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Unbelievable. MEN are the ones doing the act of RAPE!!

And what do suppose we do?
Unless you plan to exterminate the male gender, it's not going away.
The only action to substantially deter rape is one women are not willing to do.

I don't particularly like being the one to give these hard truths, but somebody has to do it.

But something can certainly be done about the grave injustice of men losing everything to women.
Have you ever sat down and talked to a man who loses his wife, kids, home, and finances?
It's really not too different then speaking to a rape victim. There is no more hope for one over the other- they either try to live or wither away.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Rape is sensationalized to further ignore the problems of men. This is so obvious of the feminist agenda that it will drive any person willing to accept it to be very anti-feminist altogether.

Yeah, there's nothing that bad or traumatizing about being violently sexually violated at all is there? No big deal, just get on with things afterwards etc eh? You absolute and total knob.

Under what actual, sober notion does one hold a women being raped so much worse then a man whose life is basically ruined to a woman?

Given your attitude towards the plight of women who have been raped I'm suspecting that any woman who 'ruined' your life may well have had good reason for it...

~Deep scars~ ~future issues with a spouse~ ~trust issues~

I want you to take in the symmetry there- the painfully dull reality of the raped woman and the deprived husband.

Tell that to a victim who is housebound, afraid to even go to the corner shop, who can barely eat and suffers nightmares etc etc. You ignorant cretin.

Now you sit there and tell me that it isn't in the feminist's agenda to further ignore the deprived husband for the raped woman.

I'll sit, stand, crouch, and pole vault while telling you how much of a gormless malicious piece of scum you are. If you had any sort of objectivity on this subject at all you'd realize that nobody is advocating that injustices towards men are to be taken lightly at all. How you can possibly equate a righteous condemnation of a hideous violation to that is just anathema....

I'll tell you something deep: would you consider that men are being chastised because they failed to take control of feminist rebellion?
Dig into the depths of scripture, and one will see all sorts of oddities that position such a notion.

And no, I haven't lost everything to a woman. I've experienced bits, but have witnessed more times then I thought any person could decent men falling into such situations.

The time you talk something deep will be when your voice finally breaks, or hopefully just actually breaks altogether.



I'll sit, stand, crouch, and pole vault while telling you how much of a gormless malicious piece of scum you are.


You made my night, Arthur Brain


Hall of Fame
And what do suppose we do?
Unless you plan to exterminate the male gender, it's not going away.

Actually Sum, we could start by changing the sentence for rape and child molestation to the death penalty. So yeah, the portion of men you are referring to would be exterminated.

The only action to substantially deter rape is one women are not willing to do.

Oh really ... and WHAT exact would that action be? Do tell.

I don't particularly like being the one to give these hard truths, but somebody has to do it.

But something can certainly be done about the grave injustice of men losing everything to women.

How about behaving like MEN and fathers and husbands who take responsibility for what they are part of or completely at fault for?

Have you ever sat down and talked to a man who loses his wife, kids, home, and finances?
It's really not too different then speaking to a rape victim. There is no more hope for one over the other- they either live or die.

Unbelievable ... but to answer your question. Yes, I have. Through those close to me and my own experience. I have absolutely no sympathy for a person of either gender who cheat on or abuse their spouse or anyone who sexually abuses or rapes another person.

Rapists and child molesters should all be tried for present and past crimes and receive the death penalty. Just wanted to make sure you are clear about my view of the type of scum who commit these acts.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm here to state my beliefs, which in reality aren't remotely as bad as you all are trying to make them. I'm not really misogynistic.

You all simply force my hand to issuing details which apparently makes you all mad; you should reflect on that instead of projecting.

You ignorantly reduce rape to something like petty theft. If you had any experience of it - direct or otherwise - you couldn't say the stuff you have.

What's more there's not a person on here who has downplayed the rights of men or the injustices that go on, yet you insist on comparing the two.

You are simply unreal...

The 5 solas

New member
I'm here to state my beliefs, which in reality aren't remotely as bad as you all are trying to make them. I'm not really misogynistic.

Feminism is simple:

Dicing out all the unwanted responsibilities of women and stealing the wanted ones from men.


It's expected by women to be spoiled and carried and pretend that they have grave inequalities- and that nothing in this statement I true.

They would learn the very rudimentary things, like minding one's tongue for example

you are a female you have no intention of actually keeping that mouth shut.

They don't want equality, they want equal results. They really say that being female is a handicap, but dress it up as men being tyrants.
Feminism is just a big ball of nonsense. It doesn't do women any justice, a real woman strives to be a proper woman- the one's that don't get married multiple times and blame everything on men; the one's that give men their sacred, exclusive right as leaders.

what you all say usually amounts to a bunch of stupid drivel.

manipulating, deceiving liars

No, you little girls make yourselves look stupid when you come on here with lies. She didn't even post the whole post because she herself is a damn liar and she knows it.

So why don't you all grow up and stop giving anti-feminists all the ammo in the world to shoot
All you all know how to do, just like the typical hard headed female, is aggravate someone.

everyone's worried about the imaginary injustices of women!

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, male or female- that's nice, but it doesn't support equality.

There is no reason to even bring up that we are all equal with Christ if one going to ignore the fact that women have overstepped their bounds.

What's sad is that men need protection from women

It's demonstrably proven that science is a man's role.

Blame it on the imaginary injustices of women.

It's caused lesbianism and abortion

A patriarchal society exists even today. The only difference is that women can now ruin families, perform abortions, deprive men's lives in courtrooms, and pretend that they are as good as men within the roles of men.

Yes I certainly can blame women for the injustices in court.

Eve began to adulterate society with promiscuity and vain affairs. Much like today, you see.

Women should get into the business of marrying the right man and not getting married and divorced. And married, and divorced. And married and divorced..

Rape has been around since the Neanderthals. The whole knocking a woman out and dragging her into a cave?
That's probably not too far from the truth.

One can't really blame men based on that, however- they lacked the capacity for the type of morals we have.

The point is that in the beginning of relevant mankind, we were coming out of that and it took time for us to come to terms with our moral compass we've gained.

I can pretty much guarantee that rape wasn't seen as severe by either man or women in olden times. They were really hard times where women had stones about them; very different then this new age.

So insofar as rape couldn't be proven, it wasn't necessarily seen as next to near murder like it is today.

I don't find a rape victim to be in a worse boat then a man who loses his house, finances, and children to a selfish wife.
Sue me.

But something can certainly be done about the grave injustice of men losing everything to women.
Have you ever sat down and talked to a man who loses his wife, kids, home, and finances?
It's really not too different then speaking to a rape victim.

Today has been brought to you by the word, misogynist.

A misogynist is a person who hates or doesn't trust women.


Actually Sum, we could start by changing the sentence for rape and child molestation to the death penalty. So yeah, the portion of men you are referring to would be exterminated.

Because the death penalty is so good at deterring crime.

A man at want point got consecutive life sentences for molesting two children of his girlfriend. He sodomized one. It was pretty bad.

He thought he could get away with it, you see. Such as what most criminals think- that, or they don't care at the time.

The death penalty is just revenge, it doesn't deter anything.

Oh really ... and WHAT exact would that action be? Do tell.

You all know exactly what it is. Maybe look at women under Shariah..

If rape is so terrible, there should be no action worth dismissing. But apparently.. nothing beats being promiscuous and vain!

Rapists and child molesters should all be tried for present and past crimes and receive the death penalty. Just wanted to make sure you are clear about my view of the type of scum who commit these acts.

Who's the crazy person now? Round em up and kill em all!
I guess all that feminism is in fact just a scourge against men after all.

What should become of women who take the house, kids, and finances from their husband? ~Do tell~
Because in my book, that's a major crime that, without repentance, could lead one to Hell quick, fast, and in a hurry.


Today has been brought to you by the word, misogynist.

A misogynist is a person who hates or doesn't trust women.

If that is the case, then most all women are born into misandry, because they are brought up to not trust men, or to be wary of men, so on and so forth.

But they aren't considered such.
~double standard~ if there ever was one.

I am not a misogynist. You all just forced my hands into telling truths that does your standing no justice. There's a whole other side of my views on women, but what's the point when it's so openly everywhere all the time in every exhausting moment of this feminist world we now live in_
I don't particularly like carrying a stone that a million hands are already carrying, if you understand what I'm saying. It's pointless, what is the reasoning for upholding the good things of women when the negatives need to be stated?
Nothing. It is a waste of time and fruitless. You all need to understand that you're becoming part of the problem. ~doing that~


Hall of Fame
Because the death penalty is so good at deterring crime.

It is ... a dead rapist/child molester can never re-offend again. Do you deny this?

A man at want point got consecutive life sentences for molesting two children of his girlfriend. He sodomized one. It was pretty bad.

He thought he could get away with it, you see. Such as what most criminals think- that, or they don't care at the time.

The death penalty is just revenge, it doesn't deter anything.

Sure it does. IF the lowlife was dead, he could never harm another child again. That's justice. That is taking a stand to protect victims and FUTURE victims.

You all know exactly what it is. Maybe look at women under Shariah..

Why would I play guessing games? You brought it up. Just state it out right. What are you afraid of?

If rape is so terrible, there should be no action worth dismissing. But apparently.. nothing beats being promiscuous and vain!

Promiscuous and vain? WHAT on earth are you going on about now? Rape has what to do with promiscuity and vanity? IF you wish to make such outrageous claims, take the time to clarify exactly what you mean.

Who's the crazy person now? Round em up and kill em all!
I guess all that feminism is in fact just a scourge against men after all.

Oh you poor pathetic little guy. Did you believe I meant only one gender should receive the death penalty for rape and child molestation? Not hardly.

What should become of women who take the house, kids, and finances from their husband? ~Do tell~

I haven't seen it happen though I guess if it did it would depend on the circumstances. IF he was an abusive cheater, she should be commended for taking her children out of a dangerous situation.

Then again, you already know we are not talking about nice guys who get the shaft but rather nasty guys who no longer are allowed to continue their abuse towards their wife and/or children.

BTW, you are a perfect example of why feminism exists.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I'm philosophically and realistically minded, not emotionally minded.

I don't find a rape victim to be in a worse boat then a man who loses his house, finances, and children to a selfish wife.
Sue me.
That sounds a bit emotional.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I find such reaction-y splurging of insults hilarious, especially when they are based on a remarkably dull and faulty perception of what I do and don't believe.

You are on record as describing rape as not that big a deal. You didn't need any help in making yourself look as insidious as you have. Laugh all you want. Trolls often do...


Promiscuous and vain? WHAT on earth are you going on about now? Rape has what to do with promiscuity and vanity? IF you wish to make such outrageous claims, take the time to clarify exactly what you mean.

Walking into a wolves den covered in KC Masterpiece is not a way to deter being eaten.

The only way to deter this situation- walking into dens covered in savory goodness, is to exterminate the wolves.

There's nothing outrageous about that simple fact. Unless you're a feminist.


You are on record as describing rape as not that big a deal. You didn't need any help in making yourself look as insidious as you have. Laugh all you want. Trolls often do...

No, and anyone is welcome to go along these posts and see that such a 'record' is a complete lie.

In fact, this sort of thing is hummed at me all the time on here- I preach something of my beliefs, somebody comes along and utterly beats a straw man.

I'm used to it.
And do you know the definition of an internet troll? I get that a lot to- a troll is not someone who you militantly despise for their beliefs, it's someone who causes trouble for no reason.
It was never my intent to cause trouble- you all make trouble when you decide to be dishonest and condemn someone based on some emotional BS.
If I was given fair chance and approached in an open matter, it would have never come to what it is now- one would see that I am not misogynistic.
But no, you all go on a tangent and force my hand into stating truths you all don't want to hear rather then properly expounding.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No, and anyone is welcome to go along these posts and see that such a 'record' is a complete lie.

In fact, this sort of thing is hummed at me all the time on here- I preach something of my beliefs, somebody comes along and utterly beats a straw man.

I'm used to it.
And do you know the definition of an internet troll? I get that a lot to- a troll is not someone who you militantly despise for their beliefs, it's someone who causes trouble for no reason.
It was never my intent to cause trouble- you all make trouble when you decide to be dishonest and condemn someone based on some emotional BS.
If I was given fair chance and approached in an open matter, it would have never come to what it is now- one would see that I am not misogynistic.
But no, you all go on a tangent and force my hand into stating truths you all don't want to hear rather then properly expounding.

The following quoted comment of yours alone shows how much of a crank you are:

"Rape is sensationalized to further ignore the problems of men."

That isn't a "truth", it's absolute total crap and people can read the rest of your 'input' and get on with it.


The following quoted comment of yours alone shows how much of a crank you are:

"Rape is sensationalized to further ignore the problems of men."

That isn't a "truth", it's absolute total crap and people can read the rest of your 'input' and get on with it.

It is the truth. The feminist lobby goes on and on about rape, but has absolutely no solution and even promotes the vulnerability of women.

What's the point of that other then trying to bury the issues of men?

It's not rocket science. If you can't see that, then you have no business even speaking upon it.
How's that for 'input'? The truth_


Hall of Fame
Walking into a wolves den covered in KC Masterpiece is not a way to deter being eaten..

WHO is doing the walking into the *wolves den* and what are you claiming they need to do to "deter being eaten".

Be clear and concise rather than dancing around the question.


It is the truth. The feminist lobby goes on and on about rape, but has absolutely no solution and even promotes the vulnerability of women.

What's the point of that other then trying to bury the issues of men?

It's not rocket science. If you can't see that, then you have no business even speaking upon it.
I have been following this series of posts. Please allow me to suggest that you should quit while you are behind.
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