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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Taking the focus off of rape for two seconds in relevance to other bad things is something you all need apparently. Can't get off it for a second because you're so far crammed up Big Feminism's rear.

It's like, when it all comes down to it, feminism wins by default because of ~rape~. And that's just a big ball of crap, such as what feminism *is*.

The reason rape was so focussed on - at least in regards to you - was because of your complete ignorance and callous disregard of it. You've pretty much described yourself with your last...



The reason rape was so focussed on - at least in regards to you - was because of your complete ignorance and callous disregard of it. You've pretty much described yourself with your last...


Are you sure it's my alleged 'disregard'? Are you sure it isn't you and others extreme commitment to feminism?

Because as far as I can tell, you all have completely disregarded everything for it. Utterly and pitifully.


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Because the owners of the Republic should be the sole determiners of that Republic
Why not women landowners? If you say women shouldn't own land, why shouldn't they?

If women have husbands who own land in this republic, their husbands can vote in their interest and regard.
That doesn't really answer the question. Yes, husbands can vote on behalf of their wives. But does a woman voting go against God's will? Is she usurping her husbands authority? And what about women who are not married? Who will vote in their interest and regard?


I'm so misogynistic..


..my basis for women is to be like Mary.

You obviously worship Mary, not Jesus.

Jesus says to follow Me. We should be aim to be like Jesus not anyone else.



I want to believe all your words, but I have learned not to believe much of anything, that others self-servingly post on the internet.

What do you mean by this?

I don't need anyone's approval. I was advised many times that I just pray for my husband and bear with it by the church people including pastors. What I found is that they don't know how to counsel when it comes to spiritual problem.I found my own solution by reading Jesus' word.

Jesus is the counselor, not anyone else, not even church people, they are not obedient enough to give anyone spiritual advice.

My husband's problem was porn. And they could not even give him counsel in this simple yet evil practice.


Hall of Fame
My husband's problem was porn. And they could not even give him counsel in this simple yet evil practice.

Exactly ... I also went through TWO Christian counselors (couple counseling) and one individual counselor.

Anyone who shrugs off these issues as something to "just deal with" obviously does not know of what they speak and have absolutely nothing of value to add insofar as advice.


You obviously worship Mary, not Jesus.

Jesus says to follow Me. We should be aim to be like Jesus not anyone else.

Men should aim to be like Jesus, and women should aim to be like Mary.

God is masculine, you see. It's why all the angels, prophets, and otherwise leaders- and most importantly- Jesus, are all male.

By the historical Christian tradition, women are supposed to be like Mary.

Catholics do not worship Mary. That old, infinitely portrayed and yet infinitely rebuked accusation should just be put to rest.


Hall of Fame
Men should aim to be like Jesus, and women should aim to be like Mary.

God is masculine, you see. It's why all the angels, prophets, and otherwise leaders- and most importantly- Jesus, are all male.

By the historical Christian tradition, women are supposed to be like Mary.

So instead of being Christ-like ... women should be Mary-like. But that doesn't mean worshiping Mary.

On what planet?


My husband's problem was porn. And they could not even give him counsel in this simple yet evil practice.

It's not in all cases, but typically, it usually has to do with one not submitting or the other losing interest in sex.

This is one of the usual follies with marriage- the sexual flame becomes a mere spark, or in some cases, the wife will 'punish' the husband by withholding sex.

It's something that needs to be paid good attention to, because couples will often put it off and it will start to become a problem- and by the time they realize it, they are already in the rut.

In most cases, unless the husband is just an obnoxiously sexual deviant, it is wrong to condemn him in the event he looks at pornography.
It usually means, simply, that there is a sexual issue that needs to be remedied.

I'll tell one way NOT to go about it:

A friend of mine's brother has been married for about a decade. They have two children, are religious, and the man is decent.

I never gathered the inner details, but I assume that in all probability there were intimacy issues between the two. They weren't getting along very well, that much I know. Nothing necessarily divorce-bound, but not very joyful nonetheless.

She eventually discovered pornography on his computer, and she outright got a separation in order.
And this went on for an entire year, and they are still 'working things out'. He felt obligated to take classes for porn addiction- it is not to such an extent, but he did for her.

And that's just outrageous. There have been several times where I have seen her and just wanted to give a piece of my mind, but one of my virtues is not to get involved in marital affairs so I've always just left it alone.

The 5 solas

New member
Men should aim to be like Jesus, and women should aim to be like Mary.

God is masculine, you see. It's why all the angels, prophets, and otherwise leaders- and most importantly- Jesus, are all male.

By the historical Christian tradition, women are supposed to be like Mary.

Catholics do not worship Mary. That old, infinitely portrayed and yet infinitely rebuked accusation should just be put to rest.

This is heretical teaching. NEVER are women told to be like Mary. Regardless of the inappropriate, unscriptural and quite frankly heretical activities the RCs have surrounding Mary....I do not think even they would say that women are supposed to model ourselves after Mary when the Scriptures say we are to be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ, not Mary. Romans 8:29, "For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren"

The 5 solas

New member
the wife will 'punish' the husband by withholding sex.

Of course it is the woman's fault, like we did not see that coming! lol

"It was this woman you gave me." did not work for Adam and it is not going to work for anyone else either. We give an account for our own sin, regardless of circumstance. There is never a time the Scripture says, do not lust after a woman except if you haven't gotten any action from your wife." Man up.


Of course it is the woman's fault, like we did not see that coming! lol

"It was this woman you gave me." did not work for Adam and it is not going to work for anyone else either. We give an account for our own sin, regardless of circumstance. There is never a time the Scripture says, do not lust after a woman except if you haven't gotten any action from your wife." Man up.

I expounded a great deal of things, I didn't just accuse the wife.

I'm glad you did what you just did, because in a big way it vindicates me on a lot of what I've criticized some on within this thread:
you can't help but side with women and feminism, there always has to be men's fault trumping, or at the very least the women's fault bargained with.

Women who do not submit to their husbands are very much at fault as well if the marriage falls to the wayside.
A marriage is one in the flesh, not two people playing a blame game.

But you all are so damn twisted and fixed on feminism that even THAT doesn't avail any of you.
~Like I didn't see that coming~

Apparently, there's at least one *Sola* you fail with.

The 5 solas

New member
I expounded a great deal of things, I didn't just accuse the wife.

I'm glad you did what you just did, because in a big way it vindicates me on a lot of what I've criticized some on within this thread:
you can't help but side with women and feminism, there always has to be men's fault trumping, or at the very least the women's fault bargained with.

Women who do not submit to their husbands are very much at fault as well if the marriage falls to the wayside.
A marriage is one in the flesh, not two people playing a blame game.

But you all are so damn twisted and fixed on feminism that even THAT doesn't avail any of you.
~Like I didn't see that coming~

Apparently, there's at least one *Sola* you fail with.

You are a silly man. I have been nothing but against feminism this entire thread, read my opening post again. I even defended you and was hoping for the best, that you were being misunderstood. It was when you became so harsh and turned in such a manner as to blame women for everything along the way that you completely lost my support. It was not for the lack of trying on my part.

I really think you need to read back over this thread and see how you presented your position. If people read things into it, that you did not intend, then it should be rectified. So often, we misunderstand each other when it is just in text. The thing is, you did it so many times and much of it was extreme, that is why I was led to believe you were ...I do not even know what to call it...just bitter and off the deep end.

I chose to address that one point that you made, but had I gone further, it would not have been in your favour either. What I said was true. A married couple are to tend to each others sexual needs as the Scriptures say, 1 Cor 7:4, "For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does." That does not negate the fact that if there are troubles in the marriage in this area, that it is simply *okay* for one of them to give themselves over to lust by using porn. One can understand there is a struggle, but they are not to be given over to that, no matter the circumstance.


Hall of Fame
Men should aim to be like Jesus, and women should aim to be like Mary.

God is masculine, you see. It's why all the angels, prophets, and otherwise leaders- and most importantly- Jesus, are all male.

By the historical Christian tradition, women are supposed to be like Mary.

So instead of being Christ-like ... women should be Mary-like. But that doesn't mean worshiping Mary.

On what planet?

As per usual, you make no sense. Good job.

This is heretical teaching. NEVER are women told to be like Mary. Regardless of the inappropriate, unscriptural and quite frankly heretical activities the RCs have surrounding Mary....I do not think even they would say that women are supposed to model ourselves after Mary when the Scriptures say we are to be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ, not Mary. Romans 8:29, "For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren"


This is heretical teaching. NEVER are women told to be like Mary. Regardless of the inappropriate, unscriptural and quite frankly heretical activities the RCs have surrounding Mary....I do not think even they would say that women are supposed to model ourselves after Mary when the Scriptures say we are to be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ, not Mary. Romans 8:29, "For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren"

So you read Romans and figure the Roman Church is wrong by the book pertaining to it.

Can't seem to find the Book of Germany anywhere, else I'd expound on your Lutheranism.

~oh wait~
1500 years go by and all of a sudden we're the heretics because so called 'reformers' didn't like the idea of indulgences.
So they go form an entirely different form of Christianity.

The beliefs of Mary go way back to the 1st centuries, we don't need a collection of letters to explicitly state our dogmas.

I guess God should have commanded us to make a printing press?
Because sola scriptura was impossible, and the apostolic succession is what was intended.

Anyway, you fail to understand the meaning of men being like Christ and women being like Mary.
~Mary strives to be like Christ~

When you look at the Church, you see priests and nuns. The nuns are like Mary, the priests are like Christ.
That's something which has been around since the very beginning of Christendom altogether, because it is a rudiment of Christianity itself- just as Mary doesn't usurp Jesus, women do not usurp men.

You protestants really deprive yourselves of these extraordinary views with your anti-catholic prejudice.

The 5 solas

New member
So you read Romans and figure the Roman Church is wrong by the book pertaining to it.

Can't seem to find the Book of Germany anywhere, else I'd expound on your Lutheranism.

~oh wait~
1500 years go by and all of a sudden we're the heretics because so called 'reformers' didn't like the idea of indulgences.
So they go form an entirely different form of Christianity.

The beliefs of Mary go way back to the 1st centuries, we don't need a collection of letters to explicitly state our dogmas.

I guess God should have commanded us to make a printing press?
Because sola scriptura was impossible, and the apostolic succession is what was intended.

Anyway, you fail to understand the meaning of men being like Christ and women being like Mary.
~Mary strives to be like Christ~

When you look at the Church, you see priests and nuns. The nuns are like Mary, the priests are like Christ.
That's something which has been around since the very beginning of Christendom altogether, because it is a rudiment of Christianity itself- just as Mary doesn't usurp Jesus, women do not usurp men.

You protestants really deprive yourselves of these extraordinary views with your anti-catholic prejudice.

I reject RC doctrine as heretical, yes.
I was born, baptized and had my first communion as an RC, then God by His grace and mercy reached down and saved me. This thread is not about RC and their doctrinal anomalies. The Bible is my source of faith and practice, not RC tradition. So, we do not have to go there.

Mary is to be like Jesus, you say? Not to be a jerk but...News Flash, we are ALL to be like Jesus if we are His...so, why not skip that extra Mary step and just go right to Jesus. We do not have to make this difficult. We are never told to be like her, we are told to be like Jesus...end of that issue.

PS...yes God in His sovereignty did see that the printing press was made so that the Word of God could go out to all mankind and stop the stranglehold and deception that the RCs had on the people. A+ =)


New member
Men should aim to be like Jesus, and women should aim to be like Mary.

"As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Luke 11:27-28

God found favor with Mary and because God chose her to be the mother of His Son, she is certainly a type of role model for women in that she had great faith but first and foremost we should look to Yeshua as our example and to God's Word for our daily instruction. Proverbs 31 for instance gives us a good guideline for Godly women.


New member
This is one of the usual follies with marriage- the sexual flame becomes a mere spark, or in some cases, the wife will 'punish' the husband by withholding sex.

The quickest way to get
your husband into pornography
is to use sex as a manipulation
strategy in your marriage.
Many women do it, and the
strategy always backfires.
If you don't take care of
business, your husband will
look elsewhere. It is human

The 5 solas

New member
The quickest way to get
your husband into pornography
is to use sex as a manipulation
strategy in your marriage.
Many women do it, and the
strategy always backfires.
If you don't take care of
business, your husband will
look elsewhere. It is human

Yes, both examples there are sinful, human nature. A wife who withholds sexual favours and a husband who turns to porn as a solution. Why does a wife do that? What other issues in the marriage could make her feel the need to do so? A whole can of worms that opens up for sure.

I posted earlier...

What I said was true. A married couple are to tend to each others sexual needs as the Scriptures say,

1 Cor 7:4, "For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does."

That does not negate the fact that if there are troubles in the marriage in this area, that it is simply *okay* for one of them to give themselves over to lust by using porn. One can understand there is a struggle, but they are not to be given over to that, no matter the circumstance.
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