Evolution... Do we believe?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Y'see? Evolutionists hate even acknowledging that a challenge to their precious religion exists.


Nope... God's Word doesn't say He used magic.

You seem not to know God's Word... nor science.

God's Word
'And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.” Gen 2:7

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.” Gen 2:21–22


Obviously Eve was not a perfect clone... She was female. Adam was male

Dear 6days,

From what I understand, that was after God did wondrous things in the Universe, and critters, and other creatures to change by His Own Power. This micro-evolution is just to lead you to macro-evolution. If the living thing needs to 'adapt', He is in charge of the process that is necessary each time. He adds the genome, or RNA, or molecule, or atom needed to make the change(s) as needed. Angels cannot help them 'adapt'. Only God or Jesus can help them adapt. It takes a change in 'chemistry.'

Good For You, 6days!! You're Incomparable!!


The Barbarian

Barbarian muses:
I guess he thinks it was magic. I can never understand why YECs can't figure out that God made nature to get things done. Even when He says it in Genesis, they won't believe Him.

You seem not to know God's Word... nor science.

Well, let's take a look...

Gen. 1:24 And God said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature in its kind, cattle and creeping things, and beasts of the earth, according to their kinds. And it was so done.

See, no magic. He just used nature to created living things from non-living things.

Read your Bible.

Jose Fly

New member
there is no natural selection

6days says natural selection is real.

there is no evolution, or speciation

6days has posted examples of populations evolving, including rapid speciation events. He claims that natural selection, populations evolving, and speciation are all part of the "Biblical model".

Is he right?


New member
Dear 6days,

From what I understand, that was after God did wondrous things in the Universe, and critters, and other creatures to change by His Own Power. This micro-evolution is just to lead you to macro-evolution. If the living thing needs to 'adapt', He is in charge of the process that is necessary each time. He adds the genome, or RNA, or molecule, or atom needed to make the change(s) as needed. Angels cannot help them 'adapt'. Only God or Jesus can help them adapt. It takes a change in 'chemistry.'

Good For You, 6days!! You're Incomparable!!


Evidence of the Last Evolutionary Period Recorded in the Gospel?

(Brief Summary Enclosed in Parenthesis Isolating Naphtali in Daniel 9's Figures)

"144,000 of Benjamin" = 1290, 1335, 1600, 1775
"200,000,000 of Naphtali" = 2300

Article Link ... ... ... ... We've removed the figure of 2300 as a reference to the 6000 of Benjamin that are given Heavenly Salvation because, 2300 identifies with Joseph since it is listed in the description. (2Samuel21:19-20, 24x6=144,000 of Benjamin, and "Six" = 6000 of Benjamin Saved) (Judges 20 that lists the 144,000 of Benjamin, and it says in Judges 20:15 that 6000 of Benjamin is Saved in this Creation Program).

We will attempt to prove that 2300 is a reference to Evolutionary Cycles or the Last Evolutionary Cycle in this Creation, since it does not Correspond to Heavenly Salvation ... ... ... ... very small public safety notice reminding of the immediately cleansing of that portion of the population based on the level of force, Link. Commentary Enclosed in Parenthesis)

DANIEL 8:13 Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain [saint] which spake, How long [shall be] the vision [concerning] the daily [sacrifice], and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
DANIEL 8:14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
LUKE 17:16 And fell down on [his] face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
LUKE 17:17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where [are] the nine?

144,000 of Reuben
144,000 of Benjamin
144,000 of Joseph

200,000,000 of Naphtali

Naphtali is the snare for Dan and Aaron, in the extreme sense that their genetic lines have the most resemblance to the period before the Homosapien, so that they are operating with a version of spiritual awareness that seems to isolate them from the truth of the spirituality in the gospel (the simple truth of the gospel's position). For this reason Naphtali as a spiritual classification is isolated from the "66 Souls Saved before the Foundation of the Earth (Reuben recorded in Luke 3), and the "6000 Souls Saved in the Creation Process (Benjamin for the 6000's years of Earth under the Homosapien), and in part the "Body of Satan" (a picture of Joseph, saved at the end of time). ... ... ... ... Euthanasia of Dan and Aaron is a consequence of Free Will, beyond the design of the Law's ability to mitigate the end of their lives as the gospel sees them. (As we've stated, their drive to kill themselves, by using force against the Antichrist, is the greater from of suicide, the "lives don't matter campaigns" and assaults against mankind is the lesser form of suicide).

Significance of 2300 of Naphtali?

Noah is the 10th Generation of Genesis 5, that introduces the Flood Waters, and Cleanses the Evolutionary Track, (Luke 17:16-17, Daniel 8:14) ... ... ... ... Noah's Life Span is 950 Years x 365 = 346750 Years x 24 Hours Per Day = 8322000 Hours / 3600 Sumerian Sar = 2300 of Naphtali in Daniel 8:14.

Nevertheless, other archaeological delegations in Mesopotamia doubted this wonderful intuition. The
mud layer where there were no room signs indicated, indeed, a flood. But, while the deposits of Ur and
al- 'Ubaid suggested the flood between the 3500 and the 4000 a.C, a discovered similar deposit later in
Kis was considered that it had formed in the neighborhood of the 2800 a.C. The same date (2800 a.C.)
was considered for found mud layers in Erek and Shuruppak, the city of Noah sumerio.

-12th Planet, Zechariah Sitchin, Chapter 14 When the Gods Fled the Earth

(3600 Hours is 150 Days of Star Wormwood, the Sumarians classified this as an Evolutionary Epoch) ... ... ... ... The Last Evolutionary Cycle ended, in 2300 B.C. (Not 2800 B.C. or maybe just about). With the events recorded in the Book of Genesis with Joseph.

About 4000 B.C. Noah's Evolutionary Epoch Ended
About 2300 B.C. Joseph's Evolutionary Epoch Ended
(No Evolutionary Epoch attributed to the other prophets if we follow Luke 17:16-17)

Beyond the creation of the Homosapien, that ended with Noah. God began to protect the Cascausian and Asian races from spiritual corruption, by giving them an ability to see the spirituality in the stars. As the genetic lines of Dan and Aaron fell into greater spiritual generational sin, God moved to protect the potential. So it is impossible for Genetic Dan and Aaron to be moved by the testimony of the Antichrist in the same way for this reason ... ... ... ... or for the most part for them to not to be motivated to kill to some level. This is simply a reality of what has transpired. That withstanding, we do not know until tomorrow if shane and the others will be returned or not, as we move towards the final reconciliations of Genetic Dan and Aaron, with the language of the gospel.

(God came close to introducing another Evolutionary Period with Moses, which is why he had put down so many ... ... ... ... if God would of continued to euthanized the dominant form of Genetic Dan in the earth, then God would of also evolved the caucasian and asian races into another level ... ... ... ... coincidentally, when the Holocaust was completed the dominant forms of Genetic Dan and Aaron, were pushed down a rung/step or two on the spirituality scale, that is what they were after, and achieved ... ... ... ... the opposite is also true, but the war on terrorism will not produce any fruit, since we are on a timetable with the extermination of more then 95% of human life on earth in less then about 15 days from tomorrow)
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New member

Amish Isolation Genetic Decay Prevention. Article Link.

GENESIS 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I [am] the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.
GENESIS 17:17 Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall [a child] be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?

This is a restatement of Luke 17:16-17, in which God attempts to make a distinction in the Evolutionary Track. God declares now that spiritual wickedness or being unequally yolked can cause genetic malformation and illness.

When the European population began to populate the early USA, their populations had never been grouped so close together to specific ethnic divisions of the population. Genetic illness had been observed like it has never before been observed, infertility rates sky rocketed. Based on this belief, the Amish people cleansed all human life within a certain perimeter, that could cause this genetic malfunction. This follows the reclusive nature of the albino whites in Africa, they do in order to protect themselves from genetic decay. This side of the gospel provides validity to segregation in white neighbors, hospitals and in couples, and families. As apart of the protection of basic human rights.

(Slavery ... Civil Rights ... Equal Opportunity ... Terrorism ... Lives Don't Matter Campaigns ... Glory Killing, not yet at this level) They have simply created an excuse to become more inclusive into areas of society by creating a need that has to be satisfied. ... ... ... ... Some couples are told by their doctors to find a different neighborhood to move into, to assist in their fertility ... ... ... ... or likewise people go to remote areas, for months seeking miracle cures, and that in itself is the miracle cure, they simply needed some space from certain kinds and groups of people. (if shane and the others return ... you can take a small blood sample nothing much, the antichrist is perfectly ok despite the chemical and electrical treatment and the attempted conditioning, but he does not want the attention, since he is mitigating a public threat to society, whoever he is, and where ever he is in the earth).

The Barbarian

This is already known in nature. Populations that commonly inbreed, have very few harmful recessive genes. The reason is, such genes would be rapidly removed from the population by natural selection.

On the other hand, harmful recessives are of little consequence in populations where outbreeding is the norm.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
6days says natural selection is real.6days has posted examples of populations evolving, including rapid speciation events. He claims that natural selection, populations evolving, and speciation are all part of the "Biblical model".Is he right?

Evolutionists will do anything to avoid a challenge to their precious religion.

Jose Fly

New member
And apparently creationists can't figure out whether populations evolving, speciation, and natural selection are part of the "Biblical model".

Of course, in creationist world it's still up for dispute whether the earth moves, so that tells us what sort of people creationists are. :chuckle:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
And apparently creationists can't figure out whether populations evolving, speciation, and natural selection are part of the "Biblical model".
Sounds like something fairly simply resolved: Read the Bible and show us what it says to this subject. :up:

Of course, in creationist world it's still up for dispute whether the earth moves, so that tells us what sort of people creationists are. :chuckle:

No, it's not.

Meanwhile, evolutionists will do anything to avoid addressing the challenges their precious religion faces.

Jose Fly

New member
Sounds like something fairly simply resolved: Read the Bible and show us what it says to this subject.

I'm not a Christian, so I don't care what the Bible says. I'm noting that you creationists can't even figure out whether populations evolving, speciation, and natural selection are part of the "Biblical model of creation".

No, it's not.

Yes it is. There are several creationists at ToL who believe in a stationary earth.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I don't care what the Bible says.
We know. However, if you were serious about your moronic challenge, you would do your research. :up:

I'm noting that you creationists can't even figure out whether populations evolving, speciation, and natural selection are part of the "Biblical model of creation".
Therefore, something. :idunno:

When you've got a rational argument to make, we'll be right here.

Yes it is.


Meanwhile, evolutionists will do everything in their power to avoid facing up to the challenges to their precious religion.


New member
Jesus didn't use nature, he spoke and it was done.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

That doesn't excuse evolution or nature. It encompasses them.


New member
E solution doesn't happen in phases. It is the advancment of existence to the best of its ability based in time,and environment. It is of God as all existence is. Thanks.

Jose Fly

New member
We know. However, if you were serious about your moronic challenge, you would do your research.

It's not up to me to resolve creationists' internal inconsistencies. If you can't figure it out, that's your problem.

Therefore, something
Therefore whether populations evolving, speciation, and natural selection are part of the "Biblical model of creation" isn't a settled issue among creationists. And that's just hilarious.

Yep. Plenty of creationists here believe in a stationary earth.


New member
It's not up to me to resolve creationists' internal inconsistencies.
Jose... And, its not up to us to resolve evolutionists internal inconsistencies.
It is sorta fun though pointing out how often science has proven evolutionist arguments wrong and God's Word to be truth.

The Barbarian

We note that you evolutionists can't even agree on definitions to words such as speciation.

It's one of the most devastating failures of creationism. As Darwin noted, if evolution is correct, it should be almost impossible to define a species, since they would in many cases, be evolving into new species, leaving only blurry lines between groups.

If creationism were true, it would be easy to define species. This is an embarrassing and intractable problem for creationists, who cannot explain why Darwin's prediction was confirmed.