Eliminating Dispensationalism


Well-known member

The Sabbath Commandment is one of the Ten Commandments. What ritual are you talking about? I do not know what you mean by ritual observance. I observe Shabbat, or the Sabbath, each week. The seventh day of the week is Shabbat, a day of rest, following our work on the first six days of the week. If you are observing based on the six days of creation, there is evening and morning each day. Days begin and end at sundown or sunset.



Guess you aren't observing Shabbat after all. The entire observance is filled with rituals.

Google it and see what you're 'supposed to be doing before you claim to be doing it.


Guess you aren't observing Shabbat after all. The entire observance is filled with rituals.

Google it and see what you're 'supposed to be doing before you claim to be doing it.


I did read the Torah two Sabbaths ago from the Bema. But Sabbath observane can be at home. The Sabbath is a day of rest. You can go to synagogue if you want to. I attend a congregation in Tacoma, Washington, though I live in Lakewood, Washington.




Well-known member

I did read the Torah two Sabbaths ago from the Bema. But Sabbath observane can be at home. The Sabbath is a day of rest. You can go to synagogue if you want to. I attend a congregation in Tacoma, Washington, though I live in Lakewood, Washington.



You must light two candles...........

Don't tell me you don't even light two candles? Haven't you even watched Fiddler on the Roof?

Well, that's one of the rituals. There are lots more related to the Sabbath observance.

Honestly, Untellectual er Jacob, you come on here claiming to be a Jew and you don't know the first thing about being a Jew. :doh:

You say you used to preach the Gospel, but, as I recall, you mixed the law in with that just as God's Untruth does. It's sad that the law seams to have you under it's bondage still. Why don't you put off this idea of being a teacher and seek answers. You have plenty, but don't listen.


You must light two candles...........

Don't tell me you don't even light two candles? Haven't you even watched Fiddler on the Roof?

Well, that's one of the rituals. There are lots more related to the Sabbath observance.

Honestly, Untellectual er Jacob, you come on here claiming to be a Jew and you don't know the first thing about being a Jew. :doh:

You say you used to preach the Gospel, but, as I recall, you mixed the law in with that just as God's Untruth does. It's sad that the law seams to have you under it's bondage still. Why don't you put off this idea of being a teacher and seek answers. You have plenty, but don't listen.

You have a lot of talk, and it is interesting, but I do not see a problem with my observance. You can find candle lighting times online or via a phone app. I observe the times, currently, but my parents are not Jewish and the temporary residence I live at currently does not have that as an option or practice. Be careful about your instruching others in candle lighting. Fire is not to be played with.

I preached the gospel without the Law, but then the Law has not been abolished and people say that they do not need to observe it for some reason.




Well-known member

I am sorry. You are wrong. We had many teachers at the church I grew up in, and I do not know who if any taught dispensationalism. I do remember a guest speaker.



Hi and I can see why you never commented on the verses given as you do not believe in the Gospels and Paul's letters !!

You say that you observe the Sabbath , BUT what about sacrifices , do go to Jerusalem and worship the the FEAST of Pentecost and keep ALL the LAWS of Moses ??

Where do Jews go when they DIE ?

Why is not God working through Israel today ??

Are you TITHING and bring it to the storehouse ??

Why are you trying to ELIMINATING DISPENSTIONALISM and what do you know about it ??

Maybe I miss read that at one time you were a dispensationalist !!

dan p


Hi and I can see why you never commented on the verses given as you do not believe in the Gospels and Paul's letters !!

You say that you observe the Sabbath , BUT what about sacrifices , do go to Jerusalem and worship the the FEAST of Pentecost and keep ALL the LAWS of Moses ??

Where do Jews go when they DIE ?

Why is not God working through Israel today ??

Are you TITHING and bring it to the storehouse ??

Why are you trying to ELIMINATING DISPENSTIONALISM and what do you know about it ??

Maybe I miss read that at one time you were a dispensationalist !!

dan p

I am tithing and observing the Sabbath, and I do want to be in Jerusalem for Shavuot. I do keep the 613 Commands of Torah, being of Israel, though without a temple. Yes, I used to be a dispensationalist. Dispensationalism is false.

I do not understand your question about if God is working through Israel today. I am a Jew, Jewish, of Israel. I read, study, observe, and teach Torah. The new covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah in Yeshua HaMashiach, Yeshua Messiah, Jesus the Christ. It is God's law written on minds and hearts. See Jeremiah 31:31-34. I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation. I do not know which verses given you are talking about. In Yeshua I have eternal life.




Jacob, still in my Bible it says that the Apostles and elders of the earliest Church never taught to follow the law. Acts 15:24 (KJV) What is your take on that? Do you believe that because you are a Jewish convert that is why you should observe Torah, and what Acts 15:24 (KJV) doesn't apply to you, as a Gentile Jewish convert?


Jacob, still in my Bible it says that the Apostles and elders of the earliest Church never taught to follow the law. Acts 15:24 (KJV) What is your take on that? Do you believe that because you are a Jewish convert that is why you should observe Torah, and what Acts 15:24 (KJV) doesn't apply to you, as a Gentile Jewish convert?


As one who has turned to God from among the Gentiles, you are required to observe the essentials found in Acts 15.

As a convert to Judaism, a Jew of Israel, a proselyte and a convert, I am required to observe the 613 Commandments of Torah.




Well-known member

I am tithing and observing the Sabbath, and I do want to be in Jerusalem for Shavuot. I do keep the 613 Commands of Torah, being of Israel, though without a temple. Yes, I used to be a dispensationalist. Dispensationalism is false.

I do not understand your question about if God is working through Israel today. I am a Jew, Jewish, of Israel. I read, study, observe, and teach Torah. The new covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah in Yeshua HaMashiach, Yeshua Messiah, Jesus the Christ. It is God's law written on minds and hearts. See Jeremiah 31:31-34. I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation. I do not know which verses given you are talking about. In Yeshua I have eternal life.



Hi and you say that you ACCEPT Matt- REVALTION and then should accept 2 Cor 3:14-18 , you have to be KIDDING and are a PREVARICATOR and you asked for it !!

dan p



As one who has turned to God from among the Gentiles, you are required to observe the essentials found in Acts 15.

As a convert to Judaism, a Jew of Israel, a proselyte and a convert, I am required to observe the 613 Commandments of Torah.


So, do you agree that you are therefore putting your own view over and above what the Apostles themselves taught?


Hi and you say that you ACCEPT Matt- REVALTION and then should accept 2 Cor 3:14-18 , you have to be KIDDING and are a PREVARICATOR and you asked for it !!

dan p

Yes, I do accept 2 Corinthians 3:14-18. But I do not know what a PREVARICATOR is, sorry.




OK. Why do you tell me that? Do you like riding a bike? I do, but don't have one. Peace out.

I do like riding a bike. I believe that we are talking about the same thing. I do not have one and I have never had a motorbike or motorcycle.




So, do you agree that you are therefore putting your own view over and above what the Apostles themselves taught?

No. Why do you suggest this? There is nothing against observing all of the Commandments. They should not be a burden to anyone.




No. Why do you suggest this?
Because the Apostles never taught to observe Torah (Acts15:24KJV), and yet you observe Torah, and do so all the while telling us that we are supposed to do it, and the Apostles never said that (Acts15:24KJV). Do you understand why I suggest this now?