We are part of the royal priesthood of believers and no, we do not have to be celibate. I think that bit must be written elsewhere, because it sure is not in the Scriptures.
However, the Church does take vows very seriously. This goes back to the middle ages, such as when a knight might make vows to a king- it is an amendment that, if broken, is just *bad sauce*; very dishonorable.
Yes, I think there is a lot of bad sauce being passed around.
The Bible speaks more on sex then almost any other human act. It's everywhere in scripture, and for good reason apparently.
Yes, Song of Solomon for the win!
I doubt you could find anything about how the Church goes about sex that isn't somewhere within the Bible.
I have yet to see where it says the marital bed is for procreation only..... Song of Solomon seems to have it there for more than that.
Just as the Pharisee were the seat of Moses, the Catholic Magisterium are the seat of Peter.
The Pharisees were the seat of Moses as teachers of the Law but that in no way supports the Magisterium for the RCC. Besides that, the Pharisees were rebuked by the Lord Himself for being hypocrites and not knowing the true and Living God.