Expelled? Go to the movies!


New member
I can see why so many are swayed by the sound scientific and logical argument made by creationism.

This is sarcasm.


Expelled the movie? You gotta be kidding me. If that is not a piece of creationist propaganda, Michael Moore's the second coming.


New member
Expelled the movie? You gotta be kidding me. If that is not a piece of creationist propaganda, Michael Moore's the second coming.

If the evolutionists can use the public school system as their propaganda machine, Ben Stein can use a movie screen.

And if Michael Moore's the second coming, Messiah has really let Himself go.


You don't think the following is true?

4. natural selection

1. Another name for the Columbine High School massacre.

2. Words printed on the shirt worn by Eric Harris as he committed the above.

"Sometime in April me and V will get revenge and will kick natural selection up a few notches" - Eric David Harris

Just because someone makes statements, no matter how inappropriate does not mean a theory is right or wrong.

It would not matter if they had said they were going to kick religion up a notch, it still would have no bearing on the validity of a theory.


I wrote about Expelled today on my own website, I'm looking forward to seeing it tomorrow. You can view the YouTube supertrailor here if you haven't seen it, I've been looking forward to it since I heard about it last month.

It should be interesting, I have noticed quite a stir on Digg lately every time it is mentioned. It seems many people are sensitive to the subject of Evolution. It also appears that the focus on the film is on academic censorship more than defending intelligent design - but I guess I'll see.

Expelled has used a made up controversy to push their relgious views, do not think they haven't. Discovery Institute (you may or may not remember their famous wedge document) is helping fund and promote it.

This is yet another move by religious fundies to try to sneak creationism into schools. Anyone who denies this is really only fooling themselves.

By crying academic freedom they are trying to make available to allied teachers the ability to place god in the gaps of evolution. This is a very familiar trick by religious people. When they can't get what they want, they sugarcoat it, put on some lipstick, and run it by the courts again.

When a judge, appointed by Bush the Anointed, says its a duck, you can bet it quacks. But no, the judge was part of a vast conspiracy....y'all know the rest.


New member
I wrote about Expelled today on my own website, I'm looking forward to seeing it tomorrow. You can view the YouTube supertrailor here if you haven't seen it, I've been looking forward to it since I heard about it last month.

It should be interesting, I have noticed quite a stir on Digg lately every time it is mentioned. It seems many people are sensitive to the subject of Evolution. It also appears that the focus on the film is on academic censorship more than defending intelligent design - but I guess I'll see.

i agree with this assessment.

he was exposing the double standard that is affecting an open discussion.

very enlightening.