False ‘Message Bible’ Creator Changes Mind on Homosexuality, Says He Would Officiate

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The Holy Spirit doesnt inspire people to teach that sinners Christ died for are lost anyway.

Christ died for you and you are lost, because you have never called on Christ to save you.

"Whosoever that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.


New member
The Holy Spirit doesnt inspire people to teach that sinners Christ died for are lost anyway.

B57 is so hyper he can't take a position on anything else. He probably thinks homosexuality is OK like most Reformed do nowadays. The Reformed religion has become such a disgrace in modern times that any sane person would just jump ship!


New member
Homosexuality is a very hot button issue today for Christians. The bible condemns the act of homosexuality but it also condemns hatred towards homosexuals. The grace-filled believer will be in the happy place of condemning the sin of homosexuality but showing love towards homosexuals which is not what we see from Christians today.


New member
The box you have put God into is so tiny that you think He cannot deal with whom a person falls in loves with .

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New member
Scripture doesn't condemn homosexuals, scripture condemns homosexual acts since they are a perversion of God's creation of man and woman.
The verse states that the men are condemned for committing homosexual acts.

Leviticus 20:13
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.​

It is not the homosexual acts that are put to death, it is the men that committed the homosexual acts that are put to death.


New member
Frankly I think those of you here who hate homosexuals are far more likely to be judged than they are. So bring it on!
It is not hate to tell a homosexual that his acts are sinful. If he believes you, then he may repent and save his soul from hell.

It is hate to tell a homosexual that his acts are not sinful, because that is the same as telling a homosexual that he does not need to repent of his sins, and his unrepentance will lead him to damnation.


New member
Homosexuality is a very hot button issue today for Christians. The bible condemns the act of homosexuality but it also condemns hatred towards homosexuals. The grace-filled believer will be in the happy place of condemning the sin of homosexuality but showing love towards homosexuals which is not what we see from Christians today.
The hatred towards homosexuals that the Bible condemns is refusing to tell a homosexual that homosexuality is a sin.

Leviticus 19:17-18
17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.
18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the Lord.​



New member
It is not the homosexual acts that are put to death, it is the men that committed the homosexual acts that are put to death.

The penalty for sin is death regardless of the type of sin.

Each person is responsible for what they say and do.


New member
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Messiah Yah Shua, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.​

No condemnation and no shame...He's given me a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair...amen
So it's OK for people in the christian club to pass nasty judgement on young gay people and drive them to suicide, as long as the others in the club are pleased.

Not sure what kind of god requires that of its followers.

See what your hobby has done to your humanity? There are people who can help with that kind of destructive addiction.



New member
To try and bring shame to the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you really this dumb?
I'm with the Jesus part. Was probably a nice chap. Why should I doubt it? The christ bit is offensive. And, it looks to me like scripture intends it that way, given the politics of the time.



Well-known member
The christ bit is offensive.

You're betting that, on the off chance He turns out to really be Christ, you'll be able to explain yourself to Him, tell Him how He might have made all that Christ stuff clearer to people like you, and appeal to His being "a nice chap" because, after all, you think you're a pretty nice chap yourself, as He's bound to agree. You're betting that, worst case scenario, He's sure to understand why you had contempt for Him and that He will let you off with a wink. Ain't that right, Stoo.


New member
So it's OK for people in the christian club to pass nasty judgement on young gay people and drive them to suicide, as long as the others in the club are pleased.

Not sure what kind of god requires that of its followers.

See what your hobby has done to your humanity? There are people who can help with that kind of destructive addiction.


The judgement has passed to the homosexuals and those that approve of their vile acts.


New member
The judgement has passed to the homosexuals and those that approve of their vile acts.
Which is why I asked the original question. Why would gay people, or actually anyone have any time for such a judge? It's obviously not justice.



New member
Which is why I asked the original question. Why would gay people, or actually anyone have any time for such a judge? It's obviously not justice.


The judgement is the homosexual lusts and acts. Homosexuality is a judgement upon society because of irreverence and injustice.


New member
You're betting that, on the off chance He turns out to really be Christ, you'll be able to explain yourself to Him, tell Him how He might have made all that Christ stuff clearer to people like you, and appeal to His being "a nice chap" because, after all, you think you're a pretty nice chap yourself, as He's bound to agree. You're betting that, worst case scenario, He's sure to understand why you had contempt for Him and that He will let you off with a wink. Ain't that right, Stoo.
If Jesus was to somehow come back to life and defend calling himself christ, then I would ask for an apology, on behalf of humanity. As it is, I think the historical Jesus is the one who deserves an apology from the gospel writers, who were so keen to use him as a political stooge. Don't forget it is the baby Jesus who brought us eternal punishment in burning sulfur. Now, either that represents such a low view of our species by him that it is contemptible, or else it is a monstrous lie that has been attributed to that decent guy.

Stuart (as it is spelled)


New member
If Jesus was to somehow come back to life and defend calling himself christ, then I would ask for an apology, on behalf of humanity. As it is, I think the historical Jesus is the one who deserves an apology from the gospel writers, who were so keen to use him as a political stooge. Don't forget it is the baby Jesus who brought us eternal punishment in burning sulfur. Now, either that represents such a low view of our species by him that it is contemptible, or else it is a monstrous lie that has been attributed to that decent guy.

Stuart (as it is spelled)

Your irreverence is the cause of homosexuality.


New member
Your irreverence is the cause of homosexuality.
While I am flattered, I fear the actual cause of homosexuality is natural selection, given that every species ever observed to reproduce by copulation has shown examples of gay sexual relationships. You might not like the idea but you can't claim it's not natural for your god's creatures to indulge in same-sex activities.

If you have a stern stomach then read about the necrophiliac homosexual duck.
