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Hall of Fame
It is the truth. The feminist lobby goes on and on about rape, but has absolutely no solution and even promotes the vulnerability of women.

What's the point of that other then trying to bury the issues of men?

It's not rocket science. If you can't see that, then you have no business even speaking upon it.
How's that for 'input'? The truth_

The simple truth of the matter is no one *is asking* to be raped.


The simple truth of the matter is no one *is asking* to be raped.

And the simple truth is when one is not proactive about it, one may as well be.

In a perfect world, one should be able to walk down a road and not get raped or mugged or killed.

But we don't live in a perfect world, so why in the hell are women thinking they are victims when they put themselves in bad situations? They victimized themselves.

The transgressor doesn't escape accountability, but a woman does well understanding that she put herself in a questionable situation rather then just saying the world is evil.
With that mentality, it's no wonder some women do not recuperate- they are being treated like the angels in Sodom!

The fact is that what feminism demands is outrageous- it states that women do whatever they want, and blame everything else. That is a complete jump off from reality_


Hall of Fame
And the simple truth is when one is not proactive about it, one may as well be.

In a perfect world, one should be able to walk down a road and not get raped or mugged or killed.

But we don't live in a perfect world, so why in the hell are women thinking they are victims when they put themselves in bad situations? They victimized themselves.

The transgressor doesn't escape accountability, but a woman does well understanding that she put herself in a questionable situation rather then just saying the world is evil.
With that mentality, it's no wonder some women do not recuperate- they are being treated like the angels in Sodom!

Once again, you argument fails.

Putting themselves in *bad situations*. Like taking out their trash or not installing a burglar alarm? Walking their dog in the park.

IF you do not hide yourself inside your home that is built like a fortress and someone breaks in and rapes YOU, did you put yourself in that situation? OR what if you are walking to work ... taking your garbage out? What if you are working late and don't realize one of the fellow employees is a violent creep?

Define *putting yourself in that situation* ... then feel free to explain how you have rearranged your life to make sure you are never the victim of a violent crime. Sum.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It is the truth. The feminist lobby goes on and on about rape, but has absolutely no solution and even promotes the vulnerability of women.

No it isn't. You'd seemingly sooner have us return to a bygone era where women couldn't even report such a heinous act.

What's the point of that other then trying to bury the issues of men?

Oh, well, possibly the direct and severely damaging effects of such an atrocious violation of another human being in the must 'personal' way possible? But hey, don't let such trifling matters bother you...

If you actually had an ounce of sense you'd realize there's plenty of routes for men to take regarding injustices and decrying rape is in no way, shape or form deriding those rights.

It's not rocket science. If you can't see that, then you have no business even speaking upon it.
How's that for 'input'? The truth_

What you spew out certainly isn't, and that's the truth. To be as ignorant as you are regarding rape qualifies you to speak on any such thing utterly redundant.

The 5 solas

New member
It doesn't help other cases AT ALL that many of the countries that have the lowest rape rates are where Islam is prevalent.

They demand humble dressing and marriage, you see.

I put that out there because I looked it up out of interest. I was looking for stats regarding number of rapes due to strangers, which you were alluding to. I found this, which is interesting.

Might I be so bold as to suggest that the places where Islam is most prevalent....the lower stats would be due not exclusively to modest apparel, but also to the death penalty as you mentioned in a post...but also that most of the rapes would go unreported due to fear of consequences.


Hall of Fame
It doesn't help other cases AT ALL that many of the countries that have the lowest rape rates are where Islam is prevalent.

They demand humble dressing and marriage, you see.

Uh huh. Demand. Humble dressing. Demand marriage. I am not surprised you would approve of such a society.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And the simple truth is when one is not proactive about it, one may as well be.

In a perfect world, one should be able to walk down a road and not get raped or mugged or killed.

But we don't live in a perfect world, so why in the hell are women thinking they are victims when they put themselves in bad situations? They victimized themselves.

The transgressor doesn't escape accountability, but a woman does well understanding that she put herself in a questionable situation rather then just saying the world is evil.
With that mentality, it's no wonder some women do not recuperate- they are being treated like the angels in Sodom!

The fact is that what feminism demands is outrageous- it states that women do whatever they want, and blame everything else. That is a complete jump off from reality_

Look you bloody dipstick, a woman could walk totally nude somewhere and if she's raped it's the fault of the person who assaults and violates her. That is said in order to make the point that whatever ill advised action someone may take, the culpability is on the aggressor. There is no excuse for violating someone and attempting to place the blame on their 'dress' or behaviour...

May as well state that wearing a bikini on a beach invites an assault...



Look you bloody dipstick, a woman could walk totally nude somewhere and if she's raped it's the fault of the person who assaults and violates her.

And if I walk into a den of wolves covered in steak sauce it would be the wolves fault that I got eaten.

What point is there to be had in your sentiment?
Eradicate the wolves, or teach women to not walk into dens.

I could illustrate this point in a million different ways, and it will never register to anyone who is a hopeless feminist twit.

Women have it in their power to not be raped, but they believe that men should be accountable for their actions and try to fix what they cannot fix. Kind of ironic, really.


Hall of Fame
And if I walk into a den of wolves covered in steak sauce it would be the wolves fault that I got eaten.

Oh ... you believe men are like wolves. That explains a lot. Some of us believe they are capable of being better.

What point is there to be had in your sentiment?
Eradicate the wolves, or teach women to not walk into dens.

Buh bye Wolves.

I could illustrate this point in a million different ways, and it will never register to anyone who is a hopeless feminist twit.

Women have it in their power to not be raped, but they believe that men should be accountable for their actions and try to fix what they cannot fix. Kind of ironic, really.

No. They. Do. Not. There is no need or right for anyone to rape another individual.

However, considering the fact that when you originally joined TOL back in your days of Sum, your religious affiliation was Muslim. You then changed it to Catholic.

The stuff you are spouting is exactly what I would expect from a radical Muslim in regards to the treatment and expectations of women. Sickening.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And if I walk into a den of wolves covered in steak sauce it would be the wolves fault that I got eaten.

Well no, it would be either your fault for being so bloody stupid as to invite being torn apart by a pack of animals without the same moral compass as humans or you'd be suffering from a mental disorder...

What point is there to be had in your sentiment?
Eradicate the wolves, or teach women to not walk into dens.

Or alternatively you could recognize that the culpability rests on the aggressor and not the victim given that we acknowledge that violent invasive assault is wrong which is reflected in the laws of the land? I know it's "liberal" an' all but hey...:plain:

I could illustrate this point in a million different ways, and it will never register to anyone who is a hopeless feminist twit.

It won't register because it's an invalid 'point' to start with. Most men aren't rapists and wouldn't even commit such a vile act. So you're sunk already with these 'analogies'.

Women have it in their power to not be raped, but they believe that men should be accountable for their actions and try to fix what they cannot fix. Kind of ironic, really.

Well, tell that to the victims who supposedly had this 'power' to prevent it from happening. Some people act like monsters, doesn't mean that either men or women are to blame for those who do.

Ironically your "reasoning" is running along the same lines of militant feminism - which is garbage, and in your case it's an apt enough description of your posts here...


No. They. Do. Not.

So men are accountable for women. They can't help themselves, men must do it?

We can run around and do this dance over and over and over, and your standing is still going to fall by the wayside.

However, considering the fact that when you originally joined TOL back in your days of Sum, your religious affiliation was Muslim. You then changed it to Catholic.

Are you still on that?
Lol, I congratulate any person who goes from Muslim to Catholic. That's a mighty change there, from one extremely colorful thing to another.

Anyway, I am not 'Sum'. Glad to see others have come on here and issued some hard truth, though :up:

The stuff you are spouting is exactly what I would expect from a radical Muslim in regards to the treatment and expectations of women. Sickening.

Well anyone with a good sense for history and religion knows that the Arabs and Levites weren't so different; the tribes of Issac and Ishmael.

In an odd way, you see a reflection of what the ancient Jews were like in seeing many things Muslims do today.
Maybe if you read Leviticus, among other books, you will see the reality of it come to life: very patriarchal, not very pro-life, very militant and used to killing innocents.

It's all through the Bible; pick one up.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So men are accountable for women. They can't help themselves, men must do it?

We can run around and do this dance over and over and over, and your standing is still going to fall by the wayside.

Are you still on that?
Lol, I congratulate any person who goes from Muslim to Catholic. That's a mighty change there, from one extremely colorful thing to another.

Anyway, I am not 'Sum'. Glad to see others have come on here and issued some hard truth, though :up:

Well anyone with a good sense for history and religion knows that the Arabs and Levites weren't so different; the tribes of Issac and Ishmael.

In an odd way, you see a reflection of what the ancient Jews were like in seeing many things Muslims do today.
Maybe if you read Leviticus, among other books, you will see the reality of it come to life: very patriarchal, not very pro-life, very militant and used to killing innocents.

It's all through the Bible; pick one up.

Frankly I don't care what you believe. Your ignorance and callous disregard of rape renders any such affiliation to anything invalid anyway.



Frankly I don't care what you believe. Your ignorance and callous disregard of rape renders any such affiliation to anything invalid anyway.


Just like I don't consider abortion murder and therefore am 'pro-abortion', I suppose you all would also consider me 'pro-rape' for saying anything else in this wide world is commensurate to rape.

It's a bunch of nonsense, but speaking of you specifically- very typical of a liberal atheist ~trying to take the moral highroad rather then take accountability~

I could say the same about the others as well :plain:


Hall of Fame
So men are accountable for women.

Oh ... women rape themselves? THAT is definitely a new one.

They can't help themselves, men must do it?

Can't help themselves to W.H.A.T? Living. Existing. Oh yeah. So irresponsible. Their bad.

We can run around and do this dance over and over and over, and your standing is still going to fall by the wayside.

You haven't put up a reasonable, coherent argument as to why men are not responsible when they commit the crime of rape.

Are you still on that?
Lol, I congratulate any person who goes from Muslim to Catholic. That's a mighty change there, from one extremely colorful thing to another.

Don't you mean "oh that wasn't me"? :think:

Anyway, I am not 'Sum'. Glad to see others have come on here and issued some hard truth, though :up:

Not buying it ... and they haven't. Then again, you are the ONLY person here arguing that it's women's fault that they get raped.

Well anyone with a good sense for history and religion knows that the Arabs and Levites weren't so different; the tribes of Issac and Ishmael.

In an odd way, you see a reflection of what the ancient Jews were like in seeing many things Muslims do today.
Maybe if you read Leviticus, among other books, you will see the reality of it come to life: very patriarchal, not very pro-life, very militant and used to killing innocents.

It's all through the Bible; pick one up.

I've read the Bible from front to back and never came to conclusion that rape is the fault of the victim and unborn babies have no value.

Feel free to keep making these declarations about abortion and the Bible and I can guarantee you that it will be those on the extreme right who will have an issue with your claims.


Then again, you are the ONLY person here arguing that it's women's fault that they get raped.

Men are accountable for their own actions, and so are women.

If a man gets mugged down a dubious alleyway, they are going to acknowledge that it was unjust that they were attacked, but they are also going to realize that they shouldn't have been moseying around such places.
That it's dangerous.

But with women moseying around dubious places? Oh no, no accountability at all, they should be able to do whatever they want, wherever they want, and men should strive to let them go around like the world is their glass palace..

That's the point to be made, and yet you can't help yourself- you're completely unable to concede that at all.
Feminism, therefore, is a big bad JOKE. It is rank victimization and the demand for others to help them with something only they can fix. It's perpetual adherence to them.

Feel free to keep making these declarations about abortion and the Bible and I can guarantee you that it will be those on the extreme right who will have an issue with your claims.

I'be already put up relevant verses on another thread, even shared them on here.
And they went virtually unchallenged, because they outright prove them wrong.

They simply go to plan B: condemn me for having told the truth and merely pretend it isn't :chuckle:

Honestly, Rusha- have you noticed that I've been pretty calm throughout this thread and others? Everyone else gets bent out of shape because I am right and they are wrong and they know it. I'm pretty secure where I stand :thumb:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Just like I don't consider abortion murder and therefore am 'pro-abortion', I suppose you all would also consider me 'pro-rape' for saying anything else in this wide world is commensurate to rape.

Decrying the effects of the hideous act of rape is what marks you out.

It's a bunch of nonsense, but speaking of you specifically- very typical of a liberal atheist ~trying to take the moral highroad rather then take accountability~

Well, I'm not an atheist so given that you're directing this nonsense towards me - it's yet another thing you've managed to get wrong.

I could say the same about the others as well :plain:

And it would mean about as much as an aardvark teaching French in a zoo, so there's that at least...



Decrying the effects of the hideous act of rape is what marks you out.

Taking the focus off of rape for two seconds in relevance to other bad things is something you all need apparently. Can't get off it for a second because you're so far crammed up Big Feminism's rear.

It's like, when it all comes down to it, feminism wins by default because of ~rape~. And that's just a big ball of crap, such as what feminism *is*.
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