remembered differently. As she put it:

"There is a reason why people serving in our Government take an oath to the Constitution.
As our founding fathers recognized, democracy is fragile. People in positions of public trust are duty-bound to defend it – to step forward when action is required. In our country, we don’t swear an oath to an individual, or a political party. We take our oath to defend the United States Constitution. And that oath must mean something.
Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible – there will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."
Poor Liz must actually believe the democrats won the election without cheating. Because she has been deceived into believing the lie she is actually the one dishonoring her position and doing damage to the entire nation. How sad.


Well-known member
I've been thinking about your writing style for awhile now. I think it's the piles of adjectives that make you unique. Seven adjectives to one noun.

That's impressive!
It is sometimes hard to put in words just how bad sin and wickedness are and the damage sin does to civilizations.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


like marbles on glass
Poor Liz must actually believe the democrats won the election without cheating. Because she has been deceived into believing the lie she is actually the one dishonoring her position and doing damage to the entire nation. How sad.

Liz put her entire public life on the line by standing for the Constitution and the rule of law. History will remember her for this.


like marbles on glass

Ginni Thomas Urged 29 Lawmakers to Overturn Election

Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, pressed 29 Republican state lawmakers in Arizona — 27 more than previously known — to set aside Joe Biden’s popular vote victory and “choose” presidential electors, the Washington Post reports.

“The revelation that Ginni Thomas was directly involved in pressing them to override the popular vote — an act that would have been without precedent in the modern era — intensified questions about whether her husband should recuse himself from cases related to the 2020 presidential election and attempts to subvert it.”


Well-known member

Trump Throws Ivanka Under the Bus


She testified that she didn't share dad's illusion that the election was stolen, saying

"It affected my perspective. I respect Attorney General Barr so I accepted what he said."

What did Bill Barr tell Congress?

In the waning weeks of 2020, then-Attorney General William Barr told Donald Trump that his claims of widespread election fraud were "[redacted]" and entirely unsupported by evidence.
Barr recounted his remarks to Trump in a closed-door interview with the House committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. As the panel kicked off the first of six hearings planned for this month, it played footage of Barr's interview in which the former attorney general recalled making clear to Trump that he did "not agree with the idea of saying the election was stolen" and saw no evidence of fraud that would have affected the election outcome.
"Frankly a year and a half later I've seen nothing to change my mind on that," Barr said.
Barr told the House committee that he spoke with Trump on at least three occasions between November and December 2020.​
Recalling those conversations, Barr said he described Trump's claims of election malfeasance as "crazy stuff" and said the falsehoods were influencing the public, doing a "great, great disservice to the country." Barr credited the timing of his December 2020 resignation, in part, to Trump's baseless election claims.
"You can't live in a world where the incumbent administration stays in power based on its view, unsupported by specific evidence, that the election that there was fraud in the election," Barr said.

Meanwhile, Jared was too busy working on pardons to care what was going on:

Kushner told the panel that he was more focused on working on pardons ahead of Trump's departure than threats from White House counsel Pat Cipollone and his team to quit if the president went ahead with his bid to subvert the election.

"I kind of, like I said, my interest at that time was on trying to get as many pardons done,"
Kushner said in the video. "And I know that, you know, him and the team were always saying, 'Oh we're going to resign, we're not going to be here if this happens, if that happens,' so I kind of took it up to just be whining, to be honest to you."
There is no doubting the fact that millions of Americans believe democrats won the 2020 election fairly and there is no doubt millions of Americans believe the democrats stole the election. Those who believe or preach that the democrats won the election fairly hate those who believe the democrats cheated and that is why they are trying to imprison them for believing that. We can see who the violent partisans have been for the last few years and which partisans seek to hurt or kill their enemies out of hatred for standing for the traditional views and values held dear by Americans for two hundred years.