Eliminating Dispensationalism

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I do not like any of what you are saying. Who do you think is arguing with you? I do not watch much TV, nor do I eat popcorn.

I do not know what Tab soda is.


Peace out.

OK. You are wrong. You are not to bear false witness. I do not know what you mean by not knowing what Tab soda is. I do not know how to help you with this. I am hurt by your post here. What have I done wrong? I do not understand any of what you have said here. I like popcorn. Why don't you like popcorn?

Do you like Fritos? I do.

Peace out.


Peace out.

OK. You are wrong. You are not to bear false witness. I do not know what you mean by not knowing what Tab soda is. I do not know how to help you with this. I am hurt by your post here. What have I done wrong? I do not understand any of what you have said here. I like popcorn. Why don't you like popcorn?

Do you like Fritos? I do.

Peace out.


I do not know why you are talking to me the way you are. I do not eat popcorn because I wear braces. There is nothing in this about not liking popcorn. I have had popcorn before. There was nothing wrong with it.

I do not like Fritos, but I have had a taste for them before.




Well-known member

You are not being reasonable. Neither the Law nor the Prophets have been abolished. The early church was entirely Jewish. The new covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It is God's law written on minds and hearts in Yeshua HaMashiach, Yeshua Messiah, Jesus the Christ.

I accept Romans 11:11. See verses 22-24.



Hi and so where are your prophets , TODAY

You , know that to be a PRIEST , that all have to come from the tribe of LEVI and that HIGH PRIEST has to come FROM a decendent of AARON !!

Matbe you will say what verse 23 means as the verb ALL SHALL BE GRAFTED IN the FUTURE TENSE and in the ACTIVE VOICE and in the INDICATIVE MOOD ?

Should be EASY for you as you said that you use to be a DISPENSATIONALISTS ??

dan p

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I do not know why you are talking to me the way you are. I do not eat popcorn because I wear braces. There is nothing in this about not liking popcorn. I have had popcorn before. There was nothing wrong with it.

I do not like Fritos, but I have had a taste for them before.



Peace out.

Interesting perspective. I do not know why you say this. Don't you like popcorn? I do. I do not know what you are talking about. I do not understand your question. I do not know how to verify what you are saying, but thank you for your contribution. I also do not know how you interpret the rest of your post. I do not understand you. Why don't you like Fritos? I do not understand what you are saying. You may want to talk to your spouse and not slander me.

Do you like Curling? I do-especially while drinking many beers.

Peace out.


Hi and so where are your prophets , TODAY

You , know that to be a PRIEST , that all have to come from the tribe of LEVI and that HIGH PRIEST has to come the a decendent of AARON !!

dan p

I do not know if I am a prophet or a priest or both, but I know what Torah says. That is, about the High Priest. I have read the Torah but I am not an expert in these matters.




Well-known member

I do not know if I would like Daffy Duck, but I choose not to watch it. Popcorn is good. Braces do serve a purpose. They help align your teeth.

Did you know that life has purpose, that it is not meaningless? Did you know that I am old enough to be the President of the United States of America? Did you know that I also want to be a Rabbi? Did you know that I want to move to Israel? Did you know that I read, study, observe, and teach Torah? Did you know that I have been preaching the gospel since I was a child when I started learning scripture?



So you're in your 30s and wear braces to align your teeth? Can't you eat without your teeth being aligned?


Peace out.

Interesting perspective. I do not know why you say this. Don't you like popcorn? I do. I do not know what you are talking about. I do not understand your question. I do not know how to verify what you are saying, but thank you for your contribution. I also do not know how you interpret the rest of your post. I do not understand you. Why don't you like Fritos? I do not understand what you are saying. You may want to talk to your spouse and not slander me.

Do you like Curling? I do-especially while drinking many beers.

Peace out.

I do not like the taste of Fritos. They are addicting. Someone asked me about curling. Is it weights? I hate beer. People think their life is better by drinking it but it is not. Do not drink alcohol. I am not married. I do not know if then somehow I would be asking who we are talking about. john w, why do you believe that I have a spouse? I do not have a spouse. What slander you would be talking about I do not know. Slander is not good. It is not good to slander anyone. Do not speak negatively about someone else, or share what they have said, if it was just for you. No secrets, and if someone would be harmed seek help unless you can address it yourself.




So you're in your 30s and wear braces to align your teeth? Can't you eat without your teeth being aligned?

I am 36. I have had braces about 6-7 years or so. They are much better now. Of course I could eat food.



john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I am 36. I have had braces about 6-7 years or so. They are much better now. Of course I could eat food.


Peace out.

Do you actually read what is posted to you, or do you simply gloss over it and then blurt an answer out? I also do not know how you interpret the rest of your post. I'm not buying this act. I do not understand you. I do not understand what you are saying.

Do you like "The Brady Bunch?" I do.

Peace out.


New member
GD. Didn't he just say he couldn't eat popcorn because of his braces as in present tense? We have a bona fide liar on our hands.


Peace out.

Do you actually read what is posted to you, or do you simply gloss over it and then blurt an answer out? I also do not know how you interpret the rest of your post. I'm not buying this act. I do not understand you. I do not understand what you are saying.

Do you like "The Brady Bunch?" I do.

Peace out.

I do not, and I do not know what act you are talking about. Do you interpret your own words? I don't.



john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I do not like the taste of Fritos. They are addicting. Someone asked me about curling. Is it weights? I hate beer. People think their life is better by drinking it but it is not. Do not drink alcohol. I am not married. I do not know if then somehow I would be asking who we are talking about. john w, why do you believe that I have a spouse? I do not have a spouse. What slander you would be talking about I do not know. Slander is not good. It is not good to slander anyone. Do not speak negatively about someone else, or share what they have said, if it was just for you. No secrets, and if someone would be harmed seek help unless you can address it yourself.



Peace out.

OK. I do not know what you mean by "What slander you would be talking about I do not know. Slander is not good. It is not good to slander anyone." I do not know how to help you with this. I am hurt by your post here. What have I done wrong? I do not understand any of what you have said here.

Do you like pizza? I do.

Peace out.


GD. Didn't he just say he couldn't eat popcorn because of his braces as in present tense? We have a bona fide liar on our hands.

Do you eat popcorn with braces? I don't. I suppose that I could, but I do not and I have not. What is the problem with that?



john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I do not, and I do not know what act you are talking about. Do you interpret your own words? I don't.



Peace out.

OK. I do not know what act you are talking about. Do you interpret your own words? I don't. I do not understand you. I do not understand what you are saying. You may want to talk to your girl friend and not slander me.

Do you like Bugles? I do.

Peace out.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Do you eat popcorn with braces? I don't. I suppose that I could, but I do not and I have not. What is the problem with that?



Peace out.

OK. Would you, if you did not have braces, eat popcorn, in a tree, or while watching a movie? I would.

Peace out.


Peace out.

OK. I do not know what you mean by "What slander you would be talking about I do not know. Slander is not good. It is not good to slander anyone." I do not know how to help you with this. I am hurt by your post here. What have I done wrong? I do not understand any of what you have said here.

Do you like pizza? I do.

Peace out.

What you have done is repeat my words and put me down in so doing.

I like kosher pizza, and cheese pizza (of course it is kosher). I am Orthodox, so I do not mix meat and cheese.




Peace out.

OK. I do not know what act you are talking about. Do you interpret your own words? I don't. I do not understand you. I do not understand what you are saying. You may want to talk to your girl friend and not slander me.

Do you like Bugles? I do.

Peace out.

I do not have a girlfriend.

Bugles are fine.




Well-known member
Peace out.

Do you actually read what is posted to you, or do you simply gloss over it and then blurt an answer out? I also do not know how you interpret the rest of your post. I'm not buying this act. I do not understand you. I do not understand what you are saying.

Do you like "The Brady Bunch?" I do.

Peace out.

I think he's lonesome. I think I can understand why that would be. ;)

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I do not know. Probably not.



Peace out.

OK. Why don't you know? You should not judge. Do you judge eating popcorn, in a tree, as wrong, if you don't have braces?

Do you like cheap wine? I do.

Peace out.