Does Luke 19:44 disprove Preterism?

john w

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If it lines up perfectly with scripture, than it's a validation of the infallible scripture.

If it's contrary to scripture, then it's man-made.

Wow-that's quite deep, Craigie. Let me catch my breath....

More sophistry, deception.

Translated:If it lines up perfectly with scripture, as I, Tellalie, interpret it,it's a validation of the infallible scripture.

If it's contrary to scripture, as I, devil boy interpret it, then it's man-made.

This is the deceit we are dealing with, folks, with this child of the devil, with him spamming this satanic "argument" of sophistry, "man made," "follow the teachings of men/fallable men" deceit. As if "of men" adds anything to his false doctrine charges.

Are you a man, Craigie? Should we follow you? Are your Preterist teachers men? You thus follow "man made" doctrine. Let me guess: You follow "God made" doctrine, and that "proves" Preterism. Right, punk?

Are not all false doctrines "of men," "man made," Craigie? How does that assertion do anything to your/mine/anyone's argument, and invalidate the veracity of any belief system?

Save it-it's a rhetorical question, you deceiving punk, as is my "Are you man?" question.

john w

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The only infallible man to ever walk planet earth was Christ Jesus.


Yes Mr. Whalen, they were fallible men who invented dispensationalism just over 150 years ago.Mr. Whalen, you might want to ask yourself why you follow the teachings of these fallible men?"-Tet., the Preterist/Roman Catholic

I don't know why, sweetie. Just point out these infallible men, that taught/teach you, your Preterism/AD 70-ism, and all us dispies will follow them.

"A secret parenthetical time period is a false theory made up by fallible men.”-Preterist con man “tetelestai,” AKA Craigie

"MAD is a false non-Biblical belief system that was made up by fallable men."-Preterist Craigee Tet.

Just point out these infallible men, that taught/teach you, your Preterism/AD 70-ism, and all us dispies will follow them.

Do be a dear.

"Yes Mr. Whalen, they were fallible men who invented dispensationalism just over 150 years ago.Mr. Whalen, you might want to ask yourself why you follow the teachings of these fallible men?"-Tet., the Preterist/Roman Catholic

Hey, TOL members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tellalie Craigie points out that fallible men live earth, 150 years ago, and today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shazam, Gomer Tellalie!!!!

And all TOL members might want to ask yourself, per Craigie, why you follow the teachings of fallible men on earth!!!!! Follow infallible men on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

john w

New member
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So what? And it wasn't on purpose.

They still say the same thing.

The only thing you are interested in is trying to get me in a "gotcha"

You twist everything I say hoping I'll contradict myself somewhere.

Why don't you try actually discussing the topic of the thread you started instead of trying to make the topic all about me?

He is getting bloodied, and resorts to his "says the same are not discussing the topic...." whimper.

No, punk, part of the topic is your habitual lying, sophistry, and deceit-you.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
So, you guys are left with no other alternative, then to try and make the thread all about me.

Spam...."These meanies are making it about me.....Stop it!!!!" Hypocrite, as your "ministry" is "personal" attacks, name calling, insults, misquoting our beliefs, you wicked satanic Preterist.


Well-known member
What Josephus wrote, confirms what is written in the Bible.

For example, the book of Revelation tells us that the city of Jerusalem would be divided into three parts:

(Rev 16:19) And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

Josephus described the city in 66AD:

"And now there were three treacherous factions in the city, the one parted from the other."
- Book V, Chapter I, Section 6

So when you link this with what Josephus said to Revelation 16:19 KJV are you saying that the "woman" who is divided into three parts is "Babylon"? the woman that is riding the beast with 7 heads and is described as the great city and that she is the one who has her candle extinguished Revelation 18:23 KJV ?

john w

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I said anything that does not align with scripture is man made.

It is my opinion that Dispensationalism does not align with scripture, and therefore man made.

Translated:I said anything that does not align with scripture, as I, Tellalie, interpret it, is man made.

=I, Tellalie, have determined that it does not align with scripture, so, being infallible, I assess that it is "man made."

That says NADA, you deceiver, in disproving/proving anything, you serpent. You assume, what you have to prove, with an assertion, that proves nothing, loser.

All false doctrine is "man made."

So, he once again asserts that Preterism is "God made," infallible.

It's also very easy to see that Dispensationlaism was invented by one man, which is why it's not surprising that it doesn't align with scripture.

All false doctrine is "invented," you deceiving punk, by men, so that does NADA for your "argument."

Sophistry-deceptive argumentation.

You and Little Johnny W are obsessed with the word "infallible"
Liar, you pudgy, effeminate sodomite.

You assert, on record, as one of your "arguments" against dispensationalism, as to why it is a "false belief system," is that it is/was taught by "fallible men." So, devil boy, either:

-Produce these infallible men, identifying them, that teach/have taught you/others, your AD 70-ism/Preterism, making it "not false, or,

-Admit that you are so obsessed with allegedly disproving dispensationalism, that you have been enaging in a satanic "argument" of deceit, sophistry.

Watch this Preterist punk deflect, spin, this, with more deception....Watch...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I have NEVER said that.

Nope, not what I think, and never said that.

Another one of Tellalie's "I have never said"'s....

Habitual liar:

You, on record, claim that your Preterism/AD 70-ism, is taught by infallible men, in contrast to dispensationalism:

"Yes Mr. Whalen, they were fallible men who invented dispensationalism just over 150 years ago.Mr. Whalen, you might want to ask yourself why you follow the teachings of these fallible men?"-Tet., the Preterist/Roman Catholic

Show us these fallible men we should follow, Craigie, as you say you claim you follow.

Are not all men fallible, devil boy? If so, how does your "they were fallible men who invented dispensationalism just over 150 years ago" say anything, but prove that you engage in deceptive argumentation, sophistry, to satisfy your obsession?

"A secret parenthetical time period is a false theory made up by fallible men.”-Preterist con man “tetelestai,” AKA Craigie

"MAD is a false non-Biblical belief system that was made up by fallable men."-Preterist Craigee Tet.

Show us these fallible men we should follow, Craigie, as you say you claim you follow.

Are not all men, fallible, devil boy? If so, how does your "they were fallible men who invented dispensationalism just over 150 years ago" say anything, but prove that you engage in deceptive argumentation, sophistry, to satisfy your obsession?

Of course, the mutt follows the teachings of infallible men, such as the pope, right Wimpy?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Just use Luke 19:44 as the example.

I believe it was fulfilled in 70AD. I believe the million plus Jews who were killed were killed because they rejected their Messiah that God sent to them.

You believe? Who taught it to you, punk, as I've asked you, for years? Go on record, and assert that all this "fulfilled in AD 70" jazz, you learned, on your own, from just reading/studying the bible. Go ahead, effeminate one. Tell all of TOL, that you gleaned "AD 70" all on your own, w/o anyone teaching it to you.

If not, then identify these infallible Preterist/AD 70 teachers, from which you learned this "non modern" teaching, that was taught 2000years ago, or so, or since "The Flintstones." Name names.

After all, sodomite, we do not want to believe a "false belief system" taught by fallible men.

We will wait, Wimpy.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
2 of Tellalie's primary sources, from which he plagiarizes/copies'npaste, are from these "teachings/inventions of men"=J. Stuart Russell, and Max King:





He is a Russell-ite, King-ite, besides being a Hankie Hanegraaf groupie.

Why do you follow the teaching/"inventions" of fallable men, Craigie?

And tell us a little more about this "everyone" that saw this "un-physical" "Jesus" allegedly return in AD 70, in the guise of the Roman army, who were awaiting their salvation/deliverance.

Go ahead.

Not a peep.


I thought you were saying that Rev 20:5 was still to come, you meant it for 70AD.


So everything that happened in Revelation prior to 20:5 happened prior to 70AD?

Pretty much yes.

It doesn't say they will be caught up once they die.

That's how I understand it.

So you'd say this....

Luk 17:33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.
Luk 17:34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.
Luk 17:35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Luk 17:36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

I believe this is describing the timing of the event.

Remember, according to Dispensationalism, the rapture can't be anywhere in the Bible before Paul taught it, because Dispies claim the rapture is part of the secret mysteries only revealed to Paul, and that they cannot be found anywhere in the Bible before Paul.

Were the tares being killed during the battles between 66-70?

Yes, I believe the Great Tribulation happened for 3.5 years from 66AD to 70AD.


So when you link this with what Josephus said to Revelation 16:19 KJV are you saying that the "woman" who is divided into three parts is "Babylon"?

Jerusalem is referred to as "Babylon" in Revelation.

Jerusalem is also referred to as a "she" in Revelation who has committed adultery with other nations.

the woman that is riding the beast with 7 heads and is described as the great city and that she is the one who has her candle extinguished Revelation 18:23 KJV ?

I don't think that's the right verse, but yes the woman is Jerusalem.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Josephus was there, and saw it.

I don't know if Tacitus was there or not.

The unemployed sodomist cites a Christ rejector.

No, punk. You, on record, asserted that when this "Jesus" you cite, came in 70 AD, even though he was "un physical," "everyone" saw him.

For over the 150th time-identify this "everyone."

Do it, you deceiving windbag.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Let's go, Craigie. You assert, on record, as one of your "arguments" against dispensationalism, as to why it is a "false belief system," is that it is/was taught by "fallible men." So, devil boy, either:

-Produce these infallible men, identifying them, that teach/have taught you/others, your AD 70-ism/Preterism, making it "not false, or,

-Admit that you are so obsessed with allegedly disproving dispensationalism, that you have been enaging in a satanic "argument" of deceit, sophistry.

Not a peep.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Josephus was there, and saw it.

I don't know if Tacitus was there or not.

"Tet: "The LORD Jesus Christ returned in the form of a Roman Army." "-STP

"Never said that."-Tet.


"Tet is a preterist that believes Christ already returned in 70 AD via the Roman Army."-Tambora, on another TOL thread

"Correct, and thanks for making it clear that it was the Roman army that was His return."-stupid Craigie

"The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. That is what Jesus meant when He said He will return."-Gomer Tet.


He lies, again:

"Jesus never physically returned, and never will physically return to planet earth after He ascended to Heaven"-Preterist deceiver Tet.

=satanic, also, as no scripture says that the Lord Jesus Chris would lose His "flesh and bone" glorified, resurrected body, with which He ascended to the third heaven, when He returned-NADA. Satanic Preterism, Craigie being a shill, makes this up.

The lie...according to this Preterist con job, in this "man made" AD 70-ism "belief system," he returned "un physically," but everyone saw Him, and signs are invisible.

“And that is what happened. The Lord came in a way that everyone could see Him. However, He never touched planet earth, and when this event was over, He then sat on the throne in Heaven NOT on planet earth.”-Tet.

Ascended up physically, never returned physically in AD 70, just as some disembodied spirit, everyone saw Him, even though he did not return physically in AD 70. was the Roman army.

You wicked deceiver.

Now for over the 150th time, Craigie, identify this "everyone"that allegedly saw this "Jesus" return in 70 AD, this "Jesus" who returned with no "flesh and bone," but merely a "disembodied spirit."
Gives us names, citations. ___________________

Hebrews 9:28 KJV

so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Vs. Preterist Perverter Craigie Tellalie:

"The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. That is what Jesus meant when He said He will return."-Gomer Tet.

Shazam, Gomer Tellalie! The Roman army was looking for the Saviour, for their salvation/deliverance, and He appeared to them!!!!!! That is the second coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Preterist scam snake oil................

Tellalie: Signs are invisible....Darby....Everyone saw Him, as that everyone was Josephus, see, uh, urr, well.............

Answer my questions, you vile sodomite.


Not a peep.


New member
I don't know if Tacitus was there or not.

Then why provide someone who you do not know if he witnessed the MOST INCREDIBLE MOMENTOUS EVENT in the history of humankind, the second coming of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as evidence of his eyewitness?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Pretty much yes.

That's how I understand it.

I believe this is describing the timing of the event.

Remember, according to Dispensationalism, the rapture can't be anywhere in the Bible before Paul taught it, because Dispies claim the rapture is part of the secret mysteries only revealed to Paul, and that they cannot be found anywhere in the Bible before Paul.

Yes, I believe the Great Tribulation happened for 3.5 years from 66AD to 70AD.

You're the BIGGEST dope on TOL. That's my professional