Eliminating Dispensationalism


Nihilo's opinions, once again, being presented as IF it was a fact. It is NOT.
The bricks-and-mortar reality of the Catholic Church is a fact though. The Catholic Church is everywhere, not just regional or appearing in certain countries or with certain languages, she is everywhere, in real life.
My point was that your FALLACIOUS "it's true because it's big" is FALSE!
It's not true because it's big. The Lord Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, that's true. At least 14 people, including the Twelve Apostles, received the death penalty reserved for murderers, witnessing to the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day, and there is no historical record or evidence that any of them recanted and said it was made up; that's true too. The Catholic Church formally remembers the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day everyday, that's also true.

The Catholic Church is big. True too.
Your opinions are horrible and uneducated.
There's not a single of my many opinions in this post.


Right Divider

Body part
The bricks-and-mortar reality of the Catholic Church is a fact though. The Catholic Church is everywhere, not just regional or appearing in certain countries or with certain languages, she is everywhere, in real life.
Lots of false religions have "bricks-and-mortar" all over the world. So what?

It's not true because it's big. The Lord Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, that's true. At least 14 people, including the Twelve Apostles, received the death penalty reserved for murderers, witnessing to the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day, and there is no historical record or evidence that any of them recanted and said it was made up; that's true too. The Catholic Church formally remembers the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day everyday, that's also true.
All pointless as regarding their status as "the one true church".

The Catholic Church is big. True too.
Big and telling big lies.

There's not a single of my many opinions in this post.

You are as false as your RCC.


Well-known member

As I start this thread in the United States of America, where I live and where I am a citizen, it is Sheni, Ziv 12, day.

I am a Jew, of Israel, Jewish, as a proselyte and a convert. I used to be a Christian Dispensationalist. There are some things or views of premillenial dispensationalism that I did not find in scripture, that are still a part of my mind. They need to be cleared up. I was pretribulation rapture, by what I was taught. I do not accept a seven year tribulation preceding a millennium.

How do you replace false thoughts or ideas with that which is true? Is there a process for this? Can you exchange one thought for another?

I read, study, observe, and teach (others) Torah. I desire that others would know about God's commands. I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation.



Hi and IF you were really saved , you are still saved as Gal 3:28 says we in that Greek word ARE / ESTE is in the PRESENT TENSE of CONTINUOUS action forever and are always " in Christ !!

#2 , You will never escape the Greek word OIOKINOMIA / DISPENSATION in Paul's letters !!

#2 , Then you can NEVER escape 2 Cor 3:13 , where and not even as MOSES , who was placing a VAIL / COVERING upon his face , for the Children of Israel NOT TO GAZE towards the END of that being ABLOISHED !!

Explain that ??

Then in verse 15 , reads But until this day , when MOSES is being read , A VAIL / COVERING lies upon their HEARTS !!

God is not dealing with Israel today , BUT only with the B O C !!

You just had a BAD Dispensational teacher , REAL BAD ONE !!

dan p


Well-known member
Dispensationalism made easy 2Cor 3:6, 1Cor 15:44-45, one looks in the future for a kingdom coming to this world the other enters in within Luke 17:20-21 and enters eternity through the on going resurrection John 11:25, John 12:24, Luke 15:24, you are dead until you wake and grasp that you are that divine seed that fell and died.


You sent multiple PMs to members after admin asked you not to do so. I do not think I'm confusing you with someone else.

Well, I do not know if you are. I have no problem sending private messages, it is one of the functions of the website. But I have been asked to post in the Forum. What it comes down to is that there are many reasons that a person would send a private message.




You, who willingly put yourself under the yoke of bondage, have no business judging me, as I have been delivered from the law. You have fallen into the same trap the Pharisees were under...the sin of pride....that is what the law does to those who claim they adhere to it.

I give up with you. You should be obeying God but instead you tell me that I should not obey God. You are wrong to do so. If you believe that it is the obedience of faith, that faith is your obedience, you should at least obey or observe the essentials in Acts 15. I am not requiring you to obey the Law of Moses for salvation or fellowship, but the new covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah.




When you became a Jew, you fell into the same trap as the Pharisees fell into. Ignorance of God's righteousness..and the temptation to seek it through their own efforts. Enjoy your Sabbath and all the preparations you had to undertake to keep it. Thank God you are not like those other men. :chew:

Romans 10:1-3
Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

You do not yet understand that the Sabbath is a delight.

Remember Ephesians 2:8-9.




Paul taught oikonomia, are you suggesting that Paul was teaching false doctrine?

Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: - Ephesians 2:11-12

But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. - Ephesians 2:13

That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. - Ephesians 2:7

Some examples:
Past - "in time past"
Present - "but now"
Future - "in the ages to come"

Thank you.




OK. Why do you ask me that? I do not know what you mean.I do not like green eggs, and ham. Do you?I have Brill Cream, in my hair.I hate anything that is not of God, or greasy, like Vitalis. Do you like "The Andy Griffith Show?" I do. Peace out.

I only eat kosher food and I do not know much about the Andy Griffith Show.




The whole thread, esp. the title, is just argument bait. Hopefully now everyone will know to ignore this troll permanently.

I am against trolls. This was not about arguing, but somehow you think that it is. I do not know how to help you with this.




From a comment on master Trolling tactics.

Except in that context, the person recommends it as a way to make undesirable people on the internet stop talking to you.

But "Jacob" starts these inflammatory threads, then uses that tactic.

Then when you really did ignore him, he started bombarding you with private messages until he got banned.

He's either a very patient and deliberate jerk, or he's very sick in the head.

I am hurt by your post here. What have I done wrong? How have I offended you. Each and every one of us should love God and our fellow man or fellow Jew.




I was thinking mentally retarded.

I forgive you beameup. Apparently, this is not the time to private message you for offending me, following the Matthew 18:15 pattern or principle, but if I have offended you, do let me know.




For instance. This is not a Catholic thing and never has been. Temperance was always a Protestant thing. :idunno:

I do not understand any of what you have said here. I am a Jew, not a Catholic or a Protestant.




Hi and IF you were really saved , you are still saved as Gal 3:28 says we in that Greek word ARE / ESTE is in the PRESENT TENSE of CONTINUOUS action forever and are always " in Christ !!

#2 , You will never escape the Greek word OIOKINOMIA / DISPENSATION in Paul's letters !!

#2 , Then you can NEVER escape 2 Cor 3:13 , where and not even as MOSES , who was placing a VAIL / COVERING upon his face , for the Children of Israel NOT TO GAZE towards the END of that being ABLOISHED !!

Explain that ??

Then in verse 15 , reads But until this day , when MOSES is being read , A VAIL / COVERING lies upon their HEARTS !!

God is not dealing with Israel today , BUT only with the B O C !!

You just had a BAD Dispensational teacher , REAL BAD ONE !!

dan p

I am sorry. You are wrong. We had many teachers at the church I grew up in, and I do not know who if any taught dispensationalism. I do remember a guest speaker.




Dispensationalism made easy 2Cor 3:6, 1Cor 15:44-45, one looks in the future for a kingdom coming to this world the other enters in within Luke 17:20-21 and enters eternity through the on going resurrection John 11:25, John 12:24, Luke 15:24, you are dead until you wake and grasp that you are that divine seed that fell and died.

How can I help you?




Well-known member

I give up with you.


You should be obeying God but instead you tell me that I should not obey God. You are wrong to do so.

No, I'm telling you that if you think you're obeying God by the things you do, then you are deceiving yourself.

If you believe that it is the obedience of faith, that faith is your obedience, you should at least obey or observe the essentials in Acts 15. I am not requiring you to obey the Law of Moses for salvation or fellowship, but the new covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah.

Is this what you're talking about? Seriously?

Act 15:28-29 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.​

I don't need to abstain from meats offered to idols because I know that an idol is nothing in the world.

1 Cor. 8:4-8 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge: for some with conscience of the idol unto this hour eat it as a thing offered unto an idol; and their conscience being weak is defiled. But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse.​

Actually, I trust in God's ability to perform His work in me. And, amazingly, fornication isn't something I've had to abstain from. Nor have I been tempted to murder or rob a bank.

So, I'm greatly relieved you are not "requiring" me to follow whatever laws you might deem necessary. :chuckle: