Finland fined driver $60,000 for going 14 mph over the limit


New member
Hall of Fame
The idea, I suppose, is everyone gets the same degree of punishment for the same offense.

So, for a given offense, you lose X percent of your daily pay. It would be fair, I suppose. But do you really think the rich in this country would ever allow it to happen?

Of course not. Besides, they already consider themselves above the law and have enough little lap dogs around to run interference for them. The rich wouldn't be the ones who refused to let this happen--suckers who think they'll finally hit it big one day at Casino USA would be the ones most vocally opposed.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
We don't want people to get a greater sense of impunity from the law.

Look around you, buddy. All dread of the law is gone, especially when it comes to driving. People stick to rules solely because of the potential financial hit or perhaps a loss of driving rights in rare circumstances. The traffic rules that are made today do not teach people to be good drivers; they teach people to look out for themselves and wish the worst on other motorists.


Active member
Since people who go 14mph over the speed limit kill far more people in the united states and in Europe than terrorists, shouldn't the penalty be quite harsh? He can afford it.


Active member
No. There should be no penalty unless harm is done.

Are you consistent and would you say the same thing about a crack or heroin addict?

How about a company dumping toxic waste into the river - all is fine until someone gets hurt?


New member
Hall of Fame
Are you consistent and would you say the same thing about a crack or heroin addict?

How about a company dumping toxic waste into the river - all is fine until someone gets hurt?

That's like saying it's fine to drive drunk until you kill someone.


New member
So are republicans for (fair) flat % tax/fines or not?

They want everyone to pay the same % of tax on income, but want poor people to pay higher % on fines? Makes no sense.

Might as well give each person a share of votes based on their income, so a person with a 6 million dollar income will have 100 times the voting power as a person with a 60 thousand dollar income.

Just to be fair.


New member
Hall of Fame
Might as well give each person a share of votes based on their income, so a person with a 6 million dollar income will have 100 times the voting power as a person with a 60 thousand dollar income.

Just to be fair.

Uh, no. That's kind of like the exact opposite of "fair."


New member
Might as well give each person a share of votes based on their income, so a person with a 6 million dollar income will have 100 times the voting power as a person with a 60 thousand dollar income.

Just to be fair.

Go look up the definition of fair and reevaluate your post.




noun: fair; plural noun: fairs

a gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment.

synonyms:carnival, festival, exhibition; midway

"a country fair"

North American

a competitive exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, and household skills held annually by a town, county, or state and also featuring entertainment and educational displays.



New member
An interesting idea. :think:

I'm curious (since you started this thread) if you think everyone should pay the same tax percentage on income. Do you think it's fair that the rich have to pay a higher percentage of income for taxes?

And if so, how is it fair that poor people pay a higher percentage on fines to government agencies?

In other words, are you for fairness, or do you think the rich should get cut some slack on speeding tickets but poor people should not get cut some slack on taxes?


New member
Go look up the definition of fair and reevaluate your post.
7. Being in accordance with relative merit or significance:​

The suggestion in my post is fair according to that definition, which is the same definition used in taxing a certain percentage of income and charging fines based on the size of income.