False ‘Message Bible’ Creator Changes Mind on Homosexuality, Says He Would Officiate

The Berean

Well-known member
If Jesus was to somehow come back to life and defend calling himself christ, then I would ask for an apology, on behalf of humanity. As it is, I think the historical Jesus is the one who deserves an apology from the gospel writers, who were so keen to use him as a political stooge. Don't forget it is the baby Jesus who brought us eternal punishment in burning sulfur. Now, either that represents such a low view of our species by him that it is contemptible, or else it is a monstrous lie that has been attributed to that decent guy.

Stuart (as it is spelled)
Your complete ignorance of Biblical history is duly noted. This idea that the Gospel writers changed the history of Jesus Christ for some political goal is ridiculous. The Gospel writers were writing first hand accounts. The early Christians mostly came from the poor, had no wealth, and no political influence. Jesus Christ came to preach the Gospel of His Kingdom that has nothing to do with the dark world system of that time. But let me ask you this. What is so offensive about Christ? He offers YOU eternal salvation and eternal relationship with Him, the creator of the entire universe. That is really offensive to you?


New member
Thank you for your reply.
Your complete ignorance of Biblical history is duly noted.
I am trying, as much as I can, to go on actual history. Although I'm not sure if you are denying that baby christ brought us hell.

This idea that the Gospel writers changed the history of Jesus Christ for some political goal is ridiculous.
They got the dates for Herod wrong, and made up the story of the census, just for starters.

The Gospel writers were writing first hand accounts.
They must have lived to some pretty spectacular ages then, whoever they were.

The early Christians mostly came from the poor, had no wealth, and no political influence. Jesus Christ came to preach the Gospel of His Kingdom that has nothing to do with the dark world system of that time.
You mean the dispossessed of occupied ancient Judea? It must have been as much of a political hotbed then as it is today. Different politics, same hotheads.

But let me ask you this. What is so offensive about Christ? He offers YOU eternal salvation and eternal relationship with Him, the creator of the entire universe. That is really offensive to you?
Compulsory love on pain of death by burning in sulfur, with only one way to being a decent person. And I thought Americans were generally opposed to the idea of communistic totalitarian dictatorship.



New member
While I am flattered, I fear the actual cause of homosexuality is natural selection, given that every species ever observed to reproduce by copulation has shown examples of gay sexual relationships. You might not like the idea but you can't claim it's not natural for your god's creatures to indulge in same-sex activities.

If you have a stern stomach then read about the necrophiliac homosexual duck.


As an unrepentant sinner without saving grace you are disposed to believe any lie that you are presented with. The energised delusion that is sent to those that received not the love of the truth that they might be saved, is all you have.


New member
To reject personal responsibility makes you a hyper-Calvinist.

Why aren't there any moderates on this forum just the worthless hypers?

I can speak peacefully to moderates but not you.

Hyper-Calvinists hate me because they insist I am too extreme.


New member
As an unrepentant sinner without saving grace you are disposed to believe any lie that you are presented with. The energised delusion that is sent to those that received not the love of the truth that they might be saved, is all you have.
So your god is lying to me to stop me from seeing the truth, as is set out in 2 Thessalonians and elsewhere.

Actually I am not a sinner because I don't belong to the christian club. Or any of the Abrahamic clubs. You may as well call me messiah as sinner, because neither word has any importance to anyone outside your in-group.



New member
So your god is lying to me to stop me from seeing the truth, as is set out in 2 Thessalonians and elsewhere.

Actually I am not a sinner because I don't belong to the christian club. Or any of the Abrahamic clubs. You may as well call me messiah as sinner, because neither word has any importance to anyone outside your in-group.


You are a sinner by nature. Every intent and thought you have is sinful. Every word you speak or write is sinful. Every deed you complete is drenched in sin. If you were born in the US then you are American. You were conceived and born in sin, therefore, you are a sinner.

Do you deny that you are American?


New member
People give labels . I was born in this place that people have decided to call England , they have put borders around it and made its own rules . So therefore people would label me as English . There are a lot of labels that we give each other , white , black , gay , saint , sinner . God doesn't see labels he sees us as individuals. You might be to narrow minded to k ow how to treat other brothers and sisters but God most certainly is not .

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

patrick jane

You are a sinner by nature. Every intent and thought you have is sinful. Every word you speak or write is sinful. Every deed you complete is drenched in sin. If you were born in the US then you are American. You were conceived and born in sin, therefore, you are a sinner.

Do you deny that you are American?
You are a sinner by nature. Every intent and thought you have is sinful. Every word you speak or write is sinful. Every deed you complete is drenched in sin. Do you deny that you are British?


New member
You are a sinner by nature. Every intent and thought you have is sinful. Every word you speak or write is sinful. Every deed you complete is drenched in sin. Do you deny that you are British?

By grace, I am a repentant sinner. By physical birth I am Cymro.

PS why do you follow me around like a stray dog...rhetorical.


New member
You are a sinner by nature. Every intent and thought you have is sinful. Every word you speak or write is sinful. Every deed you complete is drenched in sin. If you were born in the US then you are American. You were conceived and born in sin, therefore, you are a sinner.
I see. Your christian club has a label for me. But that's your problem, not mine.

Do you deny that you are American?
As it happens, I am not American. We share a Queen.


patrick jane

By grace, I am a repentant sinner. By physical birth I am Cymro.

PS why do you follow me around like a stray dog...rhetorical.
Because you always have food for me. No, because I look at recent posts and you always have some. Your over the top judgement and condemnation of others compels me to respond


New member
Because you always have food for me. No, because I look at recent posts and you always have some. Your over the top judgement and condemnation of others compels me to respond

If that were the case you would respond rationally instead of with blatant stupidity.


New member
I see. Your christian club has a label for me. But that's your problem, not mine.

As it happens, I am not American. We share a Queen.


For the record I am not a "christian".

Were you ever on the BBC Christianity forum before it was closed down?


New member
In that case I apologise for the slight.

Can't say I had that pleasure. I can imagine the arguments about Thought for the Day, though.


I was continually being given short "time off" and then they banned me for life. Then the site was closed down.