Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Liz put her entire public life on the line by standing for the Constitution and the rule of law. History will remember her for this.
History is written by the winners. Those who support Liz are losers like you. History will remember her, all right, but not the way you think.


Well-known member
And speaking of pardons, apparently there were multiple GOP members who sought preemptive pardons from Trump:

CNN reported in January 2021 that “several” GOP lawmakers who were involved with the rally at the Ellipse in front of the White House that Trump spoke before the Capitol riot sought pardons from Trump. GOP lawmakers who spoke at the rally include Arizona GOP Reps. Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs, as well as Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.).

And according to an October 2021 Rolling Stone report, Gosar floated the idea of “blanket pardons” for some of those organizing the Ellipse rally of Jan. 6.

The Jan. 6 committee issued subpoenas to Perry, Biggs, and Brooks. In a May letter requesting information from Biggs, the committee said that Biggs was identified by former White House personnel as being part of “an effort by certain House Republicans after January 6th to seek a presidential pardon for activities taken in connection with President Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.”
Republicans believed that if Trump preemptively pardoned those innocent republicans unfairly and dishonestly falsely accused by democrats that would spare them from being victimized like Flynn and Stone were. All America should be ashamed for allowing democrats to unjustly, illegally, immorally, and wickedly persecute their political enemies by filing false charges against them and trying them in corrupted courts with partisan judges and radical leftist activist jurors.


Well-known member
That post was about GOP lawmakers and committee subpoenas. Try to keep up.
Dermocrats rejected republicans when assembling their one-sided, hateful, partisan, kangaroo court commission. How does any honest and fair American believe this is a fair hearing? This is like a bunch of white democrat KKK members trying accused black men before hanging them for being black.


like marbles on glass
There is no doubting the fact that millions of Americans believe democrats won the 2020 election fairly and there is no doubt millions of Americans believe the democrats stole the election. Those who believe or preach that the democrats won the election fairly hate those who believe the democrats cheated and that is why they are trying to imprison them for believing that. We can see who the violent partisans have been for the last few years and which partisans seek to hurt or kill their enemies out of hatred for standing for the traditional views and values held dear by Americans for two hundred years.

I don't hate anyone, marke. And I love my country.

I do believe you and many others have been deceived by the firehose of relentless right-wing misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies. I know you think the same about me and we are at an impasse. I also believe you love your country too, no doubt. We just have differences that aren't going to be reconciled at this rate.


Well-known member
Coincidences take planning:

Video shows some of the first rioters to break through the police line running past 15 reinforced windows, making a beeline for a recessed area on the Senate side of the building, where two unreinforced windows and two doors with unreinforced glass were all that stood between them and hallways leading to lawmakers inside who had not begun to evacuate. A rioter’s fist cracked the glass of one window, video posted to social media shows. A stolen police riot shield and a wooden pole finished the job. In seconds, the unreinforced glass gave way in a single sheet. Rioters poured through the window. Similar methods were used to break glass in at least three other locations.​

Some of the insurrectionists were useful idiots, spurred on by rhetoric. Some of them planned for that day.
Nobody knows the truth about who actually planned any planned violence that day but that does not stop the democrats from cherry-picking one in twenty videos to use to create the illusion that all democrats were good, peaceful, thoughtful, kind, helpful, fair, law-abiding, courteous, considerate, and so forth, like Jesus, while portraying all republicans as hateful, violent, demons from hell. The whole picture is like a fictional Hollywood horror show.


like marbles on glass
Dermocrats rejected republicans when assembling their one-sided, hateful, partisan, kangaroo court commission. How does any honest and fair American believe this is a fair hearing? This is like a bunch of white democrat KKK members trying accused black men before hanging them for being black.

There are Republicans on the committee. There could've been more, but Kevin McCarthy pulled all the Republicans after Nancy Pelosi rejected two of his picks, which I'm glad she did because one of them was Gym Jordan.


Well-known member
Was this about the time that AOC was almost murdered by Ted Cruz? 'Cause I'm really looking forward to seeing the video of the time that AOC was almost murdered by Ted Cruz. If you could tell me when that shows up that would be awesome. 👍
Someone actually saw AOC in the hallway of an adjoining building in great fear for her life that day. ;)



like marbles on glass
Nobody knows the truth about who actually planned any planned violence that day but that does not stop the democrats from cherry-picking one in twenty videos to use to create the illusion that all democrats were good, peaceful, thoughtful, kind, helpful, fair, law-abiding, courteous, considerate, and so forth, like Jesus, while portraying all republicans as hateful, violent, demons from hell. The whole picture is like a fictional Hollywood horror show.

Were Democrats breaking through Capitol windows, assaulting Capitol police, trashing the interior of the Capitol, obstructing justice and possibly even engaging in planned sedition?

No, they weren't.


like marbles on glass
Someone actually saw AOC in the hallway of an adjoining building in great fear for her life that day. ;)

I'm reminded of GOP congressman Andrew Clyde, who was obviously terrified (can't blame him) but later claimed it was a "normal tourist visit."



Well-known member
You saw the video of the black guy shooting the unarmed white woman and the police coverup of the crime? The cop who arrested George Floyd may be wondering whether he should have just shot Floyd instead if that is what it takes to get off without being charged with murder.


Well-known member
Great misdirection attempt by Trump, Liz Cheney didn't say he said to hang Mike Pence.

If you'd watched the hearing you'd know that.

The democrats are very careful to explain in thousands of waffling words how they did not mean what they said while never allowing anyone to question what Trump may have meant what he said. Democrats do not allow Trump to explain anything they misinterpret or misunderstand about his statements because democrats insist the only interpretation to be allowed is the one they are dishonestly propagating.


Well-known member

Ginni Thomas Urged 29 Lawmakers to Overturn Election

Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, pressed 29 Republican state lawmakers in Arizona — 27 more than previously known — to set aside Joe Biden’s popular vote victory and “choose” presidential electors, the Washington Post reports.

“The revelation that Ginni Thomas was directly involved in pressing them to override the popular vote — an act that would have been without precedent in the modern era — intensified questions about whether her husband should recuse himself from cases related to the 2020 presidential election and attempts to subvert it.”
Calling on politicians to try to influence them on decisions has been an honored American tradition for hundreds of years. Such advocacy is in fact the way advocacy is supposed to be done instead of burning and looting and laying siege outside the homes of SCOTUS justices with intent to kill. Democrats are not just dirty but stupid as well.