Eliminating Dispensationalism


None that I know of. If I do, it's purely chance.

I am here...

Colossians 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.​

And He was obedient unto death so that I could have life IN HIM.

Are you a disciple of Jesus? Are you married? You said that you have a daughter. The question is if you have a husband.





I think that you are confused about me. I am a Jew, not a Christian. I am not Messianic, I am Orthodox. I do not mix meat and dairy. I am an ex-Christian Dispensationalist. I used to be a Gentile. I am a Jew, Jewish, of Israel, as a proselyte and a convert. I do not follow Covenentalism and I am not interested.


Do you believe that the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day is nonfiction, or fiction? That would clear up things for many if not most people.


Do you believe that the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day is nonfiction, or fiction? That would clear up things for many if not most people.

I do not know what you are saying by nonfiction or fiction. I have studied which days Jesus might have died and rose from the dead, and I believe both of these occurred though I do not know when.





I do not know what you are saying by nonfiction or fiction. I have studied which days Jesus might have died and rose from the dead, and I believe both of these occurred though I do not know when.


That's great, thanks. You can call yourself whatever you'd like, but believing that Jesus Christ rose from the dead (nonfiction), makes you my brother, and I'll think of you as such.


I don't follow any commandments or any rules and regulations. Members of the body of Christ have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them. Thus we are led by the Spirit throughout our daily lives. We walk and live according to the Spirit within. The obedience of faith is just the opposite of the obedience to commandments, and it comes through a change we undergo when the love of God is shed abroad on our heart by the Holy Spirit. The desire to please God in all we do needs not be commanded or accomplished through our own efforts, because it's accomplished by our being God's workmanship.

I can also try again.

Obedience to God is taught, even beyond Jesus' life after He died.

Do you believe that you fulfill the requirement of the law (Romans 8:4)?

Without faith it is impossible to please God. Do you obey God in faith? What of the obedience that is by faith? How is it that Paul would bring about obedience among the Gentiles?




That's great, thanks. You can call yourself whatever you'd like, but believing that Jesus Christ rose from the dead (nonfiction), makes you my brother, and I'll think of you as such.

Thank you for saying this.




OK. I do not know what you are saying. Do you like TV, and beer? I do. Peace out.

No. I do not. I do not like beer. I do not drink beer. I grew up withouta television, and I do not know if I will ever have one of my own. I do enjoy watching some sports, but I would rather teach Torah and share the gospel.




Well-known member

No. I do not. I do not like beer. I do not drink beer. I grew up withouta television, and I do not know if I will ever have one of my own. I do enjoy watching some sports, but I would rather teach Torah and share the gospel.



How in the world can you teach something you obviously know nothing about?

That's like a 6 yr. old in beginners swimming class deciding he's a swimming instructor applying for a job at the local pool. :doh:


I am a member of the body of Christ. Why are you asking about my personal life?


Why are you telling me about your daughter? I am not married and I am not looking to be married. Women are not to teach or exercise authority over men. I am a man, 36 years old. I am a Jew, of Israel. I am a proselyte and a convert. I am Jewish. I read, study, observe, and teach Torah. I believe Yeshua to be the Messiah. I believe that you should obey God's commands, that you should observe His commandments. But it should be your husband telling you this at home. Unless you address me and say God's commandments are not for today. Then what should I do? Do you understand now? God bless. And God's peace to you.




How in the world can you teach something you obviously know nothing about?

That's like a 6 yr. old in beginners swimming class deciding he's a swimming instructor applying for a job at the local pool. :doh:


I used to be a Swimming Instructor.

I observe and teach Torah. What more is there for you to know?

Do you have a question about one of the commandments of God?

Do you have any beliefs that are false that you have questions about or that you need to know something to help you?

Teachers, Rabbis, usually teach men or a congregation. The older women should teach the younger women. If you are a mother you can teach your children.




Well-known member
Do you believe that you fulfill the requirement of the law (Romans 8:4)?

Let's keep this simple.

The righteous requirement of the law IS FULFILLED IN US....it is not fulfilled BY us.

Do you understand the difference between our doing something and something being done for us?


Well-known member
I used to be a Swimming Instructor.

Really? What did your Red Cross card say at the top?

I observe and teach Torah. What more is there for you to know?

That's odd since you claimed you thought condemnation was not a part of the Law.

Do you have a question about one of the commandments of God?

None that I think you can answer.

Do you have any beliefs that are false that you have questions about or that you need to know something to help you?

No, I'm merely pointing out the things that you clearly don't know...hoping to help you understand the difference between the law and grace, and what it means to obey the GOSPEL.

Teachers, Rabbis, usually teach men or a congregation. The older women should teach the younger women. If you are a mother you can teach your children.

This is not a church or a congregation. This is an open forum and I am in Christ....there is no Jew or Greek, male or female IN HIM.

If you are a believer, then you are a babe in need of instruction. Badly in need of instruction.

I don't believe you're anywhere near being saved, and you won't be if you remain on this path of being a pretend Jew. You are in the flesh....not even your own flesh at that.