More Shar'ia Law, conservative Christian style. This is exactly why religion is under attack today, from scientists, humanists, non-believers, former believers, atheists, agnostics, and those who claim to be "spiritual but not religious." According to the Christian polling company Barma, the fastest-growing demographic in the faith is "the Un-Churched."
Ancient dogma is no longer compelling nor persuasive to citizens in today's global culture. Islam and Christianity and their fundamentalism show they are in a defensive posture.
My solution is for the church to get back to Jesus. Instead of "right belief" it should be "right practice." And Islam, well, a recemt Pew Poll of Muslims world-wide found that over 90% of followers of Islam are discouraged and angry regarding the terrorism of the minority.
Christianity, in my opinion, is not about being able to give one's assent to a list of first-century beliefs. It is all about a relationship with Jesus as God.
Ancient dogma is no longer compelling nor persuasive to citizens in today's global culture. Islam and Christianity and their fundamentalism show they are in a defensive posture.
My solution is for the church to get back to Jesus. Instead of "right belief" it should be "right practice." And Islam, well, a recemt Pew Poll of Muslims world-wide found that over 90% of followers of Islam are discouraged and angry regarding the terrorism of the minority.
Christianity, in my opinion, is not about being able to give one's assent to a list of first-century beliefs. It is all about a relationship with Jesus as God.