False ‘Message Bible’ Creator Changes Mind on Homosexuality, Says He Would Officiate


New member
The impression I get, especially reading your Signs of Life thread, is that you paint others as cartoon characters with various failings, including what you consider to be your former self, while portraying your own current worldview as the only real game in town. That may as well be called solipsism.


As a sinner without saving grace you are disposed to believe any lie that you are presented with.


Ever consider the effects of chemicals introduced into the body might be a factor in behavior? All these gender confused people are being altared just like a drinker will do things they normally wouldnt, fits with Romans seven where it states we do things against are inner will through infliences that take control over our will not to. We live in the hegelian dialectic problem, reaction, solution hamster wheel.
It doesn't all of a sudden make something inherently immoral into a good thing.


New member
Do you believe in right and wrong, and good and evil?

You're wrong and evil, either way. That's not quote-unquote Christian, that's just a fact.
The word is sinner, though. That specifically refers to actions that are defined by the Abrahamic beliefs. If you are not a member of any of the Abrahamic religious clubs then the word really doesn't apply.

If you want to discuss right and wrong, perhaps we talk about all the acts that are not wrong but are still called 'sins' by god believers.



The word is sinner, though. That specifically refers to actions that are defined by the Abrahamic beliefs. If you are not a member of any of the Abrahamic religious clubs then the word really doesn't apply.

If you want to discuss right and wrong, perhaps we talk about all the acts that are not wrong but are still called 'sins' by god believers.

Sure. I can tell you exactly what the Church teaches is right and wrong, and you won't be able to show me anything proving even the nonfictional existence of anything resembling right and wrong. So that will be great. Why don't you start though, since I'll only need a second or two to give you the sources and references, and you're going to need quite a bit longer. We'll wait though, all right?


New member
Sure. I can tell you exactly what the Church teaches is right and wrong, and you won't be able to show me anything proving even the nonfictional existence of anything resembling right and wrong.
Sorry, could you please rephrase that? I'm getting a bit caught up in all the double negatives.
