False ‘Message Bible’ Creator Changes Mind on Homosexuality, Says He Would Officiate


New member
hi stuu, long time no sea.. :) Abraham the man that migrated from his birth country to JerUesluem...HE SAT DOWN IN ISRAEL AND WATCHED A ASTROID CROSS THE SKY AT NIGHT, THERE HE MADE A COVENANT, WITH HIS GODAND HIS CHILDREN THAT HAD NOT BEEN BORN, THAT THEY WOULD OWN THE LAND HE WAS SITTING ON RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT.. THE DNA ARMY THAT WOULD RISE UP AND TAKE THE THRONE OF ISREAL. so Abraham sent home to araba.. his birth land for a wife for his son isacc.. who then had sons.. who were then sent back to the grandfathers birth land for wives.. Jacob stayed this mothers brothers house.. were we wanted to marry his cousin ( some how god had not learned that interbreeding was dangerous to producing strong healthy vessels.. So Jacob saw his second eldest cousin an wanted her.. his uncle laban said..you spoilt brat... you don't even know our laws, the eldest must marry first,your g grand father ran away two generations ago.. yet you keep sending home for wives and excepting yourselves from the birth land laws... in the end the children of abraham were exiled to Egypt, till the DNA som Mose's was born.. and he said.. come onslaves.. let us go back and claim the promise of father Abraham... Israel is ours.. above those who have paid tax and built the city for their DNA.. our god said it is ours.. so we will compass it 40 years until we are enough to conquer and take it over..even if we came form far off arab nation.. we can still arrive under banner, convincing of the new Israelites...
Hi Charity

That's what the words say...but the Jewish archeologists, the ones with the most to gain by it being true, say actually it never happened.



New member
You are atheist.
Sorry, not good enough. Of all the ways of viewing the world, you are more likely to have an atheist put themselves in your shoes than anyone else. You should remember that from your own experience, right? Were you an atheist? I don't have to agree with you or accept the output of your brain to have a comprehension of what it is like to believe the way you do.

I am sure I can understand the feeling of horror that could be experienced by a christian who 'knows' that this atheist he is dealing with is going to be punished eternally, and this is one chance to save him from that fate if only he will accept the story in scripture. We do share a common humanity, after all. I don't think there are any special emotions that are only the domain of religious converts. After all, you were able to take on that range of feelings after being what you call atheist, right? And there are many who were devout who now call themselves non-believers, and there is no special change of basic human capacity for experience in either direction, just a change of actual sense of experience. Otherwise evangelism would be a complete waste of time and the scriptures would be hypocritical.



New member
Sorry, not good enough. Of all the ways of viewing the world, you are more likely to have an atheist put themselves in your shoes than anyone else. You should remember that from your own experience, right? Were you an atheist? I don't have to agree with you or accept the output of your brain to have a comprehension of what it is like to believe the way you do.

I am sure I can understand the feeling of horror that could be experienced by a christian who 'knows' that this atheist he is dealing with is going to be punished eternally, and this is one chance to save him from that fate if only he will accept the story in scripture. We do share a common humanity, after all. I don't think there are any special emotions that are only the domain of religious converts. After all, you were able to take on that range of feelings after being what you call atheist, right? And there are many who were devout who now call themselves non-believers, and there is no special change of basic human capacity for experience in either direction, just a change of actual sense of experience. Otherwise evangelism would be a complete waste of time and the scriptures would be hypocritical.


You obviously don't understand the true meaning of the word atheist.


New member
I want to understand your beliefs properly. The last thing I would want is to make a strawman, which unfortunately I have already done in your case.


I don't have "beliefs". I have access to and complete trust in absolute truth.


New member
Is that just visible light you enquire of?

Elohim is Light.
In the end your beliefs are your business, but since you boasted about them I asked you for some practically useful information. Might it be that your access to absolute truth is only access to a personal absolute truth that really isn't much practical good? Really, is this kind of truth access actually a bit solipsistic?



New member
I don't live in Southern Wales. Truth is only fallacy to those that don't possess truth.
There is a Carmarthenshire that is not in south-west Wales?

It does begin to look like Messianism consists of a tissue of platitudes. Would that be a fair summary of your replies to me so far?



New member
In the end your beliefs are your business, but since you boasted about them I asked you for some practically useful information. Might it be that your access to absolute truth is only access to a personal absolute truth that really isn't much practical good? Really, is this kind of truth access actually a bit solipsistic?


My life is Messiah centered, but I have recollection of being self-centered prior to my conversion.


New member
There is a Carmarthenshire that is not in south-west Wales?

It does begin to look like Messianism consists of a tissue of platitudes. Would that be a fair summary of your replies to me so far?


You didn't say South West Wales, you said Southern Wales. Carmarthenshire is one of three Counties that make up West Wales.


New member
I understand that.. Archeologists are proving many things..even that a list of spanish words from the iberian celtic language was used by the roman empire to create their latin language. hijacked from the occupying tribe they conquered and wanted to retrain..they have now uncovered written evidence that, that very early kingdom of Israel. HARPS& PIPE's flourished with Scottish and irish symbols... evil alliance's took place to wipe out the memory of that western kingdom took place for over 3000 years BC.. I believe the bible is made up of looted law books, which the vatican assembled 3 to 4 different gods together from empires they over threw, object> new world> to create one God UNDER ONE holy catholic church. dates even beginning over> very clever Gay men.. even convinced their own Nation that this one god wanted to build a wall to separate a few womanless men into a country within a country holding all the looted & treasures, gold belonging to the irish harps and pipes kingdom..they carried home after the people rose up against them concerning taxation... as quoted.. who gets a free silver coin out of a fishes mouth to pay their tax for free.. their god is no more than a political tax adventure thats all over walked all over earth on the instructions of womanless men...TODAY VATICAN CITY IS UP THERE.. USING THE OLD SYSTEM THAT WORKED WELL FOR THEM.. which was CULTURE AND nATION SWAPS, and alliances introducing brutal islamic men to destroy peace and create fear..they also dishonor woman.. their god moses is enthroned in every nation that fall. who is the Abrahams son as written above..


New member
My life is Messiah centered, but I have recollection of being self-centered prior to my conversion.
The impression I get, especially reading your Signs of Life thread, is that you paint others as cartoon characters with various failings, including what you consider to be your former self, while portraying your own current worldview as the only real game in town. That may as well be called solipsism.



New member
You didn't say South West Wales, you said Southern Wales. Carmarthenshire is one of three Counties that make up West Wales.
I refer you to the Holy Wikipedia, another source of absolute truth:

South Wales

...The region is loosely defined, but it is generally considered to include the historic counties of Glamorgan and Monmouthshire, sometimes extending westwards to include Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire. In the western extent, from Swansea westwards, local people would probably recognise that they lived in both south Wales and west Wales — there is considerable overlap in these somewhat artificial boundaries.

Can I take it you aren't one of the people who recognise you live in south Wales and west Wales?



New member
I refer you to the Holy Wikipedia, another source of absolute truth:

South Wales

...The region is loosely defined, but it is generally considered to include the historic counties of Glamorgan and Monmouthshire, sometimes extending westwards to include Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire. In the western extent, from Swansea westwards, local people would probably recognise that they lived in both south Wales and west Wales — there is considerable overlap in these somewhat artificial boundaries.

Can I take it you aren't one of the people who recognise you live in south Wales and west Wales?


I live in West Wales dimwit.