Evolution... Do we believe?


New member
That's the thing with YEC evolution deniers. They believe in breakneck speeds of evolution.


I can breed two dogs within months. 4000 years is plenty of time to do that. You can give it 400,000,000,000 years and they will never turn into hominids.

The Barbarian

I can breed two dogs within months. 4000 years is plenty of time to do that. You can give it 400,000,000,000 years and they will never turn into hominids.

That's what evolutionary theory says. Hominids evolved from primitive primates. The idea that a carnivore could become a hominid by evolutionary processes is silly.

If you'd like to learn how we know how hominids evolved, we can talk about that.


Well-known member

No myth. Everything goes along a preordained path in order for the universe and existence to work as we know it. You can call it evolution. Evolution is the product of being that all has in order to be.

Even if the universe or big bang came to be from absolutely nothing, it couldn't have started itself if it is only nothing.

The laws you speak of were set in motion because they where what worked for creation. This was caused by creation. Remember, let there be light i.e. the big bang.
Hi pops, I think I understand what you're saying, and I agree. I would just point out as a technicality; that the Theory of Evolution only applies to how life forms came to be as they are, once life began. It doesn't address the transcendence of life from from non-living matter and energy, or the source of matter and energy, itself.
Free will is your conscience. It allows us to wander off the path that all other existence conforms to.
It is a gift with great potential and responsibility.
Again, I agree, but with some clarification. Existence seems to have sprung from the interplay between the chaotic force we call "energy", and the limitations that have somehow been indemnified within that force. So that the chaos manifests as random activity (chance), as the limitations manifest as order being imposed on the result of all that random activity. It is those limitations within the way energy expresses itself that generates and defines existence as we know it.

'Chance' is a fundamental aspect of existence. And I would contend that a human being's 'free will' is a direct expression of that 'chance' that is a fundamental aspect of existence. It's not unique to mankind. It's evident in everything, all around us.
Just because your biased knowledge that is based on manipulated religions doesn't add up within scientific examination doesn't mean that the truth does not.
Amen, brother!

Religions are ways of expressing and living with the truth of our being as we understand it. That understanding is limited, and biased, and fraught with misperceptions. But the truth of our being remains. And so do the questions of purpose and origin. We're all looking through the glass, dimly.


New member
That's what evolutionary theory says. Hominids evolved from primitive primates. The idea that a carnivore could become a hominid by evolutionary processes is silly.

If you'd like to learn how we know how hominids evolved, we can talk about that.

It's all silly.


New member
Pot, kettle, black.

Just as with your other assertions, like the hydroplate comedies, the claim that the earth was created 6 thousand years after the agricultural revolution, and the flood fantasy, you are inventing a controversy that doesn't actually exist in any meaningful way anywhere else.

HAGGAI 2:21 Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth;
HAGGAI 2:22 And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.
HAGGAI 2:12 If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No.
HAGGAI 2:13 Then said Haggai, If [one that is] unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priests answered and said, It shall be unclean.

The Gospel has no specific word that can be translated into "Evolution", but if we follow the presumption that "Genetic Dan and Aaron". Have closer genetic ties to the evolutionary period before the homosapien, then it follows their males can still impregnate chimpanzees, their closest genetic partner (whatever the scientific community has learned, never seems to associate the two, if you google any and all previous scientific observations on the subject). ... ... ... ... Where as the "Sons of God", are the closest Genetic Partner for the rest of man outside of that classification.

In Haggai, the Gospel says if the "Clean Brother" (Haggai 2:12) pollutes his body, it will see corruption. Now the Gospel makes a contrary statement that the "Unclean Brother" (Haggai 2:13) pollutes his body if he attempts to receive the blessing that the "Clean Brother" has received. ... ... ... ... We've tied this previously to certain medical activities such as vaccinations ... ... ... ... but it is also true, they are caused a deal of discomfort by the hearing of the gospel's message, and so they will literally rewrite the gospel to remove the Sons of God, just because of the difference in their spiritual nature. That being said, Italy has unified itself under the replacement theologies of the Apostle Paul, but in a sinful way, to remove the messiah and to replace the messiah with the image of a man, made in the image of themselves. ... ... ... ... This follows the global gross paganisms in the modern era that defies reasons and supports the high murder and suicide rates in certain members of the population, as you have learned ... ... ... ... if you challenge their ability to do that, they will only do it more ... ... ... ... (lives don't matter campaigns, promoting suicide by police officers, this is at the end of time, so it follows a natural progression).

There are a few arguments floating around ... ... ... ... that states the passage of Nibiru/Star Wormwood, happened a few times in the Gospel, generally (With Noah, With Abraham and Lot, With Moses, With Jesus Christ, and at the End of time), that marked evolutionary divisions or that has created greater rifts in genetic divisions, further separating Genetic Dan and Aaron, from the Genetic Pools of Manasseh, Judah, and Ephraim.

Spiritually speaking, at some level because humanity is allowed to have "Free Will", a slightly more archaic version of the Human Experience is more valuable as a compliment to the judgment program for some, then the more modern version. This differences genetically are small enough not to mean anything spiritually, outside of the realm of "Free Will", but they are consistent enough to create major divides in the biological function and limitation. Humanity has not evolved its sciences enough to make these differences clear, the Antichrist whoever he is does not want humanity to go into this direction. Its already to late given the timetable, however, just about all distractions from killing and attempting to kill the Antichrist on a daily basis are essentially absent, so there is more than enough of this activity to remove any qualms from the God Head about eliminating more then 95% of human life on earth in less then the few days we have remaining.

(Small Dehumanization statement is being attached: A Portion of Genetic Dan and Aaron have the ability to inherit the New Universe ... the gospel does not promote dehumanization as a consequence of "Free Will", more then it promotes Free Will as a consequence of the Judgement)


New member
If you would like to learn how God created woman from man's rib... read His Word.

How did women become genetically distinct if they were cloned from men? Where did the second copy of the x-chromosome come from if chromosome duplication causes such illness as has been discussed already?


The focus on timelines (4000 vs 4 billion years) and mechanics (creationism vs natural selection) has embroiled Christianity in an unnecessary diversion that could have been avoided.

How God created the world is not a "make or break" issue and when the Church has gone "head to head" against science (ie Galileo) it has not produced the desired results.

Our focus of attention should be on why we are here, not how we got here.

Ben Masada

New member
Evolution...do we believe?

Evolution...do we believe?

Yes, I do. I believe in the evolution of the universe. It is called Expansion.

I believe in the evolution of the species: Human evolution through culture, intellect, education and growth of population. And evolution of the irrational animals through mutation and adaptation which affects man also; but animals are not affected by the human evolution of culture, intellect and education.


New member
HAGGAI 2:21 Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth;
HAGGAI 2:22 And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.
HAGGAI 2:12 If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No.
HAGGAI 2:13 Then said Haggai, If [one that is] unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priests answered and said, It shall be unclean.

The Gospel has no specific word that can be translated into "Evolution", but if we follow the presumption that "Genetic Dan and Aaron". Have closer genetic ties to the evolutionary period before the homosapien, then it follows their males can still impregnate chimpanzees, their closest genetic partner (whatever the scientific community has learned, never seems to associate the two, if you google any and all previous scientific observations on the subject). ... ... ... ... Where as the "Sons of God", are the closest Genetic Partner for the rest of man outside of that classification.

In Haggai, the Gospel says if the "Clean Brother" (Haggai 2:12) pollutes his body, it will see corruption. Now the Gospel makes a contrary statement that the "Unclean Brother" (Haggai 2:13) pollutes his body if he attempts to receive the blessing that the "Clean Brother" has received. ... ... ... ... We've tied this previously to certain medical activities such as vaccinations ... ... ... ... but it is also true, they are caused a deal of discomfort by the hearing of the gospel's message, and so they will literally rewrite the gospel to remove the Sons of God, just because of the difference in their spiritual nature. That being said, Italy has unified itself under the replacement theologies of the Apostle Paul, but in a sinful way, to remove the messiah and to replace the messiah with the image of a man, made in the image of themselves. ... ... ... ... This follows the global gross paganisms in the modern era that defies reasons and supports the high murder and suicide rates in certain members of the population, as you have learned ... ... ... ... if you challenge their ability to do that, they will only do it more ... ... ... ... (lives don't matter campaigns, promoting suicide by police officers, this is at the end of time, so it follows a natural progression).

There are a few arguments floating around ... ... ... ... that states the passage of Nibiru/Star Wormwood, happened a few times in the Gospel, generally (With Noah, With Abraham and Lot, With Moses, With Jesus Christ, and at the End of time), that marked evolutionary divisions or that has created greater rifts in genetic divisions, further separating Genetic Dan and Aaron, from the Genetic Pools of Manasseh, Judah, and Ephraim.

Spiritually speaking, at some level because humanity is allowed to have "Free Will", a slightly more archaic version of the Human Experience is more valuable as a compliment to the judgment program for some, then the more modern version. This differences genetically are small enough not to mean anything spiritually, outside of the realm of "Free Will", but they are consistent enough to create major divides in the biological function and limitation. Humanity has not evolved its sciences enough to make these differences clear, the Antichrist whoever he is does not want humanity to go into this direction. Its already to late given the timetable, however, just about all distractions from killing and attempting to kill the Antichrist on a daily basis are essentially absent, so there is more than enough of this activity to remove any qualms from the God Head about eliminating more then 95% of human life on earth in less then the few days we have remaining.

(Small Dehumanization statement is being attached: A Portion of Genetic Dan and Aaron have the ability to inherit the New Universe ... the gospel does not promote dehumanization as a consequence of "Free Will", more then it promotes Free Will as a consequence of the Judgement)
I really try to follow your posts, and I'm usually relatively sharp. I get lost in your meaning every time, though. I guess that's how some feel about my posts.


New member
Yes, I do. I believe in the evolution of the universe. It is called Expansion.

I believe in the evolution of the species: Human evolution through culture, intellect, education and growth of population. And evolution of the irrational animals through mutation and adaptation which affects man also; but animals are not affected by the human evolution of culture, intellect and education.
So you think that man hasn't had any effect on the evolution of other living beings?

The Barbarian

How did women become genetically distinct if they were cloned from men? Where did the second copy of the x-chromosome come from if chromosome duplication causes such illness as has been discussed already?

I guess he thinks it was magic. I can never understand why YECs can't figure out that God made nature to get things done. Even when He says it in Genesis, they won't believe Him.


New member
I guess he thinks it was magic. I can never understand why YECs can't figure out that God made nature to get things done. Even when He says it in Genesis, they won't believe Him.

Jesus didn't use nature, he spoke and it was done.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.



New member
Darwin was a YEC until he learnt better. :plain:
Geneticist John Sanford and others were atheist evolutionists until they learned better.
And re Darwin... too bad he took theology, but never 'learned' scripture. He never did understand that God's Word provides the answers to things he struggled with such as human suffering and death.


New member
Barbarian said:
gcthomas said:
How did women become genetically distinct if they were cloned from men? Where did the second copy of the x-chromosome come from if chromosome duplication causes such illness as has been discussed already?

I guess he thinks it was magic. I can never understand why YECs can't figure out that God made nature to get things done. Even when He says it in Genesis, they won't believe Him.
Nope... God's Word doesn't say He used magic.

You seem not to know God's Word... nor science.

God's Word
'And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.” Gen 2:7

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.” Gen 2:21–22


Obviously Eve was not a perfect clone... She was female. Adam was male