Does Luke 19:44 disprove Preterism?


New member
The pressure of the Catholic--Protestant conflict in 1800s UK caused the appearance of dispensationalism. The counter-Reformation Jesuit Ribera had devised an eschatology that 'saved' the face of the Pope from being called AC. The Brethren thought that the Catholic--Protestant conflict could be further defused if there was a view that there were sealed compartments of time in which Israel was and would again be the focus of God's work. Then every faction was 'correct' at least at some segment of time.

Oh, Tet is going to be so mad at you that you are giving credit to Jesuit Ribera instead of Darby (whoever these guys are).

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
One must have the guidance of the Holy Spirit within them (be in the Body
of Christ) to have the right kind of understanding when studying the Bible.
I don't know if TeT or his ilk are truly a member of the Body of Christ? I've
not heard his testimony of faith. Most of these type guys refuse to give
a testimony of their faith. I know, I've asked them.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That’s because you have never read all of his posts.

Tet has continuously asserted in these our TOL battle grounds that the second coming of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has already happened in the form of the Roman Army in 70AD and everyone saw the event.

Do you have any scrolls or papyri from immediately after 70AD giving the minute details of such an INCREDIBLY AWESOME momentous event transpiring as the second coming of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in clouds of glory? It would be mind boggling to be able to read first hand accounts from MANY, many, many people, even if simple scribbles on pieces of pottery or animal skins or papyri.

The shock of such an event would demand that all who saw it would leave some type of information of what they saw, I'd say.

Can you imagine yourself seeing Jesus Christ glorious second return happening with your own eyes and saying absolutely nothing to no one? Writing nothing anywhere? Having someone else write something if you cannot, for whatever reason? Ever?

Where are all the WRITTEN WITNESSES of such a momentous event immediately after it happened? Don't need ALL the written witnesses, two or three written witnesses would suffice for me as the Bible demands.



New member
D'ism is far more driven by this than by good integrated scholarship of the self-organizing passages of the NT that speak about the whole scope of history. That is why it must rely heavily on the Rev and dangle precariously from Mt 23:39 and Rom 11:26, both understood poorly.

D’ism as you say is ALL over the Bible.

God could not give His TOTAL plan to mankind in one swoop.
Mankind cannot/could not absorb it all in one spoon.
God has through the ages dispensed pieces of His total plan.
Paul receiving the final piece and NOW we have the COMPLETE plan of God that God started imparting to mankind in Genesis.

From now to eternity, man is without excuse as God has no more parts to reveal from His plan as God gave His final revelation of His plan to Paul and Paul has imparted God's complete plan to us.

The taking it or leaving it is on the eyes of the beholder.


New member

So, they overturned every stone to get at the melted Gold.

You can see the stones beside the place where the Temple once stood.


New member
re MAD.
About 100 years after the letters, when the ECFs were trying to figure out what it meant now that the 'delay' of Mt24B etc was in place, some of them began to think that certain events would resume in Israel. The only path to that position was the Rev. It is certainly not in Rom 2, 8, I Cor 15, 2 Pet 3, Heb 9, 2 Tim 4, I Jn on antichrist--there is nothing Judaic about those descriptions of the 2nd coming in judgement and the arrival of the NHNE.

MAD is simply the last piece of revelation from God given to the Apostle Paul that God's TOTAL plan has NOW been imparted to mankind; and as such, NOW, mankind is without excuse, where before, the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent (Acts 17:30).

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
D’ism as you say is ALL over the Bible.

God could not give His TOTAL plan to mankind in one swoop.
Mankind cannot/could not absorb it all in one spoon.
God has through the ages dispensed pieces of His total plan.
Paul receiving the final piece and NOW we have the COMPLETE plan of God that God started imparting to mankind in Genesis.

From now to eternity, man is without excuse as God has no more parts to reveal from His plan as God gave His final revelation of His plan to Paul and Paul has imparted God's complete plan to us.

The taking it or leaving it is on the eyes of the beholder.

Yep. It's there to accept or reject.


New member
Grosneck said,
Before I open the Bible to read/study I pray that God will
give me wisdom and the ability to understand what I'm
about to read. I let the Holy Spirit help me, not TeT,
Josephus, Darby, etc.
Looks like you need to read the part about not Offending others.
Mt 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mr 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Lu 17:2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.


New member

So, they overturned every stone to get at the melted Gold.

You can see the stones beside the place where the Temple once stood.

What's your point.
You need to be a little more specific as we mortals cannot read minds.


New member
Grosneck said,
Before I open the Bible to read/study I pray that God will
give me wisdom and the ability to understand what I'm
about to read. I let the Holy Spirit help me, not TeT,
Josephus, Darby, etc.
Looks like you need to read the part about not Offending others.
Mt 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mr 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Lu 17:2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

You should take that as your own motto.


Well-known member
TeT blames a guy name Darby (who most of us never heard of) for the belief
in different dispensations. I believe that we're living in the Dispensation of
Grace. I never heard of Darby before coming to TOL. I see the proof of what
Paul talked about in the written word of God. Not from TeT, Josephus, or
anybody else.

And Tet will say you're lying or crazy, because it's impossible that anyone could come to the view we have without somehow getting it from Darby.


And Tet will say you're lying or crazy, because it's impossible that anyone could come to the view we have without somehow getting it from Darby.

Simple logic proves me correct.

If what you believe didn't exist until Darby invented it, then it came from Darby.

What you are saying would be like saying everything in the Book of Mormon existed before Joseph Smith.

You live in denial.


New member
Hall of Fame
To all preterists on this thread, since there seems to be more than one.

Who in 70 AD or immediately thereafter claimed that the destruction of Jerusalem was actually the return of Christ predicted in the NT?

Good question.


Well-known member
He won't touch that question-I've been asking him that for over 2 years. He even agreed to answer it, in a thread, but bailed on it, as is his MO. He punted 4 threads, of which I started in his "honor," addressing his satanic assertions.

So how about that, Tet? Does JohnW speak the truth? Prove he isn't by answering this question:

Who in 70 AD or immediately thereafter claimed that the destruction of Jerusalem was actually the return of Christ predicted in the NT?

Name a contemporary to the event. Replies containing the words dispensationalism, Darby, Bullinger, desperation or anything else that avoids the question will be taken to mean there was no one who claimed it.[/QUOTE]

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Simple logic proves me correct.

If what you believe didn't exist until Darby invented it, then it came from Darby.

What you are saying would be like saying everything in the Book of Mormon existed before Joseph Smith.

You live in denial.

You're truly one of the oddball characters around TOL. You're not
meant to be taken seriously.