Wow, so you've already seen the movie? Sneak preview, or something? And you took the time to write down a part of the movie about Richard Sternberg so you could criticize it later...:think: Astonishing, really, that you would care so much. Or...wait. Silly me. You copied that from your anti-Expelled website, didn't you?
Your statement "don't take my word for it - read the site" isn't helpful. I read the site, and as I said - it was stupid propaganda. Why then would I rely on it for accurate information?
Here's Richard Sternberg's own
website, with his own information about his troubles. I don't even really care if you look at it or not, as it's obvious that you're smearing the movie for no reason other than your personal bias against God and Creation science.
Wow, wifey, there's lots of frantic screeching going on in TOL condemning the anyone who dares not to
worship this movie, but I think you're the champ so far! I just looked over the Expelled Expose site, and here's what strikes me: they may be right, they may be wrong, about each and every one of their claims. The cool thing is, though, that they not only make their claim, but they explain the logical basis for it, and provide the evidence for it. So there's really nothing stopping someone (you, for example) from not just disagreeing with them, but showing why they were wrong. But what do you do instead? You just shout down the whole enterprise with blistering ad hominem attacks and without a single shred of evidence that they've made one inaccurate statement. The irony is almost blinding, of behaving this way in defense of a movie that
claims (laughably, it seems) to be exposing this kind of behavior in science.
Here's a hint:
calling something that we all know in advance you disagree with "stupid propaganda" is not the same as
demonstrating that it is nothing more than stupid propaganda.
Saying that something is obvious is not the same as
demonstrating its obviousness. Are you getting it yet?
Here, let's try a real example. If the Expelled Exposed folks were to adopt
your method of arguing, they would have simply said something like "It's obvious those Inquisition-loving idiot producers of Expelled went out of their way to prevent anyone with half a brain from seeing the movie and only allowing dimwit YECs to promote the movie." And leave it at that. Instead, they gave several specific examples of specific tactics the producers used especially after the Myers-Dawkins expulsion fiasco. For example, although they couldn't exactly remove the public form for signing up for the screenings, they did start sending emails to folks who signed up and might not be ID-friendly, and only to such folks, telling them, falsely, that the screening had been cancelled. And they refined this basic technique over time. Now there might be a perfectly innocent explanation for this (if you have one, I'd love to hear it!), but at least they made their case.
Is any of this getting through? Science is not afraid of dissenting opinions, it just doesn't care about them; it cares about the logic and evidence behind them.