Does Luke 19:44 disprove Preterism?


New member
Possibly, but he links them to their fathers. And ultimately it goes back to Cain.

Why stop at Cain? if the serpent seduced eve to sin against God then this is where they forsook God as their father to follow "their father" the devil. maybe the key word in that sentence is "this" as in "this generation of vipers" as compared to other generations of them???? it is written that there are 14 generations from David to Christ? correct me if I'm wrong

john w

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Hey Little Johnny W the Dance Director,

Why don't you actually address the topic of the post.

(Luke 19:44) They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”

Was this prophecy fulfilled?

Was the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD the fulfillment of this prophecy?

What about all the other Darby Followers and MADists?

Was Luke 19:44 fulfilled?

Why don't you get a job, devil Boy? I'm a stock trader. Get your w-2 yet, sweetie? Oh yes.....You are unemployed. Shall we compare the taxes I pay, vs. your income, when you did work, infidel? What's the problem, Craigie boy, DeMar/Hannegraaf follower/plagiarizer?

Why don't you actually address the topic, that we've asked you for years, and on this thread, Wimpy?.

"Nor did I say Christ Jesus came in the "form" of the Roman army."-Tellalie

Like you never said, in your denial to STP, when he asserted that you said, " The LORD Jesus Christ returned in the form of a Roman Army."

"Tet: "The LORD Jesus Christ returned in the form of a Roman Army." "-STP

"Never said that."-Tet.


"Tet is a preterist that believes Christ already returned in 70 AD via the Roman Army."-Tambora, on another TOL thread

"Correct, and thanks for making it clear that it was the Roman army that was His return."-stupid Craigie

"The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. That is what Jesus meant when He said He will return."-Gomer Tet.


He lies, again:

"Jesus never physically returned, and never will physically return to planet earth after He ascended to Heaven"-Preterist deceiver Tet.

=satanic, also, as no scripture says that the Lord Jesus Chris would lose His "flesh and bone" glorified, resurrected body, with which He ascended to the third heaven, when He returned-NADA. Satanic Preterism, Craigie being a shill, makes this up.

The lie...according to this Preterist con job, in this "man made" AD 70-ism "belief system," he returned "un physically," but everyone saw Him, and signs are invisible.

“And that is what happened. The Lord came in a way that everyone could see Him. However, He never touched planet earth, and when this event was over, He then sat on the throne in Heaven NOT on planet earth.”-Tet.

Ascended up physically, never returned physically in AD 70, just as some disembodied spirit, everyone saw Him, even though he did not return physically in AD 70. was the Roman army.

You wicked deceiver.

Now for over the 100th time, Craigie, identify this "everyone"that allegedly saw this "Jesus" return in 70 AD, this "Jesus" who returned with no "flesh and bone," but merely a "disembodied spirit."
Gives us names, citations. ___________________

Hebrews 9:28 KJV

so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Vs. Preterist Perverter Craigie Tellalie:

"The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. That is what Jesus meant when He said He will return."-Gomer Tet.

Shazam, Gomer Tellalie! The Roman army was looking for the Saviour, for their salvation/deliverance, and He appeared to them!!!!!! That is the second coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Preterist scam snake oil................

Tellalie: Signs are invisible....Darby....Everyone saw Him, as that everyone was Josephus, see, uh, urr, well.............


it is written that there are 14 generations from David to Christ? correct me if I'm wrong

You're 100% right.

Christ Jesus specifically spoke of "this generation", which was the generation of His contemporaries.

Dispensationalists can't handle this truth because it's a Death Knell to their belief system.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey Little Johnny W the Dance Director,

Why don't you actually address the topic of the post.

(Luke 19:44) They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”

Was this prophecy fulfilled?

Was the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD the fulfillment of this prophecy?

What about all the other Darby Followers and MADists?

Was Luke 19:44 fulfilled?

Hey,effeminate, unemployed Craigie:

1. Why don't you actually address that you plagiarized your Luke 19:44 KJV "interpretation," as I documented, on this thread, and that you learned it from your stack of Preterist/AD 70 books, articles, websites, and that you "follow men," and are therefore are an actress, hypocrite?

Well, sweetie?

2. Go on record, punk, and tell us that you learned Preterism/AD 70-ism, just by reading, studying the bible, and that no one taught it to you. Go ahead, punk.
He won't. And he won't address this:

Still waiting, for over 2 years, perveter Tellalie:

It is undisputed, that you "invented" this satanic "doctrine:"

-That the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the law, the law that he never taught,

-People are brought to Christ, in the past, and now, by being taught the law, by the Levites, by Christ rejecting Jews, and not by the LORD God, who,by definition, is the Lord Jesus Christ,

-That the Lord Jesus Christ lost His "flesh and bone" body, upon ascending to heaven, and thus is not a man today, is just some "disembodied spirit," and thus is not the mediator between God and man,

-That there is no redemption of the body,the adoption, promised to members of the boc, thus perverting the gospel of Christ, 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV...

-That the Roman army in AD 70, was the second coming, "the second time," and that the Roman army was looking for the return of the Saviour, for their salvation, as you assert...

And you cannot provide anyone, on record, that ever taught this satanic "doctrine" of yours, before you did.

Right Craigie pie?

Not a peep.

Show us some documentation, Craigie, re. this "The Roman army in 70 AD" was the second coming. Show us others teaching that, before you. Show us the books, from which you plagiarized that, devil boy.

I thought so. Craigie suffers another "death knell!!!!"

Tell us where you learned this "Roman army was the second coming in AD 70" "invention," Craigie.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey mysteryboy,

How many quotes from the early church fathers do we need to post before you acknowledge that Luke 19:44 was fulfilled?

Hey, devil boy-answer my questions.

Is your "domestic partner" with you, as you post, so you are trying to impress him, with how tough you are, with this "mystery boy" characterization, and "Johnny..." Feel better, wimp? Get a testosterone rush, did you Craigie? How did you get a cutie name like "Craigie?"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
He's admitted to being Roman Catholic?

He has asserted, on record, that he follows "infallable men." The only group I know of, that asserts infallibilty of their leader, is the RCO.

And his "eschatology" is identical to the RCO, and its replacement "theology.

Ask him to identify these infallible men that has stated that he follows. I've asked him for over 3 years-not a peep.


Craigie: Identify these "infallable" men you claim, "argue," that you follow.


Hey Little Johnny W the Dance Director,

When are you going to address the topic of the thread (Luke 19:44)

Are you in agreement with your fellow Darby Follower mysteryboy, that it wasn't fulfilled, or are you afraid to disagree with your fellow Darby Follower mysteryboy?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey Little Johnny W the Dance Director,

When are you going to address the topic of the thread (Luke 19:44)

Are you in agreement with your fellow Darby Follower mysteryboy, that it wasn't fulfilled, or are you afraid to disagree with your fellow Darby Follower mysteryboy?

Hey,effeminate, unemployed Craigie:

1. Why don't you actually address that you plagiarized your Luke 19:44 KJV "interpretation," as I documented, on this thread, and that you learned it from your stack of Preterist/AD 70 books, articles, websites, and that you "follow men," and are therefore are an actress, hypocrite?

Well, sweetie?

2. Go on record, punk, and tell us that you learned Preterism/AD 70-ism, just by reading, studying the bible, and that no one taught it to you. Go ahead, punk.
He won't. And he won't address this:

Still waiting, for over 2 years, perveter Tellalie, to address the topic, which is his satanic Preterism:

It is undisputed, that you "invented" this satanic "doctrine:"

-That the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the law, the law that he never taught,

-People are brought to Christ, in the past, and now, by being taught the law, by the Levites, by Christ rejecting Jews, and not by the LORD God, who,by definition, is the Lord Jesus Christ,

-That the Lord Jesus Christ lost His "flesh and bone" body, upon ascending to heaven, and thus is not a man today, is just some "disembodied spirit," and thus is not the mediator between God and man,

-That there is no redemption of the body,the adoption, promised to members of the boc, thus perverting the gospel of Christ, 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV...

-That the Roman army in AD 70, was the second coming, "the second time," and that the Roman army was looking for the return of the Saviour, for their salvation, as you assert...

And you cannot provide anyone, on record, that ever taught this satanic "doctrine" of yours, before you did.

Right Craigie pie?

Not a peep.

Show us some documentation, Craigie, re. this "The Roman army in 70 AD" was the second coming. Show us others teaching that, before you. Show us the books, from which you plagiarized that, devil boy.

I thought so. Craigie suffers another "death knell!!!!"

Tell us where you learned this "Roman army was the second coming in AD 70" "invention," Craigie.

When are you going to address the topic of the thread-your satanic Preterism/AD 70ism, which asserts that the Lord Jesus was seen by everyone, and yet he was invisible? Wait....He was the Roman army...............

Identify this "everyone."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey Little Johnny W the Dance Director,

When are you going to address the topic of the thread (Luke 19:44)

Are you in agreement with your fellow Darby Follower mysteryboy, that it wasn't fulfilled, or are you afraid to disagree with your fellow Darby Follower mysteryboy?

Hey, soft, effeminate Craigie the unemployed leach/free loader:

When are you going to address the topic that you do not
follow Paul, as you, in hypocrisy accuse others of, as you have admitted that you are a sodomite, and unemployed. Paul calls you an "infidel," and condemns sodomy.


As we see, Little Johnny W the Dance Director refuses to address the topic of this thread, which is Luke 19:44

Not only has Little Johnny W the Dance Director refused to address this verse (and topic of thread), but all of Little Johnny W the Dance Director's fellow Darby Followers have refused to address what mysteryboy has claimed.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
The verse proves that 70AD was the fulfillment of Matt 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13.

Luke 19:44 proves your Dispensationalism wrong, that's why you don't like it.

There is no mention of the destruction of the temple in relation to the coming again of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Peter says heaven must hold Him until the time of the restoration of all things as spoken by the mouth of all the prophets since the world began.

He comes to restore, He comes to reign

Grosnick Marowbe

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1Pe 4:8 And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves:

for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.



I am a Canadian and I speak Canadian eh !

Well now, that was certainly disingenuous. What, no phony prophesies today?


Well-known member
He has asserted, on record, that he follows "infallable men." The only group I know of, that asserts infallibilty of their leader, is the RCO.

And his "eschatology" is identical to the RCO, and its replacement "theology.

Ask him to identify these infallible men that has stated that he follows. I've asked him for over 3 years-not a peep.


Craigie: Identify these "infallable" men you claim, "argue," that you follow.

No Bible believer claims to follow any man since the canon closed as infallible. He must be Catholic. His statement of faith earlier today, as far as it went, was fully utterable by a Catholic.

patrick jane

No Bible believer claims to follow any man since the canon closed as infallible. He must be Catholic. His statement of faith earlier today, as far as it went, was fully utterable by a Catholic.

When I googled who invented preterism it lists the name Luis de Alcasar, a Catholic.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
As we see, Little Johnny W the Dance Director refuses to address the topic of this thread, which is Luke 19:44

Not only has Little Johnny W the Dance Director refused to address this verse (and topic of thread), but all of Little Johnny W the Dance Director's fellow Darby Followers have refused to address what mysteryboy has claimed.

Hey, admitted unemployed sodomite, "homosexual," tell us about this Roman army being the second coming, sweetie, as the Roman army was awaiting their salvation. Tell us who this"everyone" was, that saw tis "un-physical" Saviour.

What's the problem, devil boy? Out of Hank Hanegraaf tapes, loser?

And tell everyone how you lost your job, propositioned me, in an email, and I rebuked you, and you, in spite, to get even with that mean John W., now call me " Little Johnny W the Dance Director," even though I offered to met you in DFW, when that dyed hair wife of yours was in my area, and you wimped out.

Tell everybody about this, Craigie the wimp.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
As we see, Little Johnny W the Dance Director refuses to address the topic of this thread, which is Luke 19:44

Not only has Little Johnny W the Dance Director refused to address this verse (and topic of thread), but all of Little Johnny W the Dance Director's fellow Darby Followers have refused to address what mysteryboy has claimed.

Not only has the unemployed sodomite, Craigie,refused to address my last 50 questions, including this "Roman army was the second coming," and who this "everyone" was, that saw this "un-physical" Saviour, allegedly return in AD 70, he refuses to address, why he does not get get a job, not following Paul, and why, in deceit, calls me a homosexual , when, in filth, he propositioned me in an e"male." Why don't you actually address the topic, that we've asked you for years, and on this thread, Wimpy?.

"Nor did I say Christ Jesus came in the "form" of the Roman army."-Tellalie

Like you never said, in your denial to STP, when he asserted that you said, " The LORD Jesus Christ returned in the form of a Roman Army."

"Tet: "The LORD Jesus Christ returned in the form of a Roman Army." "-STP

"Never said that."-Tet.


"Tet is a preterist that believes Christ already returned in 70 AD via the Roman Army."-Tambora, on another TOL thread

"Correct, and thanks for making it clear that it was the Roman army that was His return."-stupid Craigie

"The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. That is what Jesus meant when He said He will return."-Gomer Tet.


He lies, again:

"Jesus never physically returned, and never will physically return to planet earth after He ascended to Heaven"-Preterist deceiver Tet.

=satanic, also, as no scripture says that the Lord Jesus Chris would lose His "flesh and bone" glorified, resurrected body, with which He ascended to the third heaven, when He returned-NADA. Satanic Preterism, Craigie being a shill, makes this up.

The lie...according to this Preterist con job, in this "man made" AD 70-ism "belief system," he returned "un physically," but everyone saw Him, and signs are invisible.

“And that is what happened. The Lord came in a way that everyone could see Him. However, He never touched planet earth, and when this event was over, He then sat on the throne in Heaven NOT on planet earth.”-Tet.

Ascended up physically, never returned physically in AD 70, just as some disembodied spirit, everyone saw Him, even though he did not return physically in AD 70. was the Roman army.

You wicked deceiver.

Now for over the 100th time, Craigie, identify this "everyone"that allegedly saw this "Jesus" return in 70 AD, this "Jesus" who returned with no "flesh and bone," but merely a "disembodied spirit."
Gives us names, citations. ___________________

Hebrews 9:28 KJV

so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

Vs. Preterist Perverter Craigie Tellalie:

"The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. That is what Jesus meant when He said He will return."-Gomer Tet.

Shazam, Gomer Tellalie! The Roman army was looking for the Saviour, for their salvation/deliverance, and He appeared to them!!!!!! That is the second coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Preterist scam snake oil................

Tellalie: Signs are invisible....Darby....Everyone saw Him, as that everyone was Josephus, see, uh, urr, well.............

Answer my questions, you vile sodomite.


Not a peep.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
As we see, Little Johnny W the Dance Director refuses to address the topic of this thread, which is Luke 19:44

Not only has Little Johnny W the Dance Director refused to address this verse (and topic of thread), but all of Little Johnny W the Dance Director's fellow Darby Followers have refused to address what mysteryboy has claimed.

Hey,effeminate, unemployed Craigie:

1. Why don't you actually address that you plagiarized your Luke 19:44 KJV "interpretation," as I documented, on this thread, and that you learned it from your stack of Preterist/AD 70 books, articles, websites, and that you "follow men," and are therefore are an actress, hypocrite?

Well, sweetie?

2. Go on record, punk, and tell us that you learned Preterism/AD 70-ism, just by reading, studying the bible, and that no one taught it to you. Go ahead, punk.
He won't. And he won't address this:

Still waiting, for over 2 years, perveter Tellalie:

It is undisputed, that you "invented" this satanic "doctrine:"

-That the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the law, the law that he never taught,

-People are brought to Christ, in the past, and now, by being taught the law, by the Levites, by Christ rejecting Jews, and not by the LORD God, who,by definition, is the Lord Jesus Christ,

-That the Lord Jesus Christ lost His "flesh and bone" body, upon ascending to heaven, and thus is not a man today, is just some "disembodied spirit," and thus is not the mediator between God and man,

-That there is no redemption of the body,the adoption, promised to members of the boc, thus perverting the gospel of Christ, 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV...

-That the Roman army in AD 70, was the second coming, "the second time," and that the Roman army was looking for the return of the Saviour, for their salvation, as you assert...

And you cannot provide anyone, on record, that ever taught this satanic "doctrine" of yours, before you did.

Right Craigie pie?

Not a peep.

Show us some documentation, Craigie, re. this "The Roman army in 70 AD" was the second coming. Show us others teaching that, before you. Show us the books, from which you plagiarized that, devil boy.
I thought so. Craigie suffers another "death knell!!!!"

Tell us where you learned this "Roman army was the second coming in AD 70" "invention," Craigie.

You pathetic, effeminate, loser, like the Pirates, and Steelers.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No Bible believer claims to follow any man since the canon closed as infallible. He must be Catholic. His statement of faith earlier today, as far as it went, was fully utterable by a Catholic.

Ask him if he follows "infallable men," in contrast to us "men follower" dispies/MADists, and you won't get a peep out of the punk, as I have his quotes, where he claims, he does.