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I suppose some full disclosure might be helpful here: even though I hadn't looked at the original Gould and Eldredge papers in a while, I have more than a passing familiarity with their work (and them; I had several discussions, some of them fairly intense with the former, and worked for years in the same department as the latter). Not that this means you can't be right and I can't be wrong, but you're going to have to do more than simply repeat your claims....
I appreciate your detailed response. You are right that I have not directly read his work - and I should go and read his work (any references appreciated). What I know is mostly what I learned from my Anthropology class. Perhaps I misunderstood my professor, but he presented the theory like I have thus far described. Seeings as how has his PhD in evolutionary anthropology I assume he knows what he is talking about - but he could be wrong. I will have to find Gould's work and read it for myself - when I get some free time any way.