Feminism is simple:
Dicing out all the unwanted responsibilities of women and stealing the wanted ones from men.
It's expected by women to be spoiled and carried and pretend that they have grave inequalities- and that nothing in this statement I true.
They would learn the very rudimentary things, like minding one's tongue for example
you are a female you have no intention of actually keeping that mouth shut.
They don't want equality, they want equal results. They really say that being female is a handicap, but dress it up as men being tyrants.
Feminism is just a big ball of nonsense. It doesn't do women any justice, a real woman strives to be a proper woman- the one's that don't get married multiple times and blame everything on men; the one's that give men their sacred, exclusive right as leaders.
what you all say usually amounts to a bunch of stupid drivel.
manipulating, deceiving liars
No, you little girls make yourselves look stupid when you come on here with lies. She didn't even post the whole post because she herself is a damn liar and she knows it.
So why don't you all grow up and stop giving anti-feminists all the ammo in the world to shoot
All you all know how to do, just like the typical hard headed female, is aggravate someone.
everyone's worried about the imaginary injustices of women!
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, male or female- that's nice, but it doesn't support equality.
There is no reason to even bring up that we are all equal with Christ if one going to ignore the fact that women have overstepped their bounds.
What's sad is that men need protection from women
It's demonstrably proven that science is a man's role.
Blame it on the imaginary injustices of women.
It's caused lesbianism and abortion
A patriarchal society exists even today. The only difference is that women can now ruin families, perform abortions, deprive men's lives in courtrooms, and pretend that they are as good as men within the roles of men.
Yes I certainly can blame women for the injustices in court.
Eve began to adulterate society with promiscuity and vain affairs. Much like today, you see.
Women should get into the business of marrying the right man and not getting married and divorced. And married, and divorced. And married and divorced..
Rape has been around since the Neanderthals. The whole knocking a woman out and dragging her into a cave?
That's probably not too far from the truth.
One can't really blame men based on that, however- they lacked the capacity for the type of morals we have.
The point is that in the beginning of relevant mankind, we were coming out of that and it took time for us to come to terms with our moral compass we've gained.
I can pretty much guarantee that rape wasn't seen as severe by either man or women in olden times. They were really hard times where women had stones about them; very different then this new age.
So insofar as rape couldn't be proven, it wasn't necessarily seen as next to near murder like it is today.
I don't find a rape victim to be in a worse boat then a man who loses his house, finances, and children to a selfish wife.
Sue me.
But something can certainly be done about the grave injustice of men losing everything to women.
Have you ever sat down and talked to a man who loses his wife, kids, home, and finances?
It's really not too different then speaking to a rape victim.